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- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor J. Wheatley
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor K. Rigby
- Councillor D. Mason
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor Mrs L. Ball (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- Councillor J. Longdon (Notts County Council)
- Kashmir Purewal (Member of the Public)
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
73/20 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor D. Pringle (Broxtowe Borough Council) and PCSO Peter Keeley (Police).
74/20 Declaration of interest
There were no Declarations of Interest made.
75/20 Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 16 July 2020 were approved as a correct record with an amendment to the wording of item 68/20 b) Off-road Bikers, regarding a meeting attended by the police with reference to the Bennerley site.
76/20 Public participation
Kashmir Purewal had made a request to join the meeting. Kashmir told the meeting that she had nothing to report but was just interested to observe. Councillor Wheatley asked her if she was local, Kashmir said that she lives in Bramcote and is just interested in what is happening locally.
77/20 Police report
PCSO Keeley had submitted a report via email. The Crime figures shown are for the period 21/4/2020 to 15/9/2020 giving comparison figures for the same period last year
Offence Group | Crimes/Incidents 21/4/20 – 5/9/20 | Crimes/Incidents 21/4/19 – 5/9/19 | Volume Change |
Burglary | 2 | 5 | -3 |
Robbery | 0 | 1 | -1 |
Vehicle Crime | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Criminal Damage | 0 | 3 | -3 |
Arson | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Drug Offences | 3 | 1 | 2 |
Other Theft | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Violence against the Person | 16 | 4 | 12 |
Other Crimes against Society | 6 | 1 | 5 |
All Crime | 27 | 16 | 11 |
Anti Social Behaviour | 0 | 14 | -14 |
78/20 County Councillor’s report
Councillor Longdon reported that 3 weeks ago a motorbike friend of his reported that there was a large amount of grit on the left hand bend on Dead Lane heading towards Trowell. Councillor Longdon swept it up (keeps brush in car). The pile of grit is caused by water running down Dead Lane. It was reported that the road has been resurfaced and is quite good now.
Councillor Longdon reported that Broxtowe Borough Council – as a local council – is likely to be dissolved in the next few years. It was implied that this would make more work for the Parish Council and it is a very controversial topic at the moment.
Councillor Rigby warned to beware of empowerment as we (Parish Councillors) work free of charge and are not willing to work because the Borough Council has been dissolved. Councillor Longdon agreed with Councillor Rigby’s words.
79/20 Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Pringle had sent an email. He has contacted Broxtowe Borough Council regarding vehicles accessing the scrap yard but has heard nothing back yet. He also mentioned the Church sign saying that it is a Parish Council/Church issue. We were unsure to which sign he was referring.
Councillor Mrs Ball reported that the application for Rose Cottage has been granted permission and will be in keeping with the existing building.
The 37 Awsworth Lane application has been granted permission for revised plans for fencing.
Councillor Mrs Wheatley raised the question of the scrap yard receiving an environmental licence. The scrap yard is in a Conservation Area and as the scrap yard licence had been lapsed for so many years why has it been so easy to re-issue this and also to obtain the environmental licence? Councillor Mrs Ball told the meeting that she will endeavour to find out why this has happened.
Councillor Mrs Ball gave apologies as she has another appointment and left the meeting at 7.57pm.
80/20 Items for discussion
a) Footpaths and pavements
There is still an ongoing problem with the stile on FP9 as someone still keeps screwing the lift up bar down. It was suggested that Neil Lewis at Notts County Council be contacted regarding this. An email will be sent to Neil. Councillor Wheatley asked if he could be informed when someone is coming to have a look at the stile.
Councillor Mrs Wheatley reported that the Kissing Gate at the other end of FP9 is in need of repair – the gate drags on the floor and does not swing closed as it should do. Also, the bridge on FP8 is in a dangerous state of repair. Councillor Mrs Wheatley will send photos to the Clerk for inclusion in an email to Helen Spencer at Viaem.
b) Off-road bikers
Councillor Harrison reported that it has been comparatively quiet through the village – why can’t it be like it all the time? Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that the police are using a new spray to enable identification in some areas of the borough. Can we express an interest?
c) Almshouses
Following the initial response from Rose Thompson, nothing else has been heard. We will write to Rose again and copy in Gurjit Mahal (owner), Jason Morden (Notts County Council) and the Broxtowe Borough Council contacts Matthew Keay and Peter Langton. In the email we will let Rose know that we have heard nothing and also that we cannot see the property on the At Risk Register.
Councillor Mrs Harrison reported that she had seen a car stopped opposite the Almshouses and wondered if this was a sightseer or someone to do with Gurjit. After the last meeting Gurjit had been told that he couldn’t turn it into 2 large homes – it has got to be kept as 8 houses as it has always been. This has now set alarm bells ringing! Jason Morden and the representative from Broxtowe Borough Council both seemed to agree with the 2 house proposal and we have no objections to this proposal as long as the frontal exterior remains intact. The worry is that if the property has to be 8 houses then it will end up a derelict property and an eyesore forever. We will include these concerns in the email we will be sending. Copper pipes have been stolen so vandalism is happening.
Rose Thompson was angry because she had not been made aware of the problems with the Almshouses until January of this year.
We need to keep this topic on the agenda.
d) Proposals for expenditure
Councillor Ms Hopkin suggested that it would be nice to do something for the environment – and suggested asking people to use some of their growing space for wild flowers. Councillor Wilton told the meeting that there are also a lot of verges in the parish to be able to do this. Councillor Rigby said that we need to be careful because we don’t own any land and need permission.
