- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor J. Wheatley
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor K. Rigby
- Councillor Mrs L. Ball (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- Councillor D. Pringle (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- Councillor J. Longdon (Nottinghamshire County Council)
- Councillor J. Doddy (Nottinghamshire County Council)
- Kashmir Purwal (Member of the Public)
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
13/21 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor D. Mason, Councillor J. Wilton, Councillor Mrs S. Keating and PCSO P. Keeley (Police).
14/21 Declaration of interest
There were no Declarations of Interest made.
15/21 Minutes of the last meeting
Councillor Harrison pointed out that in Item 07/21 Borough Councillor’s Report – it was Councillor Keating who reported on the activity on the ski slope and not himself. Following this alteration, the Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 17th November 2020 were approved as a correct record.
16/21Public participation
Kashmir Purwal was welcomed to the meeting.
17/21 Police report
There was no report
18/21 County Councillor’s report
Councillor Longdon reported that it is not possible to have railings put up in front of the cottages on Church Lane from number 33 to the church bend.
COVID vaccinations are now being implemented across the county – 8 members have received it so far.
Councillor Longdon will chase up regarding the installation of wooden posts opposite the phone box.
With regards to the fencing being taken down at Millennium Park, Councillor Pringle has reported it to Broxtowe Borough Council who say it is the responsibility of Nottinghamshire County Council. Chris Riley at Broxtowe may be able to sort this out on behalf of the County Council, if it is a simple fix – if not it will be down to the County Council.
Councillor Longdon to enquire about wooden posts
County Council to organise fence replacement
With regards to the lighting on the corner – Councillor Wheatley asked which corner is it and who had asked for the lighting, as it was not him and he made the point that this lighting is not wanted.
19/21 Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Mrs Ball reported that the application for a country park and housing on the former ski slope site should, hopefully, be re-presented at the Planning Meeting in March. Providing the fencing is no more than 2 metres high the owner can put up fencing. Councillor Mrs Ball said that the trees that the landowner has removed were self set so not seen as significant. Councillor Mrs Ball was asked to check if environmental surveys have been completed for the site.
Councillor Pringle reported that a large area of the Stanton site has been bought by two companies in Ilkeston, one of them being Ward’s, not sure who the other one is. They are hoping to establish a rail head into the site and have fenced off the whole area that was used by illegal motorcyclists. There are now two security guards with dogs patrolling the site at the weekends. The problem of motorcyclists has stopped through Trowell – is there anything different regarding this in Cossall?
Councillor Harrison asked about the pinch points information which was provided by Cossall, Awsworth and Trowell some considerable time ago. This information went to David Gell at Broxtowe. Councillor Pringle will ask David Gell what progress has been made
Councillor Pringle will ask David Gell what progress has been made with the pinch points information.
Councillor Keating reported that there has not been much activity on the ski slope with motorcyclists over the last few weeks possibly because there is now limited access to the site. Awsworth may be getting the brunt of the problem now.
Councillor Harrison asked about the previously proposed plans for 10,000 dwellings on the Stanton site. Councillor Pringle reported that he has been unable to find any information regarding this and has not heard anything for about 4 years regarding the housing development. Councillor Rigby showed the proposed development plan which dates back to 2008. They are going to build 2000 dwellings, which is the limit without having to build a brand new road. If houses are to be built on the site they will probably be closer to Sandiacre. Councillor Rigby will let Councillor Pringle have a copy of the plan. The new owners have now stated that the land is going to be for industrial / warehousing development. The land is so contaminated that the cost to make it safe is phenomenal – big concrete beds will be required to seal in the contamination. Need to keep an eye on this development.
Councillor Pringle reported that Ward’s have removed every bit of foliage and trees from the site. Erewash Borough Council have not yet received the planning application but will hopefully send it to us when they do. Councillor Pringle reported that he had received a message tonight that Stobarts/DHL are talking about putting up distribution outlets on the Stanton site. Councillor Wheatley expressed concern regarding the sheer amount of lorries – which roads will be used to get them in and out of the site if Stobarts/DHL are going to build on it? Councillor Pringle reported that the information regarding Stobarts/DHL had come through on his phone literally minutes ago. It is thought that a rail link is to take scrap from dismantling the site for shipping abroad.
20/21 Items for discussion
a) Church matters
Councillor Doddy reported that he has £1,000 to give to a suitable project. The question was asked if this could be split between a couple of projects? Councillor Doddy told the meeting that this is possible and that an extra £500 could be available for this. It was suggested that £500 could be put towards the renovation of the Bell Tower and £500 towards the stained glass windows in the church. The Church have sufficient for the glass but one of the mullions needs replacing urgently– this will cost around £1,000. Councillor Doddy kindly offered that his donation will be £1,500, which will enable both projects to be done. The Clerk will supply Councillor Doddy with the Parish Council’s bank details.
