- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor J. Wheatley
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor K. Rigby
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor Mrs L. Ball (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- Councillor Mr D. Pringle (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- 5 Members of the Public
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
97/21 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor D. Mason and PCSO P. Keeley (Police).
98/21 Declaration of interest
Councillor Mrs Gilbert declared an interest in any discussion regarding the floral planter on Robinettes Lane.
99/21 Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 20 July 2021 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
100/21 Public participation
There were 5 members of the public present.
Sue Maxwell reported that she is the landlord of the Gardeners pub on Awsworth Lane and that the site has been changed to new ownership. The new owners of the land are intending to build houses on the site and Sue requested that the Parish Council support her in her opposition of this. Sue was thanked for letting the Parish Council know of her concerns and informed that until we get an application through from Broxtowe’s Planning Department there is nothing that we can do. The Parish Council are statutory consultees and Broxtowe have a duty to inform us of any planning applications in the parish. We are invited by law to comment, but Broxtowe may or may not take notice of any comments made.
101/21 Police report
No Police Report.
102/21 County Councillor’s report
No County Councillors present again and no reports had been received.
A letter will be sent to Councillor Ben Bradley regarding the lack of support from our County Councillors, expressing our disappointment.
Letter to be sent to Cllr Bradley
103/21 Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Pringle reported that the non-presence of County Councillors is not unique to Cossall – Trowell and Awsworth are not getting any County Council attendance either.
David Gell has now retired and Paul Wolverson has taken over his position – no one at Broxtowe seems to know anything about the map issue, showing the pinch points for the illegal off road bikers. Don will look into this matter.
Councillor Pringle said that the planning application for 98 Church Lane is likely to be automatically turned down as it is in Green Belt – it will be up to their agent to pursue this. This application probably won’t go to planning meeting until December or maybe even January, as they are very busy at the moment. Councillor Rigby asked Councillor Pringle to follow this up. A court case, a few years ago, was fought and lost that set a precedence for the whole country. The percentage by volume is now 30% maximum. As much of Cossall is all in Green Belt it can now be expected that planning applications may be refused.
The off-road bikers seem to have largely disappeared as they can no longer use the ski slope, although apparently they still visit the Bennerley site. Councillor Harrison asked whether the meeting between the 3 parishes, regarding off-road bikers, has been put on the back burner. Councillor Pringle replied that the meeting can go ahead. Someone in Trowell took a photo and sent it to the police, of an illegal biker, but nothing has been heard for a long time. There is no longer a parade of quads and bikes going through the village.
Councillor Mrs Ball reported that she had been with Councillor Ms Hopkin to look at the cesspit leakage. She tried to get in touch with Paul Wolverson. There has been an answer from the Environment Agency who have seen it and assessed that there is a fault in the overflow and it should be put right in a certain length of time. They will check up on it. Councillor Ms Hopkin reported that it is still leaking. Apparently it is allowed to overflow but not with smelly stuff. Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that when she had been to see it the smell was awful. We need to make enquires to find out if the malfunction has been fixed.
Cllr. Mrs Gilbert to send an email to the Environment Agency to check on the situation.
Councillor Mrs Ball made apologies and left the meeting at 8.00pm.
It was reported that the post on the corner of Church Lane has been knocked over. A photo has been sent to Broxtowe. Someone has been and put cones out and the post has gone but we would like it back as the County Council may not put new posts in anymore. Write to Viaem and ask for the post back.
Write to Viaem to request the post
104/21 Items for discussion
a) Church matters
Bell Tower – Dale Atkin is working on the bell tower and it will be done as soon as possible.
b) Footpaths and pavements
Still no response from County Council to Councillor Harrison’s report regarding the bollards on Church Lane.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that a resident has been in touch regarding someone shooting very close to bridle path 23 – concerns that this was too close to the path. We don’t think there is anything we can do as the shooting was on the landowner’s property. It is probably a seasonal thing – shooting rabbits. This will be mentioned to Peter Keeley, asking him to keep an eye out that it is not too close to the footpath.
Ask Peter Keeley to keep an eye on this
Councillor Mrs Wheatley reported that the stile part way down footpath 9 is about to collapse, also the gate at the bottom needs attention. Helen Spencer at County Council will be contacted regarding this.
On footpath 24 the vegetation is very overgrown along the canal bank (the side where horses can’t go) and on the other side of canal, bridle path 23 it is impossible to get past if a horse is coming without having to jump into the hedge. Helen Spencer will be contacted regarding this.
Helen Spencer will be contacted regading both of these issues
It was reported that the vegetation on Robinettes Lane, is still encroaching the footpath, siding up was promised by County Council last year but wasn’t done.
The pavement on Coronation Road, going towards Ilkeston, between the aqueduct bridge and Chatterley House is very overgrown by the hedge. Dave Walker at Viaem will be asked to look into these matters.
Dave Walker Highways (Viaem) will be asked to look into these matters
c) Roads/Traffic/Bikers
Nothing to report
d) Village Matters/Wireless Router for Hall
It was suggested that the possibility of having a wireless booster for John’s Wifi in the church hall be considered. This will cost around £70-100. It was proposed that this be done. The proposal was seconded; show of hands and all were in favour. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will ask Russ Heard for advice on which one to purchase.
