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- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor J. Wheatley
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor K. Rigby
- Councillor D. Pringle (Broxtowe Borough Council)
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
61/20 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor D. Keating, Councillor Mrs S. Keating, Councillor D. Mason and Councillor Mrs L. Ball (Broxtowe Borough Council).
62/20 Declaration of interest
Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert declared an interest in any discussions on VJ Day and Accounts for Payment.
63/20 Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 16 June 2020 were approved as a correct record.
64/20 Public participation
There were no members of the public in virtual attendance.
65/20 Police report
No report
66/20 County Councillor’s report
No report
67/20 Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Pringle reported that Councillor Mrs Ball and he had visited No 37 Awsworth Lane with regards to the application for the garage, which they have asked to be brought to Full Council. The owners have since put in a retrospective planning application for the fencing and gates they have installed. Councillors Pringle and Mrs Ball have queried the fence, due to height and also whether it has been constructed correctly.
With regards to the stabling/pasture land by the canal on Cossall Road – the site has been visited and everything is now compliant. The steps and boat are on Broxtowe land, this has been referred to the Council by the planners.
It was reported that at these stables by the canal adjacent to Cossall Road, there is a fire almost daily. We have concerns about this with the proximity to the canal and the wildlife. Therefore, an email will be sent to David Gell at Broxtowe.
The Gardeners outline planning has been granted for the 3 houses, build details will come back to planning. The work which appears to be a balcony/patio area has been questioned by Councillor Mrs Ball and has been referred to committee.
The ski slope is now owned by Midland Reinforced Concrete and it is thought that they will put forward plans for a similar development to that envisaged by the previous owner, but with a different method for coping with the unstable ground. This development is still a work in progress between the planners and the developer and they will be asking for it to go to committee when the application is made. Midland Reinforced Concrete put some concrete blocks up to try to stop people entering the site and also some notices about the dangerous trees.
Councillor Pringle reported that he had contacted the police regarding 50 to 60 off-road bikers at Stanton about a month ago. He found it a very longwinded process to get through to the police on the 101 number, which goes through to Derbyshire police. However, 101#1 gets through to Nottinghamshire police. Councillor Pringle rang Derbyshire, then Nottinghamshire police and later sent an email. The following weekend both forces turned out. Also, it was mentioned that a couple of weeks ago, bikes went along the canal at 4pm on Sunday.
Councillor Wheatley reported that the sign put up by Broxtowe, outside the Church Hall, is damaged – one leg snapped off and the other very weak. Is this under Broxtowe’s control?
Councillor Pringle will ask but thinks the Parish Council will have to sort it out. Councillor Wheatley will do a temporary fix in the meantime.
68/20 Items for discussion
a) Footpaths and Pavements
With regards to the sign on Mill Lane/Church Lane – Laura Trusler at Viaem has advised that it is Broxtowe’s jurisdiction and she has passed it over to the relevant department.
The hedge on Mill Lane/Church Lane (from Ken Wood’s house) is slightly encroaching onto the highway and is obstructing the Church Lane sign. Dave Walker at Viaem (Laura Trusler’s replacement) will be contacted regarding this. Viaem is now 100% owned by Notts County Council.
Footpath opposite lamp post 2 on Robinettes Lane has still not been sorted. We have been told that Broxtowe Brought Council agree that it needs restoring and it will be on the plan for end of 2020 beginning of 2021.
Hedges along Robinettes Lane could do with cutting back. Hedges can’t be cut back until after 1 August due to nesting birds. Dave Walker will also be contacted about this.
b) Off-road bikers
Councillor Ms Hopkin reported that there had a meeting between Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Police – Peter Keeley was there. Hopefully following this meeting they are more aware of the problems regarding security at the Bennerley site now.
c) Lorry damage
It was reported that the Environment Agency have granted an End of Life Vehicle licence to the scrap yard at the back of Councillor Wheatley’s property and the church. A huge lorry delivering vehicles to this scrap yard damaged the front wall of a resident’s property. The lorries that are coming to and from the site are too big for the narrow lane. Councillor Pringle will report it at Broxtowe Borough Council tomorrow. Nothing can be done with vehicles going to the scrap yard unless Notts County Council can put a condition on regarding the size of vehicles as permission for the scrap yard has been granted.
Councillor Harrison reported that a large lorry, going to Mabey’s couldn’t get round the corner by their house. The lorry had to reverse all the way back down to Coronation Road and Councillor Mrs Harrison had to go in front of it to stop cars coming up. Can Mabey’s be told that their lorries have to come through Trowell to get to their site? Councillor Rigby suggested raising the issue regarding length limit (if there is one) with Notts County Council. Councillor Rigby will have a look to see if he can find a contact to pass on to the Clerk in order that an email can be sent enquiring if there can be a limit to the length of vehicles in restricted areas.
d) Proposals for expenditure (including Christmas Lights)
Councillor Rigby reported that he has not yet managed to check if the length of the pole he has is suitable to hang lights in the tree in the Old School Room car park. He will hopefully check this out sometime this coming week. Concern was raised about the Leisure Lites capital/revenue costs. If we do something for one part of the Parish we need to do something in our finance range for the other part of the Parish. It was proposed that we could make an offer with a no liability exclusion attached to it, to give away a number of 1000 bulb sets of outdoor lights to residents with suitable facilities to deploy these lights over the Christmas period. We could make this offer through the Newsletter and so provide ample evidence that we have no liability. We could purchase sets of lights from B&M Bargains at £30 per set and offer a first come/first served basis, probably 25 sets. This could be advertised in the Autumn Newsletter. This proposal was seconded; show of hands and all were in favour.
