- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor J. Wheatley
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor K. Rigby
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor Mrs L. Ball (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- Councillor D. Pringle (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- PCSO P. Keeley (Police) and colleague
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
110/21 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor D. Mason.
111/21 Declaration of interest
Councillor Mrs Gilbert declared an interest in any discussion regarding the floral planter on Robinettes Lane and the artwork for the Autumn Newsletter.
112/21 Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 21 September 2021 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
113/21 Public participation
There were no members of the public present.
114/21 Police report
PCSO Keeley and colleague attended the meeting. PCSO Keeley gave a Crime Report dating from 1 January 2021 to today’s date with a comparison to the same period last year. There have been less than half the crimes committed this year compared to last year.
Burglary | 2 (2021) | 5 (2020) | These figures include Dwelling and non-Dwelling |
Vehicle | 5 (2021) | 2 (2020) | These figures include theft from motor vehicle (4) and vehicle interference (1). |
Criminal Damage | 0 (2021) | 4 (2020) | |
Drug Offences | 0 (2021) | 3 (2020) | |
Violence Against a Person | 10 (2021) | 26 (2020) | These figures are normally domestic incidents, 2 with injury, 6 without injury and 2 for harassment. |
Anti-Social Behaviour | 9 (2021) | 24 (2020) |
Cossall is generally the lowest crime area for 11 Wards followed by Strelley and Brinsley. Eastwood South has the most reported incidents (Broxtowe North). These figures do not cover Trowell as this is in Broxtowe South.
It was reported that there are far more police cars travelling through Cossall village – with sirens and lights and travelling at speed. There are a lot of horses in the village and the Parish Council feel that this is a very dangerous situation. Councillor Mrs Gilbert has reported this to PCSO Keeley who has passed it on to his superior but nothing has been heard back. This is a highly dangerous situation and it is felt that the sirens could cause the worst problem. PCSO Keeley told the meeting that this is an audible warning for other road users. Increased passage of police vehicles is probably due to the route from Beeston. PCSO Keeley will report back to his superior with our concerns.
The off-road bikers problem is on-going and it is felt that another Joint Parish meeting would be a good idea. Dates have been put forward by Awsworth Parish Council, for a daytime meeting – Thursday 18th, Monday 22nd, Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th (all November). A copy of these dates will be sent to PCSO Keeley for him to sort out best date for police attendance. Cllr Pringle mentioned that the only date of these that he could attend is 25th November. Once we hear back from the police, Awsworth and Trowell Parish Councils will be notified of the dates that the police can attend.
Dates for the joint meeting will be sent to PCSO Keeley
PCSO Keeley said that it appears that Derbyshire police have more resources and volunteers to help with reducing the problem of illegal off road bikers, but that the police want to put the onus onto the land owners to fence off their land to prevent access by these bikers.
There is a new Beat Officer – Sgt 3351 Simon Boyles – 101 Ext 3103351, who mainly works out of Beeston. He has a blog on the website. Since lockdown there have been more organised events and at the moment there is a national operation for knife crime.
115/21 County Councillor’s report
There were no County councillors in attendance.
A letter has been sent to Councillor Ben Bradley regarding the absence of any Councillors from County Council at Cossall Parish Council meetings since May and no reply has been received. It was suggested that the letter be sent again, with a copy to our MP Darren Henry, and his assistant Robert Flatley.
Cllr Mrs. Gilbert to resend letter to Ben Bradley
The clerk to also send the minutes to John McGrath.
116/21 Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Pringle reported that with regard to the map showing the pinch points, David Gell had sent the documents to the County Council in March 2020. He has now retired and Broxtowe Borough Council cannot find any documents relating to this issue.
The off-road bikers seem to have largely disappeared as they can no longer use the ski slope, although they have been heard on Mill Lane and apparently they still visit the Bennerley site. Councillor Pringle has contacted Inspector Riley regarding this. Councillor Mrs Ball said that the bikers appear to have pushed over a fence on the perimeter of the Bennerley site.
Councillor Mrs Ball reported that there has been a planning application received for an extension at 70 Awsworth Lane in Cossall. This is in the Green Belt so will have to go to committee – possibly in December. Councillor Mrs Ball reported that she has spoken to the new Planning Officer at Broxtowe – Oliver Wells – regarding the commercial application for 4 Foundry Houses, Cossall and he wants it to go to committee. The Parish Council have objected to the application as it is not felt suitable for a commercial site.
The future of Kimberley Leisure Centre is in a debate that is ongoing between the school, Liberty Leisure and Broxtowe Borough Council. It appears that communication between the various parties is not good. The Borough Council do not have to provide leisure facilities. The leader of Broxtowe Borough Council is said to be looked at other possible locations for facilities.
117/21 Items for discussion
a) Church matters
Councillor Mrs Gilbert has purchased the wifi booster for the Church hall.
The Poppy Wreaths have arrived – Remembrance Day Service is on Sunday 14th November. Councillors Hopkin, Harrison and Mrs Harrison will attend the service and they will sort out on the day who is going to lay the wreaths. The figure of the soldier will be put up and the poppies positioned round the arch of the lychgate. We are not sure about obtaining a bugler for this year.
Bell Tower – Councillor Wheatley reported that the bell tower is actually being made now and he has taken the paint for this to Dale. Councillor Wheatley has got a piece of timber to make the finial. Hopefully everything will be finished next month.
b) Footpaths and pavements
Steve Woodward has confirmed that the hedges on the canal are cut in January in order to leave the berries for the birds until then, with the exception of the footpath 24 which is cut back in mid October.
