- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor J. Wheatley
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison (via telephone link)
- Councillor K. Rigby
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
84/21 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor D. Mason, Councillor D. Keating, Councillor Mrs S. Keating, Councillor Mrs L. Ball (Broxtowe Borough Council), Councillor D. Pringle (Broxtowe Borough Council) and PCSO P. Keeley (Police).
85/21 Declaration of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest made.
86/21 Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the virtual meeting held on Tuesday 22 June 2021 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
87/21 Public participation
No members of the public present.
88/21 Police report
No Police Report.
89/21 County Councillor’s Report
No County Councillors present and no reports had been received.
There has been no response from Councillor Doddy following Councillor Mrs Gilbert’s email to him last month and nothing from Councillor McGrath – neither Councillors have chosen to contact us since the election. Councillor Rigby will look out contact details for Councillor McGrath, so that we can contact both County Councillors to ask for presence at our council meetings and to send Keith’s report on the narrow pavement on Church Lane.
Cllr Rigby to find contact details for Cllr McGrath
90/21 Borough Councillor’s report
No Borough Councillors present and no reports had been received. Councillor Mrs Ball will be asked for an update regarding the Cess Pit. Councillor Mrs Gilbert has not had a reply from the Environment Agency. This issue is quite important – it may be better to contact the local Environment Agency and also Severn Trent. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will Google the address for the Environment Agency at Ladybay and an email will also be sent to Severn Trent. Councillor Ms Hopkin reported that the problem is still there.
Cllr Mrs Ball will be asked for an update
Cllr Mrs Gilbert will contact Severn Trent & Environment Agency
We need to ask for responses from the Borough Councillors rather than waiting until the next meeting for updates. Councillor Pringle was looking into news regarding a meeting between the 3 Parish Councils (Awsworth, Cossall and Trowell) to discuss the problem with off-road bikers. He was also looking into the situation with the maps showing the pinch points.
Cllr Pringle will be asked for update on bikers meeting and maps
91/21 Items for discussion
a) Church matters
Councillor Wheatley reported that water is now installed in the church.
Bell Tower – Councillor Wheatley reported that the work has been started in various stages. The roof has been removed and the box is now on top and waterproof. The four sides are being made.
b) Footpaths and pavements
There has been no response from Councillor Doddy at County Council following Councillor Mrs Gilbert’s email forwarding Councillor Harrison’s report regarding the possible installation of bollards along a section of Church Lane. The pavement is very narrow and due to the camber makes it feel like you are falling into the road.
c) Roads/Traffic/Bikers
Nothing to report
d) Village matters/Almshouses/floral displays
Almshouses – Nothing has yet come up on the weekly Planning Applications List with regards to plans for the Almshouses. Councillor Harrison reported that he had been in touch with the Planning Department at Broxtowe and confirmed that the plans have been validated and should appear on this week’s Planning Application list. It was suggested that a one agenda item meeting be held in August to discuss the plans but this will be decided once we see the plans.
Floral Displays – The planters are looking fantastic. More plants are going to be put in the one near to The Old School Room to break up the predominant orange colour. Councillor Mrs Wheatley asked if the ivy could be cut back and was informed that this is in hand. A good spot for a new planter for next year would be outside No. 3 Grange Estate on Robinettes Lane – this will be the same size as the one near to The Old School Room.
The residents at No. 3 will be asked if they would mind a planter being positioned outside their property.
e) RCAN/Neighbourhood Plan
Councillor Harrison will contact Jenny at RCAN tomorrow to see if we have had anymore tenders for a suitable consultant for the Neighbourhood Plan as yesterday was the last date for applications. There has been one applicant so far – Helen Metcalf, who we will need to interview.
92/21 Standing Orders – finance
Councillor Rigby put forward his proposals for amendments to the Standing Orders. He suggested that in September we look at the Financial Regulations, Complaints Policy and Freedom of Information sections.
The changes to the Standing Orders are as follows –
1.Need to master number the pages
2.Section 13 – Code of Conduct & Dispensations Sub-sections b/c – insert after word he -/she
3.Section 17 – Accounts & Accounting Statements Sub-section d – this section needs to be implemented
4.Section 18 – Financial Controls & Procurement
Paragraph a (v) – delete £500 and insert £3000
Paragraph c – delete £500 and insert £3000
Paragraph d (iii) – delete completely
Paragraph f – delete completely
These amendments were proposed and seconded; show of hands and all were in favour. The Clerk will make the amendments and send a copy to Councillor Rigby before the Standing Orders are officially approved in September. Councillor Rigby was thanked for his hard work.
93/21 Correspondence
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that she had received an update from the Kindergarten on Awsworth Lane. This has now been officially registered with OFSTED. They are planning a community event at their site and will keep the Parish Council posted.
94/21 Planning applications
There were no Planning Applications for discussion.
95/21 Accounts for payment
Thanks were given to Chris and Marie Gilbert for the cleaning of the Old School Room prior to tonight’s meeting.
Councillor Wheatley reported that he had contacted NALC regarding a new Spreadsheet for the accounts. There are a lot of financial packages available and NALC sent Councillor Wheatley a copy of the one they use. Councillor Wheatley told the meeting that after looking at the NALC spreadsheet, which was quite basic, he will continue to work on the one he is doing. The Clerk will send a copy of last year’s bank statements to Councillor Wheatley for him to input onto the new spreadsheet.
Councillor Rigby suggested the formation of a Finance Committee. This will be discussed in September.
The following accounts were approved for payment:-
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Clerk’s Salary | £414.86 |
Cossall PCC – Room Hire (20/7/21) | £24.00 |
Mr R Heard – Website Administration | £45.00 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Zoom Monthly Subs (June 2021) | £14.39 |
Mr C. Gilbert – Printing of Boundary Letter | £63.00 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Envelopes for Boundary Letter | £14.99 |
Mr K. Harrison – Plants | £8.00 |
Mr C. Gilbert – Design/Print of Summer Newsletter | £95.00 |
EON – Direct Debit – Church Floodlights | £28.00 |
Total | £707.24 |
Accounts for Payment – 17 August 2021 | |
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Clerk’s Salary | £414.86 |
Mr R. Heard – Website Administration | £45.00 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Zoom Subscription (July 2021) | £14.39 |
Eon – Direct Debit – Church Floodlights | £28.00 |
Total | £502.25 |
Total payments for July/August 2021 | £1,209.49 |
Balances @ Bank – June | |
Deposit A/C | £24,737.14 |
Current A/C | £372.63 |
Total | £25,109.77 |
Balances @ Bank – July | |
Deposit A/C | £23,737.36 |
Current A/C | £665.89 |
Total | £24,403.25 |
Balances @ Bank – August | |
Deposit A/C | £23,737.60 |
Current A/C | £163.64 |
Total | £23,901.24 |
96/21 Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council, will be held on Tuesday 21 September 2021, commencing at 7.30pm in the Church Hall.
The meeting closed at 9pm.