- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor J. Wheatley
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor K. Rigby
- Councillor Mrs L. Ball (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- Councillor J. Longdon (Nottinghamshire County Council)
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
38/21 Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor D. Mason, Councillor Ms L. Hopkin, Councillor D. Pringle (Broxtowe Borough Council) and PCSO P. Keeley (Police).
39/21 Declaration of interest
There were no Declarations of Interest made.
40/21 Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the virtual meeting held on Tuesday 16 March 2021 were as a correct record.
41/21 Public participation
There were no members of the public present.
42/21 Police report
A Police Report has been received by email and forwarded to all Councillors. This will be attached to the Minutes.
43/21 County Councillor’s report
Councillor Longdon reported that all County Council meetings have been cancelled due to the upcoming elections.
Councillor Longdon told the meeting that he has enjoyed serving on Nottinghamshire County Council for the last 4 years and is obviously not sure what is going to happen in the forthcoming elections.
He apologised for not being able to get everything done for the Parish Council but confirmed that the missing fence at Millennium Park will be sorted out.
Councillor Harrison reported that the speed limit sign on the corner of Dead Lane/Robinettes Lane has still not been sorted. Councillor Wilton reported that traffic lights were set up but the sign was not re-positioned, Councillor Mrs Harrison told the meeting that chevron signs had been put up on the bend.
Councillor Longdon will chase up
Councillor Wilton reported that the potholes on Robinettes Lane have been filled in but the main one, opposite lamp post 2 has been missed. This is by the oak tree where horses go into the field – all the pavement has virtually gone – there are yellow markings around the hole. Councillor Longdon will inspect the site tomorrow.
Councillor Longdon will inspect the site
Councillor Longdon was thanked for all his help over the last 4 years.
44/21 Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Mrs Gilbert thanked Councillors Pringle and Mrs Ball for speaking out re the safety problems regarding traffic from the proposed new housing using Newton’s Lane as an exit and entrance.
Councillor Mrs Ball expressed concern regarding the new houses, which will eventually be there and has sent 2 letters regarding Newtons Lane and possible re-opening the end of the lane onto the bypass. She informed the meeting that both herself and Councillor Pringle will do their best on this matter but are unable to object to the houses.
Councillor Pringle reported via Councillor Mrs Ball that he had followed up with the Planning Department regarding the Almshouses. They have still not heard from the owner Gurjit Mahal who wanted an informal conversation; this however needs to be a formal conversation/application. The delay is not the fault of the Planning Department, this is down to Gurjit.
The ski slope development is still a work in progress, with details of the plans yet to be agreed.
The question was raised about the pinch points where the motorcyclists gain access to various paths and areas. Maps were sent in regarding this matter in September 2019, when the Parish Councils of Cossall, Awsworth and Trowell gathered all the necessary information together. Councillor Mrs Ball will ask Councillor Pringle about this and possible plans to use this information.
Councillor Mrs Ball will ask Councillor Pringle for an update
Councillor Mrs Keating raised the question of who will be responsible for the upkeep of the Country Park on the site of the former ski-slope, when is it done? Councillor Mrs Ball informed the meeting that it will be the responsibility of the owners to do this – it was one of the conditions in the application.
Councillor Wheatley raised the question of who would be responsible for maintaining the children’s’ play park which is shown on the plans? Councillor Mrs Ball reported that she was not aware of the plans for a play park but will look into this matter. The play park is shown on the plans posted on the website.
Councillor Mrs Ball will look into responsibility for play park
45/21 Items for Discussion
a) Church Matters
Bell Tower – Councillors Wheatley, Rigby and Mrs Gilbert reported that they had held a zoom meeting to discuss quotations for the bell tower.
Councillor Wheatley showed an old photo of the bell tower and the plans which have been produced for the re-instatement of the tower. He confirmed that he has been in touch with Dale Atkin and they have discussed the work in detail. Dale has suggested making a plywood template to put on top of the roof to see what it will look like size wise. The tower will need to be painted, or if made out of oak it can be stained. It is difficult to give an accurate quote as materials seem to go up in price from week to week.
There are 3 aspects to consider – the making, the fitting and the lead work. An estimate to make the tower, break into the roof and make kerb for lead flashing into roof is £2,940.00. This estimate does not include the lead work, steel work to hang the bell, the finial on top of the tower or the means to ring the bell, (if we should wish to do so). A plumber will be required to do the lead work, the steel work can be carried out at minimal cost by Councillor Wheatley and, as he also has a lathe, the finial for the top can be made for around £100.00. The tower can be made in four parts which will eliminate the need for a crane.