With regard to the pavement on Robinettes Lane, Sharon Kirk at County Council has requested if it can be re-assessed as it was not on the priority list last year. Regarding the overgrown hedge on Robinettes Lane, the problem is that when the lorries from Mabeys are passing by, the pedestrians are unable to walk on the pavement due to the hedge and this presents a dangerous situation. Sharon Kirk has written to the landowners to instruct them to cut the hedge back.
Email to be sent to Sharon to explain about the lorries to Mabeys
The hedge on Coronation Road has been cut back.
The stile on footpath 9 is better than it was, but not brilliant.
Sharon Kirk confirmed that the bollard which had been knocked over opposite the church will be replaced.
c) Roads/traffic/bikers
Will send dates for Joint Meeting to PCSO Keeley.
d) Village matters
Nothing to report.
e) Almshouses
It was reported that a lot of tidying up has been done.
f) Floral displays
The planters are still looking amazing. Councillor Mrs Harrison reported that all last year’s bulbs have been taken out and split between daffodils and tulips. The daffodil bulbs could be planted in the ground (one suggestion for them, was possibly round Harry’s tree on the green) and new ones put in the planters. New tulips have been donated by Trowell Garden Centre. These new ones could go into the 3 main planters and the old ones in the remaining planters. Councillors Harrison and Mrs Harrison obtained new compost, primulas, pansies, wall flowers and 16 cyclamen plants also from Trowell Garden Centre – all the plants are at Councillor Mrs Harrison’s.
As Councillor Mason is unwell at the moment we are not sure if the flowerbed he manages is being tended to. A Get Well card will be sent to Councillor Mason – Councillor Mrs Gilbert will organise this.
A get well card will be sent to Cllr Mason.
The new planter has not been started yet as Chris Gilbert is not happy with the samples of plastic wood he received so is looking into obtaining more suitable samples.
Chris obtaining more plastic wood samples
g) RCAN/Neighbourhood Plan
A cheque for £114.00 has been raised for payment of the RCAN Annual subscription.
With regards to the Neighbourhood Plan, Helen Metcalfe had asked for us to now get on with the local maps. Chris Gilbert has worked on them and got them over to her. Helen is now going to get on with her next phase. The Locality Grant of £8508.00 has been received.
h) Autumn Newsletter
Topics for inclusion in the newsletter are –
1. Darren Henry’s visit
2. Photographs of the wild flowers grown by the residents plus a mention of the harmfulness of light pollution
3. Christmas lights – the Community Chest have offered a donation of £100 towards doing this again and the Parish Council are happy to donate £200 for new lights. The 12 unsuccessful applicants from last year will get the first sets purchased. We will need to put in a reminder for residents who received lights last year to put them up again.
4. Good Citizen Nominations. Tackling loneliness – particularly relevant to getting people out and about again after COVID
5. Status of the Neighbourhood Plan
Councillors Rigby and Mrs Gilbert will get started on the newsletter, as this needs to go out as soon as possible in November
Councillors Rigby and Mrs Gilbert will get started on the newsletter.
118/21 Correspondence
Correspondence has been received regarding the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee next year. This will be discussed at the Finance & General Purposes meeting next month. We need to find out if the information we have received is official, however as the official music for the occasion was included in the correspondence it looks to be so. Councillor Wheatley will do some research for the next meeting into beacons and if it is better to purchase one or build something ourselves.
Cllr Wheatley to research beacons
This item will be put on the next Agenda – could maybe allow £500 for a beacon.
Need ideas – maybe have a ‘do’ with food in the church hall with bagpipes or a bugler. Cllrs Wheatley and Mrs Wheatley to speak to the man who plays bagpipes in the church yard if the opportunity arises.
119/21 Planning applications
98 Church Lane put in for an extension but have been told that they cannot have anymore extensions to the property – this application has been turned down.
The question was raised as to why the commercial application for 4 Foundry Houses has not shown up on the weekly planning lists – this is because the applicant has put in for a Change of Use and not specified what he wants to do. The height of the fence here was questioned.
120/21 Accounts for payment/finance
The following accounts were approved for payment:-
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Clerk’s Salary | £414.86 |
Cossall PCC – Room Hire x 5 (£96 Locality Grant) | £120.00 |
Mr R Heard – Website Administration | £45.00 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Zoom Monthly Subs (Sept 2021) | £14.39 |
RCAN – Annual Subscription | £114.00 |
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Poppy Wreaths x2 (£17 each) | £34.00 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Food for N/P Meeting (Locality Grant) | £34.20 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Wifi booster for Church Hall | £15.59 |
Mr C. Gilbert – Cleaning of Church Hall | £20.00 |
EON – Direct Debit – Church Floodlights | £28.00 |
Total | £840.04 |
Income since 21/09/21 | |
Bank Interest | £0.20 |
Locality Grant | £8,508.00 |
Total | £8,508.20 |
Balances @ Bank – September | |
Deposit A/C | £21,737.96 |
Current A/C | £597.27 |
Total | £22,335.23 |
Balances @ Bank – October | |
Deposit A/C | £29,245.96 |
Current A/C | £757.23 |
Total | £30,003.19 |
In past years the Parish Council have paid for the insurance for the Open Gardens. It was proposed and seconded that a donation for £250.00 be made. Show of hands and all were in favour. A cheque for this amount will be raised next month.
The Finance & General Purposes meeting will be held on Tuesday 2nd November commencing at 7pm.
122/21 Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council, will be held on Tuesday 16 November 2021, commencing at 7.30pm in the Church Hall
The Parish Council were saddened to hear of the untimely death of David Amess MP and would like to pass on our condolences to his family at this very sad time.
The meeting closed at 9.25pm.