Councillor Ms Hopkin referred back to her suggestion and said that if people will donate part of their land and even tubs and window boxes for growing wild flowers, we could supply them with the flower seeds to plant. May be an idea to ask Chris Riley if Broxtowe would be willing to donate some seeds or if we can purchase some from them at cost. We could bulk buy and split into envelopes for interested parties. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will contact Chris Riley to ask the question. Everyone was in favour this idea. This can be advertised in the Christmas Newsletter for people to express an interest.
We have already had 27 applicants for the Christmas lights which will be on a first come, first served basis – we have enough donated money for 10 sets of lights. We need to see if B&M Bargains have got the lights. It was proposed that it might be worth talking to the Manager at B&M to see if he will put some aside for us and also, ask them if we purchase 10 sets of lights would they be able to donate a couple of sets and get a mention in the next newsletter – before we look elsewhere. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will approach the manager of the local B&M Bargains. This proposal was seconded, show of hands and all were in favour.
Letters will be sent to the people who were too late applying for lights, thanking them and telling them that they will be top of the list for next year. Letters will also be sent to the successful applicants, when we know exactly how many sets we can obtain, letting them know that they were quick off the mark and successful.
Councillor Harrison reported that he has looked into this. They have been working across Nottinghamshire for nearly 100 years..There is a list of benefits and access to fundraising factsheets etc. The annual subscription is £95 +VAT. Councillor Harrison proposed that we should join as the subscription charge is not a lot for a year. The proposal was seconded, show of hands and all were in favour. Councillor Harrison will be the initial point of contact and will forward to the Clerk information regarding who the payment for a year’s membership should be sent. Everyone thanked Councillor Harrison for his research which is much appreciated.
f) Floral displays – Spring/Winter
The tubs have lasted amazingly well – credit was given to Councillors Mr and Mrs Harrison and Councillor Wilton plus all the “waterers”. Councillor Harrison reported that he has spoken to David Henshaw who is very pleased with the feedback and is happy to help with plants etc for next year’s planting – not sure if these will be free or heavily discounted.
The VJ display is still looking very good, the plants are getting a bit “leggy” but Councillor Mrs Harrison will sort them out. We can keep the display there for as long as we like but need to remove the sign. The plants will come back better and stronger. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will ask Chris to remove the sign. Councillor Harrison reported that people passing the display while he has been watering it have said how lovely the display is and the feedback has been very positive.
The new notice board has been put up and looks lovely. Councillor Wheatley said that some of the others need some attention too – apart from the one on Robinettes Lane which Councillor Wilton refurbished a few months ago. Chris Gilbert will be asked to take a look at the others and submit a quotation for replacement of any that are in a bad state of repair.
g) Kindergarten
We have been informed that planning permission is being requested to put a large caravan on the site opposite Trinity Farm to be able to use as a Kindergarten. We are not sure why the people involved have contacted the Parish Council and we can only await the official planning application.
81/20 Motion for debate put forward by Councillor Rigby
Councillor Rigby read out the proposed motion, which is to revert to previous format where all members of the Parish Council are back on the Finance Committee, until such a time as face to face meetings can resume. (Just before COVID 19 a small Finance Committee was agreed on). This proposed motion from Councillor Rigby was seconded, show of hands and all were in favour.
82/20 Correspondence
There will be a service in the Church for Remembrance Sunday. Need to order Poppy Wreaths for delivery to Councillor Mrs Gilbert. Put on next agenda to discuss who will lay the wreaths. Need to be mindful that the situation may change in the next few weeks.
Gillian Thornhill has done a large sponsored walk. It was proposed that the Parish Council make a donation. 50% of all donations received will go to the Fabric Fund of St Catherine’s and 50% will be for a general church fund. Councillor Wheatley proposed a donation of £50 be made. This was seconded, show of hands and all were in favour. A cheque will be raised at next meeting.
83/20 Planning applications
Councillor Wilton reported that he has received a letter from Broxtowe Borough Council (29 July) regarding a proposed side extension at No 3 Grange Estate (next door to his property). The neighbours should have contacted Councillor Wilton but have not done so. It was suggested that Councillor Wilton contact Tony Bradley at Broxtowe Borough Council to inform him that the neighbours have not spoken to him about their application.
84/20 Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved for payment:-
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Clerk’s Salary | £410.75 |
Mr R Heard – Website Administration | £45.00 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Zoom Monthly Subs (Aug) | £14.39 |
Mr K. Harrison – VJ Day Floral Display | £101.90 |
Mr C. Gilbert – VJ Day Floral Display | £300.00 |
Mr C. Gilbert – New Notice Board | £320.00 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Stamps/Envelopes for Newsletter | £156.43 |
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Print cartridges/Printing (Apr-Sept) | £47.94 |
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Phone Rental (Aug) | £33.60 |
Mr C. Gilbert – Newsletter Design/Printing | £110.00 |
EON – Direct Debit – Church Floodlights | £40.00 |
Total | £1,580.01 |
Income since 16/06/20
Bank Interest | £0.40 |
Balances at Bank
Deposit A/C | £21,369.43 |
Current A/C £ 515.12 | 515.12 |
Total | £21,884.55 |
84/20 Date and time of next meeting
The next Virtual meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 20 October 2020, commencing at 7.30pm.
The meeting closed at 9.10pm.