- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor J. Wheatley
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor Mrs L. Ball (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- Councillor D. Pringle (Broxtowe Borough Council)
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
Before the start of the meeting, the sad news that Sonia Pike had passed away last Thursday was reported. Councillor Mrs Gilbert has sent a card to the family from the Parish Council and Councillor Harrison has done the same from Cossall Community Chest.
85/20 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor K. Rigby, Councillor D. Mason, Councillor J. Longdon (Notts County Council) and PCSO P. Keeley (Police).
86/20 Declaration of interest
Councillor Mrs Gilbert declared an interest in any discussions regarding the notice boards.
87/20 Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 15th September 2020 were approved as a correct record with an amendment to the date recorded for the last meeting – change from 16 June 2020 to 21 July 2020. It was also noted that the first lot of figures on the Police Report did not add up – this will be amended for publication on the website.
88/20 Public participation
There were no members of the public present.
89/20 Police report
There was no report.
90/20 County Councillor’s report
There was no report. This was due to the fact that Councillor Longdon was unable to connect to Zoom for this meeting.
91/20 Borough Councillor’s report
With regards to the licence for the scrap yard being granted – this comes under Historical Planning so is very difficult to combat. There is a big issue regarding “Grandfather Rights”. Nothing can be done where something has been established for a long time. Councillor Pringle reported that he has been in touch with the Environment Agency and is still waiting for a reply.
Councillor Pringle reported that he is still keeping an eye on the stables issue on Cossall Road. A man goes there every morning and lights a fire. Councillor Pringle suggested that a complaint every time might eventually produce some action – object to the Environment Agency as Broxtowe planning do not work in tandem with them. The Parish Council has no more weight than a parishioner in these cases – Parish Council’s do not have a lot of powers. Councillor Pringle has objected to the steps into the water to the Environment team.
Councillor Harrison reported that in looking at the Neighbourhood Plan regarding the businesses in Cossall, the postcode for the businesses on the industrial estate are Derbyshire postcodes – is this an anomaly? Councillor Pringle confirmed that this is the case – Long Eaton is in Derbyshire but has a Nottinghamshire postcode – it all depends on where the post comes from.
92/20 Items for Discussion
a) Church matters
The Poppy Wreaths have been received and the paperwork from the church regarding Remembrance Sunday has been received. Councillor Mrs Gilbert and Councillor Ms Hopkin both confirmed that they are more than happy to go into the church for the short service – unless further lockdown measures are put in place, which would prevent the service going ahead. There will be no singing in the service and face masks are to be worn. Wreaths will be put individually on the alter steps and then individually onto the Memorials.
b) Footpaths and pavements
Councillor Mason has reported via email that a tent has appeared on Millennium Park and there seems to be a youngish couple living in it. Also that the bench has been destroyed. Councillor Mason is happy to purchase the wood and repair it. It was proposed and seconded and all were in favour for Councillor Mason to do this.
Councillor Mrs Harrison reported that she had been down to Millennium Park this morning and a police van came and went onto Millennium Park – maybe to look for the Tent people?
Councillor Mrs Keating reported that she had telephoned the police and reported the tent. The police checked it out and reported that the people are not a risk to anyone; they have been made homeless through COVID19 and have nowhere to live. It is a decent 4-man tent.
Councillor Mrs Ball reported that Broxtowe Borough Council have a really good policy for homeless people and that she will try to speak to someone regarding this situation tomorrow. It is very worrying that people have to live like this – they may have no money or food. The police won’t do anything because they are just homeless and not a threat to anyone.
Councillor Mrs Wheatley reported that the stile and footbridge have been sorted.
c) Off-road bikers/ traffic
Councillor Wilton reported that he had contacted Mabeys this morning to ascertain whether the lorry which got stuck on Church Lane on Friday 16th November was one of theirs – they confirmed that it was not. The lorry was probably taking a short cut through the village. There were some good photos taken by a resident with the registration and company name clearly showing. The company only deliver parcels. Councillor Mrs Gilbert and Councillor Pringle will both report this matter to Broxtowe Borough Council and include the relevant photos.
d) Almshouses
Not really heard anything since receiving an email from Rose Thompson and an email from the owner, Gurjit Mahal – both of which were circulated to councillors. Following discussion it was agreed that Mr Mahal’s email should be forwarded to Rose Thompson, Jason Morden, Matthew Keay and Peter Langton in the hope that the information will be helpful.
e) Floral displays
The begonias are still looking fantastic so will be left for the time being until after the frosts. Trowell Garden Centre have supplied a lot of bulbs for free. Councillor Harrison wished to pay for them but was told no as they will go on the Charity Account. David Henshaw has also told Councillor Harrison to go in at any time to sort out plants – for which there will also be no charge. Need to start and think about sorting the plants out, not seen a lot of perennials at Trowell yet but will keep looking.
f) Notice boards
Councillor Pringle reported that Broxtowe Borough Council will not repair the D H Lawrence information board outside the church hall.
