- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor J. Wheatley
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor K. Rigby
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor Mrs L. Ball (Broxtowe Borough Council
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
104/22 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor D. Mason, Councillor D. Pringle (Broxtowe Borough Council, Councillor J. McGrath (Nottinghamshire County Council) and PCSO P. Keeley (Police).
105/22 Declaration of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest made.
106/22 Minutes of the last meeting
Councillor Mrs Wheatley asked for an alteration on the following 98/22 Items for Discussion b) Footpaths and Pavements – as follows:-
“Councillor Mrs Wheatley reported that she had received a reply from LoveyourBroxtowe saying that the graffiti on the canal footpath had been cleaned up. Councillor Mrs Wheatley reported that “the graffiti has not been cleaned up properly.” Following this alteration, the Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 28th September 2022 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
107/22 Public participation
There were no members of the public present.
108/22 Police report
There was no Police report.
109/22 County Councillor’s report
There was no County Councillor’s Report but Councillor McGrath will be informed of any concerns. All last month’s concerns have been logged.
There was a Drum and Bass Event held at the Old Pottery in Ilkeston.
This was an officially authorised event by Erewash Borough Council. There have been a lot of complaints from local residents regarding not only the noise from the loud music, but also the use (over the microphones) of very bad language. This is not acceptable. Erewash Borough Council will be contacted regarding this.
Erewash BC will be contacted regarding this.
110/22 Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Mrs Ball reported on the success of the Almshouses application at the Planning Committee meeting. Everyone on the committee supported the application. Councillor Mrs Ball will keep the Parish Council informed as to what is happening. Thanks were given to both Councillor Mrs Ball and Councillor Pringle for their input at the Planning Meeting. Following the site visit, everyone who attended said something needs to be done, after they had seen round the rear of the property. Hopefully now the application will move forward.
Questions were raised about the Anthrax concerns, on the land at Whitehouse Farm, the proposed development site. With regards to Anthrax – the concerns have been brought up with planners and assurances have been made that tests will be completed prior to any building work being carried out. The concerns of local residents have been recorded and this will be taken seriously now. It may be a while before it is actually brought before the Planning Committee, as a lot of notice is required for items to be brought up/discussed.
It was reported that the resident at the Foundry Houses is still dabbling in car sales, despite two applications having been turned down.
The question was raised as to who is responsible for the cycling infrastructure – the Borough Council or the County Council. Councillor Mrs Ball said she thought it is the County Council. It might be a good idea to have signage to request cyclists give way to pedestrians on the footpaths etc. Joggers also sometimes cause problems for pedestrians. Councillor Rigby said that the Borough Council did allow cyclists on towpaths, so it is legal.
8.03pm Standing Orders commenced
111/22 Items for Discussion
a) Church matters
Nothing to report.
b) Footpaths and pavements
Councillor Mrs Wheatley reported that there is still a lot of graffiti along the canal, which she reported last night as a Councillor. She received a phone call this morning from the Borough Council, informing her that they will go and look tomorrow. Mentioning that she was a Councillor certainly seemed to help!
Councillor Keating reported that the bridge over the canal on Footpath 3A has got a cross-piece missing – this is at the back of Pipswood, heading towards Shilo Way. This will be reported to Helen Spencer as it is a safety issue.
Helen Spencer will be contacted regarding this
Councillor Keating reported that a new seat has been installed on Millennium Park today by the Borough Council. The seat has plaque on it “In memory of William Barry Rowson” so it looks like the family who contacted the Parish Council a while back regarding this have been able to sort the request out with the County Council. The next seat along to this is quite wobbly, so Councillor Keating will have a look to see if it needs reporting.
Councillor Mrs Wheatley reported that the lamp post outside the stables has been replaced – this was done the day following the last meeting.
It is possible that the branch covering the speed camera on Awsworth Lane might have been sorted.
The drains on Church Lane still need attention as the two at the bottom of the lane are still blocked. This will be reported to Councillor McGrath.
Cllr McGrath will be contacted regarding this.
