- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor S. Pepper
- Councillor Mrs L. Ball (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- Councillor D. Pringle (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- Councillor J. McGrath (Notts County Council)
- PCSO P. Keeley (Police)
- Lara Holbrook (Police) not sure of rank and if name is correct
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
91/23 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor K. Rigby and Councillor D. Mason.
92/23 Declaration of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest made.
93/23 Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on 18 July 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
94/23 Public participation
There were no members of the public present.
95/23 Police report
PCSO Keeley presented the crime figures for the last 3 months. There have been 7 crimes recorded; most of the incidents do not affect Cossall.
Stalking/Harassment (Domestic) 2
Public Disorder (Church Lane) 1
Criminal Damage (Gardeners Inn) 1
Public Disorder (Threats/violence) 1
Violence without injury (Domestic) 1
Sexual Offence (Historical offence) 1
There have also been 3 incidents of Anti-social behaviour in the last month.
There have been no reported break-ins or burglaries reported.
Operation Platter has been set up in Kimberley as anti-social behaviour has increased in that area.
The question was raised as to bikes on the viaduct – aware that this is happening but there have been no reports recently. A multi-agency meeting is being arranged and a few weeks ago there was a site meeting at Bennerley. The report has been sent to Awsworth Parish Council.
There is no longer a problem with bikes on the old ski slope
With regards to the problem of nitrous oxide cylinders being used and left in car parks – the police have been patrolling the 3 car parks in the main Parish Council areas. It was reported that this problem is horrendous in the large car park between Cossall and Trowell and there is also a large amount of discarded wet wipes/tissues. The Borough Council are talking about putting solar powered lights in the car park. The car park used to be locked every night but it is now apparently more cost effective to empty the bins and tidy the car park.
There have been reports of a potentially dangerous dog – the owner does not seem able to control it. The police are unable to do anything unless there is an incident, it is best to contact the Dog Wardens at Broxtowe.
96/23 County Councillor’s report
Councillor McGrath reported that the drains are supposed to be being started at the end of September. He thinks they will start in Awsworth and work through to Cossall. There is a backlog on a lot of issues but a large amount of the complaints are regarding drains. Consideration is being given to cleaning the drains twice a year instead of only once.
The drain on Awsworth Lane, where the water was flooding onto a resident’s drive, has been cleared out but the damaged verge has not been re-instated by the residents, as they had promised.
Councillors McGrath and Mrs Ball will speak to the residents regarding the re-instatement of the verge
Cllr McGrath & Cllr Mrs Ball to speak with residents
97/23 Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Mrs Ball reported that she keeps checking with the residents on Newtons Lane to see if there are any problems and checking on the canal.
It was reported that rumours have been heard that the development is going to be halted. This is not the case. The whole situation with the development so far has not been at all nice for the residents and there has never been a proper Site Manager – this issue needs to be written into future planning applications.
The Borough Councillors reported that the plans for the Almshouses have been withdrawn. Councillor Mrs Gilbert pointed out that this is not the case as she has spoken to the architect recently and been advised that a revised plan had been submitted. Councillor Pringle will enquire at Broxtowe tomorrow what the situation with the revised plan is.
With regards to the handrail at Millennium Park, apparently neither Broxtowe nor County Council want the responsibility for this – Councillor Mrs Ball will keep chasing it.
Cllr Mrs Ball to keep chasing
Councillor Pringle reported on the matter of the dangerous dog – his daughter-in-law was bitten and the incident was reported to the police, an incident number was given. Both the police and dog wardens say they cannot do anything about this matter. The best person to contact is Emma Georgiou at Broxtowe on 0115 9873189 and put in a request for the dog wardens to take a look.
8.25pm Standing Orders commenced
98/23 Items for discussion
a) Church matters
Councillor Mrs Wheatley reported that John Wheatley has spoken with Councillor Rigby regarding the electricity supply to the floodlights and Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that the Church will be happy to discuss this with the Parish Council. John Wheatley has suggested that the floodlight meter be removed and the supply disconnected. A private meter can be purchased and connected to the church Supply – this will cost in the region of £250. Do we need to get a quote from EON to remove the meter?
b) Footpaths and pavements
Helen Spencer (County Council) is going to arrange for the signpost at junction of FP8/FP1 to be replaced on the next signposting contract.
There is a collapsed stile on one of the footpaths – number required.
Cllr Pepper to report stile
It was reported that pieces of wood are missing from the footbridge at the bottom of Patchitt’s field. Need “what3words” for the location which is down Mill Lane, straight across through metal gate and down the field on the left hand side.
Bridge to be reported
It was reported that the general upkeep of many of the footpaths is not good – Very overgrown and never seem to get cleared. Further detail required.