A quote for 3 new notice boards – namely Awsworth Lane, Babbington Lane and Coronation Road – to make/paint green and erect – has been received from Chris Gilbert at a cost of £418.00. It was proposed that Chris be asked to go ahead, the proposal was seconded, there was a show of hands and all were in favour.
g) Neighbourhood plan
The next meeting is due to be held on 3rd November 2020.
Councillor Harrison has sorted the membership out and a cheque for £114.00 has been raised for payment at tonight’s meeting.
Councillor Harrison will go through the Joining Pack when he receives it and see if there is anything that can be done regarding the scrap yard matter – they may be able to help. RCAN is part of a nationwide organisation, which also may be able to help with traffic issues.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert thanked Councillor Harrison for the work he has done on this, it is much appreciated.
i) What3words
Following discussion it was agreed that a small article will be put on the website regarding this service, which is used by the Emergency Services. It is a very useful app if walking in lonely areas. An explanation of how to use it will be included in the website article.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert offered to write the article and it was proposed and seconded that she does this. There was a show of hands and all were in favour.
j) Christmas newsletter
It was reported that there is an offer on at B&M Bargains for the lights – reduced from £30 to £25 and Councillor Mrs Gilbert has managed to purchase 14 sets, not heard anything back from their HQ regarding the possibility of a donation of 2 sets for a mention on the website.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert confirmed that she has sent out letters to the residents who have been allocated lights and also to the ones who were unlucky this time.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert will contact, via text, the residents who will be receiving the lights to sort out a mutually suitable time for collection/delivery with social distancing being adhered to.
The lights will be used as one of the articles in the Christmas newsletter.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert has been in touch with Chris Riley at Broxtowe Borough Council regarding the wild flower seeds; he passed on information as to where they get theirs from. They normally purchase the Rainbow Mix, sold in 1kg bags at a cost of £270/kg. 1kg covers approximately 285-400 sqm. If was felt that if we purchase this size of bag we could distribute approx. 4g to every resident by putting a small pack in with each newsletter – also mentioning in the newsletter that if people don’t wish to use the seeds themselves would they pass them on to neighbours so there is no wastage.
Looking online it seems that similar seeds can be purchased from a different supplier at a cost of £98/kg, but we don’t know how reliable these seeds would be. Residents could get their children involved in the planting and send in photos for inclusion in a newsletter and then also photos later in the year when the seeds are flowering. It was felt after discussion that it would be better to include the seeds in the Spring newsletter for planting straight away (need to be planted during March/April/May). This will be mentioned in the Christmas newsletter.
It was agreed that Councillor Mrs Gilbert would either ask Chris Riley to order some for us or if that’s not possible to obtain directly from Rigby Taylors (1kg) and that she will acquire small paper envelopes to put the seeds in for distribution.
Also to be included in the Christmas newsletter will be an article on the canal, informing people of the Practical Conservation Volunteers group who work a few Sundays and Tuesdays during the year. Anyone interested in volunteering and joining them will be able to get training, safety assessment and tools. Councillor Mrs Wheatley reported that work has been started at the canal and maybe some photos could be included in the newsletter.
If anyone else has any ideas for inclusion in the Christmas newsletter please email
Councillor Mrs Gilbert/Councillor Rigby asap.
It was also suggested to add an article about the Parish help group again to the Christmas news letter, now that things are not too good again, regarding Covid.
k) Proposals for expenditure
There will be a Finance meeting to discuss next year’s Precept and expenditure on Tuesday 17th November at 7.00pm.
l) Possible proposals re Stanton site
This item was deferred until the next meeting.
93/20 Correspondence
There was no correspondence.
94/20 planning applications
The Kindergarten application came up but there was nothing further to discuss at this time.
No official planning application for the ski slope development has submitted to Broxtowe Borough Council yet. It was reported that fencing has been erected and some trees are being cleared. As ownership for the site has changed a totally new planning application will have to be submitted.
The question was raised regarding the height of a new wall and gates at 43 Church Lane, Cossall – are these within the approved height restrictions? Two residents have asked this question. Ryan Dawson will be contacted for clarification on this matter.
95/20 Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved for payment:-
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Clerk’s Salary | £410.75 |
Mr R Heard – Website Administration | £45.00 |
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw – Poppy Wreaths x2 | £34.00 |
Mrs G. Thornhill – Sponsored Walk | £50.00 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Zoom Monthly Subs (Sept) | £14.39 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Stamps for Christmas lights letters | £23.40 |
RCAN – Membership Subs | £114.00 |
EON – Direct Debit – Church Floodlights | £40.00 |
TOTAL | £731.54 |
Income since 15/09/20
Bank Interest £0.19
Balances @ Bank
Deposit A/C | £20,869.42 |
Current A/C | £283.58 |
TOTAL | £21,153.00 |
96/20 Date and time of next meeting
The next Virtual meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 17 November 2020, commencing at 7.30pm.
The virtual meeting of the Finance Committee, to discuss next year’s proposed expenditure and Precept will be held at 7.00pm.
The meeting closed at 9.00pm.