Vehicles are parking on the cobbles in front of the church – would it be possible to have a lift up bollard to stop vehicles parking there? There used to be a sign “Parking for Hearse only” but this is no longer there. As it is a Moving Offence, the police cannot do anything about it until the vehicle starts to move off the pavement. Any signage we put up is not legal but a hearse notice would have an impact and look official.
c) Roads/Traffic/Bikers
It was reported that the vehicles parked outside The Haven are a nuisance as, with the cars also parked outside Pipswood it is like a chicane to get out of Church Lane and visibility is impaired.
Councillor McGrath had indicated at the last meeting that there is funding available for traffic calming, can we pursue this for Awsworth Lane and Church Lane? Councillor McGrath will be contacted to see if anything can be done.
Cllr McGrath will be contacted
It was reported that work on the manhole on Coronation Road has been completed.
d) Almshouses
Good result at the Planning meeting. Councillor Wheatley played back Councillor Gilbert’s speech, which was brilliant. Councillor Rigby proposed a motion –
“We, members of Cossall Parish Council, wish to record our thanks for the wonderful presentation that our Chair made on our behalf to Broxtowe Planning Committee in relation to the Almshouses planning application.”
The motion was seconded, there was a show of hands and all were in favour.
Thanks were recorded to Councillor Mrs Gilbert for her presentation and Councillor Rigby for his very valuable advice.
e) Renovation of Church Hall Porch
The work has been booked for week beginning 28 November.
f) Floral planters
These are in hand. Nothing more to report this month.
g) Notice boards
These are in hand.
Councillor Harrison reported that there is free Social Media training available and also Asda Foundation cost of living grants/funding available.
i) Neighbourhood Plan
The Public Consultation was held on 15 October 2022 and it went very well. Approximately 36 people attended. Everyone was very impressed by the Displays. There will be a Steering Group Committee meeting on 24 October to discuss responses.
j) Winter Newsletter
Suggestions for suitable articles are as follows – Follow-up from Public Consultation on Neighbourhood Plan. New Defibrillator/Bleed Control kit to be installed at Newtons Lane area – maybe in old post box on corner of Newtons Lane? Will look into this for future spend. Lonely people – there is a lot of mention of this; people are lonely in different ways. There are also topics not used in the last newsletter to be included. Councillors Rigby and Mrs Gilbert will get together to sort this out.
k) Christmas tree
The large artificial tree kindly donated by Gareth Roberts, will be placed on the corner of Church Lane next to Councillor Mrs Gilbert’s property. Need to discuss at the next Finance Meeting whether to consider having a power tower installed on the corner of Church Lane/Coronation Road/Awsworth Lane, to enable a Christmas Tree to be displayed there in future years.
112/22 Correspondence
Letter received from the Amigos Group, thanking us for the Entertainer.
113/22 Planning applications
No further applications for discussion.
114/22 Finance
The next Finance Meeting will be held on Tuesday 1 November, commencing at 7pm. Online Banking payment facility has now been set up
115/22 Accounts for Payment
The following accounts were approved for payment
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Clerk’s Salary (Incl. £40 Poppy Wreaths) | £459.00 |
Cossall PCC – Room Hire (18/10/22 + 10 hours N/P) | £144.00 |
(£120 – Locality Grant) | |
Mr R Heard – Website Administration | £45.00 |
Mr C. Gilbert – Printing N/P Cons/Mini Bus Hire/Fuel | £213.03 |
(3 Invoices – Locality Grant) | |
RCAN – Membership Renewal | £114.00 |
Mr J. Wheatley – Cleaning Church Hall | £20.00 |
Mr R. Heard – Website Hosting Fee | £350.00 |
Bank Charges and Fees | £10.00 |
EON – Direct Debit – Church Floodlights | £28.00 |
TOTAL | £1,383.03 |
Income since 28/09/22 | |
Bank Interest | £5.58 |
TOTAL | £5.58 |
Balances @ Bank – September | |
Deposit A/C (est) | £25,588.57 |
Current A/C | £401.27 |
TOTAL | £25,989.84 |
Balances @ Bank – October | |
Deposit A/C (est) | £24,588.57 |
Current A/C | £18.24 |
TOTAL | £24,606.81 |
116/22 Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council, will be held on Tuesday 15th November 2022, commencing at 7.30pm in the Church Hall.
The meeting closed at 9.25pm.