The question was raised as to do we need 2 more quotes, Councillor Rigby informed the meeting that if the work is going to cost under £3,000.00 we do not need any more quotes. The first job can be deemed as a separate job – ie Dale’s estimate. Unfortunately Dale is not VAT registered so we will not be able to claim VAT back.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert proposed that the estimate be accepted, Councillor Rigby seconded the proposal, there was a show of hands and all were in favour. Councillor Wheatley will organise with Dale and have a template made to put on roof. Councillor Wheatley will inform everyone when the template is on the roof for viewing.
Councillor Wheatley to organise with Dale Atkin re template
b) Footpaths and Pavements
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that Chris has costed up the wood to repair the bench on Millennium Park – £90.00. It was agreed that we should go ahead with this bench repair.
Councillor Harrison reported that he has not yet been able to measure the pavement in Bramcote but he hopes to do it in the next couple of weeks.
Councillor Harrison to measure pavement in Bramcote re bollards
c) Roads/Traffic/Bikers
The mirror outside Ken Wood’s property (now owned by Sam Patchitt) has been put back up. Councillor Mrs Gilbert told the meeting that she had received a lovely reply from Sam regarding putting the mirror back into place. The mirror does look rather worn now so it would be nice to purchase a new one to put on Sam’s new fence. Councillor Mrs Gilbert has looked into this and the price for a 60 cm mirror with a red ring round will cost £20.99. It was proposed and seconded and all were in favour of purchasing a new mirror.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert to sort out a new mirror
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that she had contacted PCSO Keeley regarding some parking issues and he has responded. Regarding the cars parking on the pavement under the bridge on Coronation Road/Awsworth Lane and outside the white cottage on the corner of Church Lane/Coronation Road – if the vehicles block the pavement so that pushchairs/wheelchairs are unable to get by and if the vehicles are too close to the junction, the police can take action. Patrols will keep an eye out on both matters.
Councillor Wilton reported that there is a problem with cars parking on the pavement opposite the stables on Church Lane. This matter will be mentioned to PCSO Keeley.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert to mention this matter to PCSO Keeley.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported on an issue which may now be resolved. A resident had reported that there was debris on Church Lane from a muck emptying cart. The driver has been spoken to about it and he will try to avoid coming through the village unless the weather is bad. Will keep an eye on this.
It was mentioned that the off road bikers were still coming through the Parish, but it appears that not as many as in the past.
d) Almshouses
No change at the moment. There have been a couple of people, possibly surveyors seen on the site.
e) Floral Displays
The planters are still looking nice. Councillor Mrs Harrison told the meeting that she is now thinking about summer planting and will speak to David Henshaw regarding ordering some Zinnias. She had ordered some online last year for her own garden and they flowered for a long time. It was agreed that David Henshaw be asked to order some and we will pay for them. Councillor Mrs Wheatley asked if there will still be overhanging flowers in the planters, Councillor Mrs Harrison said that they were not planning on putting any in this year but can do if wanted – there are the green perennials and ivy overhanging. Thought Zinnias would be a nice change. Councillor Mrs Harrison will ask David if he is able to order some and if not they can be ordered online.
Councillor Mrs Harrison to speak to David Henshaw
f) Blood Loss Prevention Kit
Councillor Wheatley reported on the Blood Loss Prevention Kit and the Daniel Baird Foundation, where Daniel’s parents are trying to make sure that these kits are available around the country. The cost for a kit is £85 and they also do a box, similar to the Defibrillator Box at £350. If we purchase the box and kit together there is a £10 discount – £425 +VAT. It was felt that it is a very good idea to purchase both. Information could be put on the Notice Boards and website informing people where these kits (Defibrillator/Blood Loss Prevention) are located. Maybe at a later date we could purchase another of each kit to place in another location. It was proposed and seconded and all were in favour of purchasing a Blood Loss Prevention Kit and Box. Councillor Wheatley will send the details to the Clerk.