Bell Tower – A letter has been sent to the Planning Department regarding this. Waiting for a reply.
b) Footpaths and pavements
Councillor Mason is going to put chicken wire on the bridge which is at the bottom of Millennium Park, but this has not been done yet due to the recent ice.
Councillor Mason is going to put chicken wire on the bridge.
With regards to the slurry from the farmyard opposite Babbington Hall, we have put in a complaint to the Environment Agency. We have been sent a complaint number but not heard anything back so need to follow this up.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert will send another email.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert will send another email about the slurry on path
Councillor Wheatley reported that there are three seats on Millennium Park – two provided by Broxtowe and one with just a plank on top, which needs repairing. Councillor Wheatley suggested that this one be removed as it is rotten and that he is quite happy to remove it. All were in favour of this.
c) Off-road bikers/traffic
Nothing to report.
d) Village matters / Almshouses
Councillor Wheatley reported that he had spoken to Gurjit Mahal today, who informed him that he has been in contact with the architect. They have decided to submit a planning application because they have not been able to find out what might or might not be permitted. The planners at Broxtowe are not being any help at all. The plans will be submitted ASAP with the hope of Broxtowe making some response.
e) Neighbourhood Plan (inc. Parish OnLine)
The last meeting of the steering group was a productive meeting. Jenny Kirkwood from RCAN joined in. We had sent her the information of what has been done so far and she seems impressed. We need to find out more about the ski slope planning application to enable a leaflet to be produced regarding this.
For the Neighbourhood Plan we will need to have access to a mapping system – Parish Online is a good website to access regarding this.
Councillor Wheatley proposed that the Parish Council subscribe to Parish Online at a cost of £60 per year. The proposal was seconded; show of hands and all were in favour. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will purchase this subscription.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert will purchase subscription
Councillor Harrison reported that Jenny Kirkwood’s input at the Neighbourhood Plan meeting was an excellent contribution and it was a very good meeting. Councillor Harrison is going to discuss the Neighbourhood Plan further with her, and in the future bring up other topics of concern. It is certainly worth the membership for this first year.
g) Spring newsletter
The Newsletter is ready to go. When Councillors Rigby and Mrs Gilbert first discussed the content they were hoping to put in proposed Community Chest events but now find there is no space. Therefore, The Community Chest have indicated that they would be happy to pay for a small insert (flyer) in the Newsletter regarding future events. It was proposed and seconded, show of hands and all were in favour that an A5 flyer be included with the Newsletter. Due to developments regarding the ski slope, we will not be sending an insert containing information about the Neighbourhood Plan with the spring Newsletter. Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that all the envelopes are filled with seeds ready to be included in the Newsletter. Councillor Mrs Wheatley suggested that a one-liner be added regarding assistance which the Parish Help Group can give for shopping etc.
h) Defibrillator maintenance and broken glass in the phone box
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that the cheque is ready for sending to Seal Calibration for them to carry out the servicing of the defibrillator.
The broken glass in the phone box has been replaced with Perspex today. Councillor Wheatley will remove the broken glass from the floor of the phone box.
21/21 Correspondence
There was no correspondence.
22/21 Planning applications
There were no Planning Applications for discussion.
23/21 Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved for payment:-
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Clerk’s Salary | £410.75 |
Mr R Heard – Website Administration | £45.00 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Zoom Monthly Subs (Jan 2021) | £14.39 |
Seal Calibration Ltd – Service of Defibrillator | £142.80 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Seeds (Spring Newsletter) | £252.90 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Envelopes for Spring Newsletter | £10.25 |
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Phone Rental (Feb 21) | £33.60 |
NALC – Annual Subs | £130.83 |
EON – Direct Debit – Church Floodlights | £28.00 |
Total | £1,068.52 |
Income since 19/01/21
Bank Interest | £0.16 |
Total | £0.16 |
Balances @ Bank
Deposit A/C £ | £17,590.45 |
Current A/C | £193.74 |
Total | £17,784.19 |
24/21 Financial expenditure matters
Press and public excluded from this agenda item
25/21 Date and time of next meeting
The next Virtual meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 16th March 2021, commencing at 7.30pm. This meeting will include the Annual Parish Meeting, which will be held first.
The meeting closed at 8.50pm.