- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin (Chair)
- Councillor J. Wheatley
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor K. Rigby
- Councillor Mrs L. Ball (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- Councillor D. Pringle (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- PCSO P. Keeley & Beat Manager (Police)
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
65/22 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor D. Keating, Councillor Mrs S. Keating, Councillor D. Mason and Councillor J. McGrath (Nottinghamshire County Council).
66/22 Declaration of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest made.
67/22 Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 17 May 2022 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
68/22 Public participation
There were no members of the public present.
69/22 Police report
PCSO Keeley attended with his Beat Manager to give an update.
The stalking/harassment figures given in last month’s report are generally domestic incidents. Of the 6 which were recorded – 4 were investigated as crime (3 x harassment and 1 x stalking) and the other 2 were not investigated as crime. The new crime figures for the same period in 2021 are 5 crimes recorded this year and 3 crimes reported last year. The question was raised as to how many crimes resulted in conviction of 19 crimes there has been 1 positive outcome but it cannot be said with certainty that this is the only one as others could still be under investigation.
The question was raised with regards to police vehicles sounding sirens when travelling through the village, which could cause danger/accidents for horse riders. The sounding of sirens is done to make people aware of the presence on tight roads. The Parish Council have raised concerns with Insp. Mike Ebbins regarding this.
PCSO Keeley thanked the Parish Council for the invitation to the Open Gardens; a large part of the remit is to engage with the local communities.
New funding has been made available for Off Road Teams to deal with off-road bikers. There will now be 2 teams operating – one in the North of the county and one in the South of the county. The team for this area has been here twice recently, at Bennerley Viaduct.
The police are also visiting schools regarding the Education and Enforcement laws regarding the use of E-scooters. The visits are to impress that these scooters are illegal on pavements. This scheme is being piloted in Broxtowe North area.
70/22 County Councillor’s report
There was no County Councillor’s report.
71/22 Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Pringle reported that the Foundry House planning application has been refused, but the applicant may appeal the decision.
The drain on Dead Lane was cleared out but following rain had to be cleared out a further couple of times.
Councillor Mrs Ball reported that the Broxtowe Borough Council have reverted to Cabinet style of governing.
The planning application for the house on Awsworth Lane has been approved.
Almshouses plans will go to committee in July. A Ward Councillor is allowed 5 minutes to talk on an application and a member of the public is allowed 3 minutes to talk on an application. The last update is that there have been no changes to the Almshouse plans, so it is therefore likely to be refused. A request can ask for it to be deferred and taken back to the applicant.
The application for the Gardeners Arms is due to be presented soon.
8.10pm Standing Orders commenced
72/22 Items for discussion
a) Church matters
Nothing to report.
b) Footpaths and pavements
Councillor Mrs Gilbert has reported the handrail problem on the bridge on FP13.
c) Roads/Traffic/Bikers
Councillor Mrs Gilbert has reported the problems with the drains on Church Lane and also reported a dangerous dip in the road, in the middle of the traffic calming hump near to 61 Church Lane. This seems to be due to the result of work done in the road to fix a water leak – the surface of the road has dropped considerably since the work was carried out.
d) Almshouses
The planning application is going to committee in July – do we want Councillors Pringle/Mrs Ball to speak on our behalf? Councillor Mrs Ball reported that it will go a long way with the Committee if a representative goes to speak for 3 minutes, rather than the Borough Councillors speaking on our behalf. We need to be very precise about what is said topics to consider are the history of the village, what people in the village want etc. It was proposed that a member of the Parish Council speak at the Committee meeting, this was seconded – show of hands and all were in favour. It was therefore proposed that Councillor Mrs Gilbert speak on behalf of the Parish Council, this was seconded – show of hands and all were in favour. Other councillors will be present in the Public Gallery.
Cllr Mrs Gilbert will speak on behalf of the Parish Council
e) Renovation of church hall porch
Councillor Wheatley reported that he has not heard back from Dale Atkin’s son regarding a quote. Councillor Wheatley will contact him again.
Cllr Wheatley will request a quote again
f) Floral planters
All the planters are looking very nice.
g) Notice boards
Councillor Mrs Wheatley reported that the signs for the notice boards are in hand and she will be obtaining a proof on Friday.
Councillor Harrison had forwarded an email regarding the Lord Lieutenant’s Garden Party.
i) Neighbourhood Plan
The Design Code has been finished and sent off for approval. Hopefully it will be back soon. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will write to Wei Deng and copy in Helen Metcalf, to ask when he expects to have approval.
Cllr Mrs Gilbert will contact Wei Deng
j) Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – Big Lunch
This event was a great success.
k) Ukraine
Nothing to report. Remove from Agenda.
l) Amigos Group
Sue and John Hill attended at 7pm and gave a talk on the Amigos Club.
73/22 Correspondence
There was no correspondence to be read out.
Following discussion, it was decided that a Newsletter would be sent out in early September and another small one before Christmas. Ideas for articles could include Amigos Club, Jubilee Celebration/photos, Neighbourhood Plan public consultations, Open Gardens, Almshouses, Flower seed photos, Bennerley update. These and any other ideas will be discussed at next meeting.
74/22 Planning applications
The Awsworth plan has been submitted for 250 houses.
Almshouses – Councillors Rigby and Ms Hopkin will go with Councillor Mrs Gilbert to the Planning Committee meeting at Broxtowe. Other Parish Councillors indicated that they may also go to give support.
75/22 Finance
A donation for the Amigos Club was discussed. It was suggested that we pay for Entertainers to visit the club. Following discussion it was felt that we should ask what they would like, mentioning that we have discussed paying for an Entertainer, but is there something else they would rather us pay for. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will contact Sue and John Hill.
Cllr Mrs Gilbert to contact Sue & John Hill
The Finance Meeting has been arranged for Tuesday 5th July at 7.30pm. We need to sort an Agenda out. Councillor Rigby will sort out some simple T&C’s for the Committee; these will be done in time for the next Finance meeting in November. Councillor Rigby is also going through the Financial Regulations of the Standing Orders.
Cllr Rigby to sort out T&C’s
76/22 Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved for payment
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Clerk’s Salary (Salary Increase) | £419.00 |
Cossall PCC – Room Hire (21/6/22 + Big Lunch) | £72.00 |
Mr R Heard – Website Administration | £45.00 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Zoom Monthly Subs (May 2022) | £14.39 |
Mr C. Gilbert – Cleaning of Church Hall x 2 | £40.00 |
Mrs S. Wheatley – Expenses for Big Lunch | £240.79 |
Bank Charges and Fees | £18.00 |
EON – Direct Debit – Church Floodlights | £28.00 |
TOTAL | £877.18 |
Income since 17/05/22 | |
Bank Interest | £0.63 |
TOTAL | £0.63 |
Balances @ Bank – May | |
Deposit A/C | £23,579.74 |
Current A/C | £514.61 |
TOTAL | £24,094.35 |
Balances @ Bank – June | |
Deposit A/C | £23,080.37 |
Current A/C | £109.43 |
TOTAL | £23,189.80 |
77/22 Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council, will be held on Tuesday 19 July 2022, commencing at 7.30pm in the Church Hall.
The meeting closed at 9.20pm.