Cllr Mrs Gilbert will ask Russ for advice
e) Almshouses
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that some information has been received from the architect, who has been getting responses from consultees. Historic England have opposed pretty much every aspect of the plans. This planning application could go to the Secretary of State and this could prevent anything being done for 6-9 months. A site meeting has been arranged outside the Almshouses for Thursday 23 September at 12.30pm. Councillors Mrs Gilbert, Mrs Wheatley, Mr and Mrs Keating will attend. Councillor Rigby expressed annoyance that Historic England don’t seem to have a clue that this building will fall into disrepair if nothing is done. Surely their job is to preserve the buildings. Our Councillors will voice our opinions at the site meeting – there needs to be some compromise.
f) Floral displays
Councillor Wilton reported that the new planter on Robinettes Lane will be on the opposite side of the road from the houses. Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that the transport costs for material for this planter would be £200 if the same supplier was used as previously. However, transport costs and materials for the planter from Kedel will be £182.47 inc VAT. The question was raised as to whether we want anymore anywhere else in the parish. Would it be prudent to order more materials? It was decided to stick with just the one for the time being.
Thanks were given to Councillor and Councillor Mrs Harrison for the Floral displays throughout the year – not just the summer months.
g) RCAN/Neighbourhood Plan
It was reported that we have taken on a consultant, Helen Metcalf, who has been very complementary about what has been done so far towards the Neighbourhood Plan. It is not a long way off being ready for R14.
There is a meeting tomorrow for a walk around the parish with Helen, who wants to look at views and green spaces to protect. This meeting will be from 10am until around 2.30pm. There will be 6 in attendance so will need to use 2 cars.
We have been informed that we will receive a Locality Grant of £8580.00. We are very pleased with the applicant for consultant and are also pleased that, because there was only one applicant, the fee has been reduced from £750 to £500. This money will come out of the Locality Grant.
RCAN Membership renewal is due in October at a cost of £95 +VAT. This is the same as last year and all were in agreement that this be renewed. A cheque for £114 will be raised at the next meeting.
h) Lamp posts/Lamps
Councillor Rigby commented on the state of the shades on the street lamps which are becoming opaque. Following some discussion it was decided to re-visit this matter at a later date, when we have formed the Finance Committee
105/21 Standing Orders – Approval of any changes
Councillor Rigby has gone through the amendments and everything is now in order. It was proposed and seconded that the amendments to the Standing Orders be adopted. All were in favour. The Standing Orders were signed and dated by the Chair.
106/21 Correspondence
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that she had received various correspondences regarding the Gardeners. People have been complaining of noise, the music has been very loud – 105 decibels. However there were more letters supporting the pub and the various clubs that met there and these letters were against any possible plans to use the area of the pub for housing.
We have received an email from Broxtowe inviting us to attend a meeting regarding the Core Strategy. This will be a Microsoft Teams video meeting during September. We will ask for an evening meeting. Need to think how we are going to prepare, who would like to be involved? Ask if meeting can start at 7pm – it may last up to 2 hours. Attendees – Councillor Mrs Gilbert, Councillor Rigby, Councillor Ms Hopkin, Councillor Wheatley, Councillor Mrs Wheatley, Councillor Harrison and Councillor Mrs Harrison. Available dates – 1st choice Tuesday 28th September, 2nd choice Wednesday 29th September
107/21 Planning applications
There were no Planning Applications for discussion.
108/21 Accounts for payment/finance
The following accounts were approved for payment:-
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Clerk’s Salary | £414.86 |
Cossall PCC – Room Hire x 2 | £48.00 |
Mr R Heard – Website Administration | £45.00 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Zoom Monthly Subs (Aug 2021) | £14.39 |
RCAN – Recruitment of Planning Consultant | £500.00 |
Mr C. Gilbert – Cleaning of Church Hall | £25.00 |
Mr C. Gilbert – Design/Print 3 Boundary Leaflets | £125.00 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Envelopes for Leaflets/Labels | £31.49 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Stamps for SAEs and other surveys | £241.09 |
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Phone Rental (Aug 21) | £33.60 |
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Printing/Cartridges (Apr-Sept 21) | £59.94 |
EON – Direct Debit – Church Floodlights | £28.00 |
TOTAL | £1,566.37 |
Income since 20/07/21
Bank Interest | £0.40 |
TOTAL | £0.40 |
Balances @ Bank – August
Deposit A/C | £23,737.76 |
Current A/C | £163.64 |
TOTAL | £23,901.40 |
Balances @ Bank – September
Deposit A/C | £21,737.76 |
Current A/C | £597.27 |
TOTAL | £22,335.03 |
The members of the Finance Committee will be Councillor Rigby, Councillor Mrs Harrison and Councillor Wheatley. Councillor Mrs Gilbert and Councillor Ms Hopkin, as Chair and Vice-Chair will be ex-officio members.
A meeting will be arranged for Tuesday 2nd November, commencing at 7pm.
There was a 15 minute extension of Standing Orders.
109/21 Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council, will be held on Tuesday 19 October 2021, commencing at 7.30pm in the Church Hall.
The meeting closed at 9.40pm.