Councillor Wheatley to send details to the Clerk
g) Neighbourhood Plan
Ski slope leaflets have all been delivered. Getting very Positive feedback. The next meeting is on Thursday.
h) Neighbourhood Watch
Correspondence has been received from Rob Bryan of 111 Awsworth Lane regarding Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. He would like to spread the word for a new scheme in Cossall. He has recently helped to set up a new scheme in Newark area and would like help to reach out to residents in Cossall. Councillor Rigby said that we should actively support any initiative but need to keep it separate from the Parish Council. Councillor Wheatley asked what Neighbourhood Watch actually is/does. There is a coordinator on every street who passes information on to all members on the street. Basically neighbours look after one another and keep an eye out. Councillor Wilton informed the meeting that Robinettes Lane have got their own Whatsapp group.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert will respond and thank Rob and inform him that we will put a notice on the website and possibly in the newsletter.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert to respond to Rob Bryan
Nothing further to report. Councillor Harrison will find out more information.
j) Return to Face-to-Face Meetings
At the moment, the government have said that Face-to-Face meetings will resume after 7 May. NALC are fighting this decision in the High Court. Hopefully should be an outcome by end of April. No one feels comfortable in returning to face-to-face meetings until after 21 June, when all restrictions should be lifted. The question was raised as to who will clean and sterilise the Church Hall? It was proposed and seconded and all were in favour that we will not have face to face meetings until after 21 June, because we have a duty to ensure wellbeing of all concerned.
k) Certificate of Exemption for Audit
The Clerk had prepared the Certificate of Exemption for approval. The annual gross income for the Council in 2020/21 was £13,376.00 and the annual gross expenditure for the Council in 2020/21 was £11,982.00.
It was proposed and seconded that this be approved for signature and all were in favour.
46/21 Standing Orders – Finance
Councillor Rigby has been reading through the Standing Orders for some time and proposed that the following changes be made to the Financial Section.
Section 18
Sub Section a iii –
av – Delete £60,000 and insert £3,000
c – Delete £60,000 and insert £3,000
d iii – Delete totally and insert “A minimum of 3 tenders should be invited”
F – Delete totally
PLEASE NOTE- Sub-section “e” covers the fact that the Council does not have to accept the lowest tender. Also Sub-section “a” would suggest that a separate document “Financial Regulations” should be drawn up and approved by the Council. However, the adoption of Section 18 in our Standing Orders does give the Council some breathing space.
By the time of our next meeting Councillor Rigby will have completed the task of going through the rest of our Standing Orders and will report any suggestions for amendments.
47/21 Correspondence
a) A letter has been received from Awsworth Parish Council, thanking us for our offer of a donation of £582 towards the costs of repair/refurbishment of the playgrounds with an update of proposed time scale for these repairs.
b) An email has been received from Stuart Lee regarding the developments in the Youth Club. Due to receiving grants the toilets facilities have been made into 3 unisex disabled toilets. An invitation will be received to the opening of these facilities.
c) An email has been received from NALC regarding subscription to the Local Council Review magazine. It was proposed and seconded that the subscription be cancelled and all were in favour.
d) An email has been received from the Royal British Legion Informing us that on Sunday 15th May they will be celebrating their Centenary Year and thanking everyone who has supported and contributed towards the cause over the years. It was suggested that we put an article on the website informing people of our annual donation of £254.
e) Update from the people who are setting up the Kindergarten on Awsworth Lane has been received. They are now at the point where they should be operational in the not too distant future. We will look out for any further information.
48/21 Planning Applications
There were no Planning Applications for discussion.
49/21 Accounts for Payment
The following accounts were approved for payment –
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Clerk’s Salary | £414.86 |
Mr R Heard – Website Administration | £45.00 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Zoom Monthly Subs (Mar 2021) | £14.39 |
Slater Electrical – Electrical work in Church | £621.00 |
Mr C. Gilbert – Padlock & Keys for barrier on Mill Lane | £92.10 |
BHIB – Annual Insurance | £307.06 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Labels/Envelopes/Stamps for N/P Leaflet | £197.07 |
EON – Direct Debit – Church Floodlights | £28.00 |
Total | £1,719.48 |
Income since 16/03/21 –
NCC Grant | £11,646.00 |
Bank Interest | £0.14 |
Total | £11,646.14 |
Balances @ Bank
Deposit A/C | £26,736.74 |
Current A/C £ 450.95 | £450.95 |
Total | £27,187.69 |
50/21 Date & Time of Next Meeting
There will be a Zoom meeting on 18th May.
Following this the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held face to face on Tuesday 22nd June 2021 commencing at 7.30pm, in The Old School Room, Church Lane.
The meeting closed at 9.20pm.