The seat outside Cedar Farm stables is almost buried in the undergrowth. The path on the other side of the footbridge on from Coronation Road to the park is very overgrown on the right hand side. Councillor Mason will be asked to take a look, or photos could be sent to Helen Spencer.
Ask Cllr Mason to take a look
The hedges at Parsons Croft and Highlands are growing over the pavement.
Hedges will be reported
The barrier on Mill Lane has been damaged. Chris Gilbert has done some work on it but will be asked to have a further look, as this may not be a problem and still lockable
Chris to be asked to look at barrier
c) Roads/Traffic/Bikers
Nothing to report.
d) Almshouses
Revised plans have been submitted.
e) Neighbourhood Plan Update
The Independent Examiner has been through the Plan and has got one comment and 2 questions. This is unusual as there are normally a lot of comments/questions.
Comment – Walking Map – North is in the wrong direction.
Question – Mulberry Land re protecting the view – why?
Question – Boundary change. What moved from where to where?
– need to put explanation in Plan of boundary change. Also need to use “Neighbourhood Plan Area” not “Parish”, where applicable.
There is an ASDA Cost of Living Grant – Amigos Group may be interested in this.
Applications can be made up to 3 November.
g) TPO’s (Tree Preservation Orders)
Councillor Mrs Wheatley reported that she has checked the TPOs and there are quite a few trees missing that are on the TPO list and also quite a lot that are not actually listed, but look like they may warrant listing – 94 trees altogether. Need to find out “What3Words” for each location and inform Broxtowe about the trees that are no longer – maybe they would then add some more onto the Orders. The TPOs are very old and should be corrected. Mr Wood – the Broxtowe Tree Warden will be contacted regarding this.
Tree Warden to be contacted
The question was raised as to whether we could plant some trees on the overgrown patch of land at the front of the industrial estate (where the graffiti is). It could be a nice area to plant. Need to find out who owns the piece of land.
Find out who owns land
h) Canal
A photo was passed around of the large hole along the canal footbridge (higher one) at Millennium Park – need “What3Words” location. The hole is very deep and dangerous and needs a grid on it. It is possibly some kind of sluice.
The report on the recent Voles Survey will be requested as it will be interesting to see what the comparison is to the survey carried out 10 years ago – Councillor Ms Hopkin was involved in the latter.
Chris Riley will be contacted about both
99/23 Correspondence
There was no correspondence.
100/23 Planning applications
Councillor Harrison gave a report on the last Liaison Group meeting for the building site next to Newtons Lane.
Condition of the canal – This has been checked by the Environment Agency and although they say that there is no issue with the water it still looks murky. Fishermen are catching fish despite the murky water. The situation will continue to be monitored.
Construction related vehicles – There has been an increased number of these vehicles driving through Awsworth village.
There have been many complaints with the new contractors as a large amount of lorries are turning up at 7.30am and blocking residents in their drives. Avant have said they will keep a log regarding the lorry arrivals.
Signs have been put up saying no arrivals before 8.30am and to turn right at the end of Newtons Lane. The situation will keep being monitored.
Hedges – These have now been cut back.
101/23 Finance
Everyone has received a copy of the Minutes of the last Finance meeting.
Electricity supply for the floodlights – see Church Matters.
Real Christmas Tree – enquiries will be made for electrical installation costings for a tree on the green near the bus stop on Coronation Road. Councillor McGrath will be contacted regarding this.
Cllr McGrath to be contacted
Defibrillator/Bleed Control Kit – these need to be sorted out and purchased as soon as possible. Seal Calibration will be asked for firm quotes for both items and we will purchase them with the donation we have been given for this purpose from Councillor Doddy. A location for installation needs to be sorted out.
Standing Orders extended at 9.30pm
102/23 Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved for payment
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Clerk’s Salary/Phone Rental (Aug)/ Print Cartridges & Printing | £546.06 |
Cossall PCC – Room Hire (19/09/23) | £35.00 |
Mr R Heard – Website Administration | £45.00 |
Mr C. Gilbert – Cleaning Church Hall | £20.00 |
Bank Charges and Fees | £8.00 |
EON – Direct Debit – Church Floodlights | £104.91 |
TOTAL | £758.97 |
Income since 18/07/23 | |
Bank Interest | £60.61 |
NCC Grant | £250.00 |
TOTAL | £310.61 |
Balances @ Bank – August 2023 | |
Deposit A/C | £21,532.80 |
Current A/C | £376.46 |
TOTAL | £21,909.26 |
Balances @ Bank – September 2023 | |
Deposit A/C | £20,532.80 |
Current A/C | £617.49 |
TOTAL | £21,150.29 |
103/23 Date and time of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council, will be held on Tuesday 17th October 2023, commencing at 7.30pm in the Church Hall.
The meeting closed at 9.35pm.