e) VJ Day – 15 August 2020
Councillor Mrs Gilbert declared an interest in this discussion and Councillor Mrs Harrison then led the discussions of this agenda item. Councillor Mrs Harrison reported that she has been in touch with Chris Gilbert, who is happy to construct a square box for a floral display, slightly angled at the top end, to be placed on the land at the corner of Coronation Road and Church Lane. This floral design will by large VJ letters filled with violas and surrounded by white gravel. Chris will put a board at the bottom of box saying “75 Years”. The cost of the box will be about £300 and the violas/gravel etc have been purchased at a cost of about £100. A budget of £400 was approved at last meeting. Chris has put a lot of time and effort into the construction of the box and a vote of thanks was made to him. Planned date for siting the box is 10 August. The box will be put in a trailer and planted up in the trailer; it will then need to be moved from trailer to the site. It will be in-situ for a while so will need to be watered; a rota will be sorted out. Councillor Mrs Gilbert thanked Councillor Mrs Harrison for arranging the display.
It was reported that Chris Gilbert has also made a new notice board for which he originally estimated the cost of £160. It was proposed that this should be more. The proposal was seconded; show of hands and all were in favour. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will let Chris know to submit a more reasonable invoice for work and materials.
f) Almshouses
It was reported that a door had been left open in the Almshouses. The place is going to ruin. It had been explained to the owner by Rose Thompson of Historic England – that he must make the building secure/windproof/waterproof etc. An email will be sent to Rose Thompson regarding the state of the Almshouses. We are very concerned about their rapid deterioration. Jason Morden at Notts County Council will be contacted for Rose’s contact details.
g) Autumn Newsletter
Everyone was asked to think of topics they would like including in the newsletter. Councillor Rigby asked that any ideas be emailed to him soon. He has got an editorial planned re COVID-19. Councillors Rigby and Mrs Gilbert will have a meeting (social distancing) in a couple of weeks to sort through ideas and put together a draft to bring to next meeting for approval. It was suggested that we could maybe also post out a small Christmas Newsletter with a few items and wish everyone a Happy Christmas and New Year.
Councillor Harrison commented that the Neighbourhood Plan newsletter was brilliant and Councillor Rigby thought it was absolutely word perfect as it steered well clear of getting the wrong end of the stick. Acknowledgement will be made to Marilyn Reed for all the work she has done in producing the newsletter. This will be put in the Autumn Newsletter.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert will send Marilyn a handwritten card thanking her.
h) Approval of year end accounts
a) Annual Governance Statement 2019/20 – It was proposed and seconded that this be approved. There was a show of hands and all were in favour. The Annual Governance Statement was signed and dated by the RFO and Chairman.
b) Accounting Statements 2019/20 – It was proposed and seconded that this be approved. There was a show of hands and all were in favour. The Accounting Statements were signed and dated by the RFO and Chairman.
69/20 Correspondence
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that she had received a phone call from Sue Knowles of the charity Rural Community Action in Notts (RCAN) regarding membership. This costs £95 per year. Councillor Rigby responded that if we are talking of getting into payments this needs to be put on Agenda for next meeting. We need to be crystal clear and cover ourselves and we should know more about them. Councillor Harrison will read up on RCAN and report.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert also reported that she had received an email from Penelope Wright re setting up of a kindergarten – The Phoenix Kindergarten – on land on Awsworth Lane. There has been no official approach made yet. We will put this item on the agenda for September. At the moment there is nothing further to discuss until we received further information/details of a planning application.
70/20 Planning applications
Plans for a front and Side extension onto the bungalow at 18 Awsworth Lane have been submitted. This application had already been submitted, so not sure why it has been submitted again. No doubt the planners will deal with it.
71/20 Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved for payment:-
- Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw: Clerk’s salary – £410.75
- Mr R Heard: Website administration – £45.00
- Mrs M. Gilbert: Zoom monthly subs – (June) £14.39
- Mrs M. Gilbert: Stamps and envelopes (NP leaflet) – £173.14
- Mr C. Gilbert: Printing of NP leaflets – £49.92
- Mr D. Mudd: Website upgrades – £400.00
- EON: (Direct debit – Church floodlights) – £40.00
- Total £1133.20
- Post-dated Cheques for 18 August 2020
- Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw: Clerk’s salary – £410.75
- Mr R Heard: Website administration – £45.00
- Mrs M. Gilbert: Zoom monthly subs – (June) £14.39
- EON: (Direct Debit – Church floodlights) – £40.00
- Total £510.14
Income since 16/06/20
Bank Interest £1.16
Balances @ Bank
- Deposit account £23369.03 (plus Interest in both July and August £1.16)
- Current account £605.27 (July) and £95.13 (August)
- Total £ 23974.30 (July) and £23464.16 (August)
72/20 Date and time of next meeting
The next Virtual meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 15 September 2020, commencing at 7.30pm.