- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor J. Wheatley
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor K. Rigby
- Councillor D. Pringle (Broxtowe Borough Council)
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
38/22 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor K. Harrison, Councillor D. Mason, Councillor Mrs L. Ball (Broxtowe Borough Council), Councillor J. McGrath (Nottinghamshire County Council) and PCSO P. Keeley (Police).
39/22 Declaration of interest
Councillor Rigby declared a Prejudicial interest in any matters concerning The Gardeners Inn.
40/22 Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 15 March 2022 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
41/22 Public participation
There were no members of the public present.
42/22 Police report
There was no Police Report.
43/22 County Councillor’s report
There was no County Councillor’s report.
44/22 Borough Councillor’s report
There were discussions regarding the Almshouses. Councillor Pringle reported that the Transport/Highways departments have no objections to the proposed entrance to the Almshouses. We are informed that the owner of the property, Gurjit Mahal, apparently did not know when he purchased the property that it is a Grade II* listed building, as the pack details at auction were wrong, listing it only as Grade II so he was unaware of the “*”. The Planning Committee have the final say over Historic England and the Planning Department.
Councillor Pringle also urged everyone to ring 101 to report matters to the police and to ask for an Incident No. It was reported that motorcyclists are coming through the village again, with dangerous overtaking.
7.50pm Standing Orders commenced
45/22 Items for discussion
a) Church matters
Thanks were given for the blue/yellow ribbons on the gate. Dispensation was requested for a Ukraine flag for the church flagpole but the rules cannot be altered. This was even confirmed by The Archbishop of Canterbury.
b) Footpaths and pavements
It was reported that the stile on Footpath 9 has been mended. Bricks and tiles are still on the verge on Robinettes Lane. This will be reported again.
Bricks/tiles to be reported again
c) Roads/Traffic/Bikers
It was reported that the lamp post opposite the stables has been changed to a modern one – this is a conservation area so therefore the lamp post should not have been changed. County Council will be contacted regarding this, requesting that the original lamp post be put back. If they have not got the old lamp post anymore, suggest that the lamp post from the bottom of Church Lane be moved. Lamp post numbers are LP14 (replaced one) and LP29 (suggest re-locating).
County Council to be contacted re lamp posts
The drain at the bottom of Dead Lane is still causing flooding problems, following rainfall and all of the drains on Church Lane are blocked. Dave Walker at Viaem will be contacted regarding these matters, especially as the drainage problem on Dead Lane could result in a serious accident.
Dave Walker to be contacted re drainage problems
PCSO Keeley had sent an email regarding the setting up of a Community Speedwatch. Following discussion it was agreed that we do not wish to take part in this scheme due to public safety issues. It was suggested that we ask to trial the Noise Camera and request wires across the road for speed and numbers.
d) Almshouses
Transport and Highways departments have no objections to the proposed entrance. Still waiting for a decision regarding the new plans.
e) Parish Matters – Open gardens
Following discussion it was proposed and seconded, and all were in favour, that a donation of £250.00 be made to Cossall Community Chest towards the costs of the Cossall Open Gardens.
f) Floral planters
There has not been any decision yet as to what will be planted and it was agreed that this will be left to Councillors Harrison to sort out as the planters are always beautiful.
Cllrs Harrison will sort out
g) Notice boards
It was reported that Chris Gilbert has booked the builder for next Monday, to put the legs in for the notice boards on Robinettes Lane and outside the church hall. Councillor Mrs Wheatley reported that as the notice boards are all painted a different shade of green, a green background with gold lettering will not be suitable. Following discussion it was agreed that simulated gold could be used for the lettering and a darker contrasting green for the background. Councillor Mrs Gilbert and Councillors Wheatley will sort this out using pantones. Photographs of the Almshouses and Church Lych Gate will also be used. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will sort these.
Cllr Mrs Gilbert and Cllrs Wheatley to sort out
Nothing to report.
i) Neighbourhood Plan
It was reported that a good portion of the Design Code has been looked through and a few things have been found that require changing. These have been sent back to Wei Deng. The last Locality Grant has now finished and the report has been submitted and accepted. A further grant will be applied for this year.
j) Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – Big Lunch
Discussions were carried out regarding the refreshments for The Big Lunch. The caterer has already been booked. It was decided that a “toast” with prosecco was a good idea with fruit juice and tea/coffee also on offer.
The Clerk is able to obtain discount so will purchase 10 bottles of Prosecco and 3 bottles of Appeltiser.
Clerk to sort
The bunting has been purchased, need to purchase tablecloths and sort out the table layout and gazebos for the car park.
The food tables will be in the Church Hall and seating/tables outside.
Not sure of numbers and it was suggested that an invitation style leaflet, printed on A6 card, be sent out to all residents. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will sort this out and the printing will be done at Moorleys.
Cllr Mrs Gilbert to sort out design and printing
k) Ukraine
Nothing to report. Leave on Agenda.
j) Standing Orders
Councillor Rigby had submitted his proposed amendment to the Standing Orders. An addendum will be typed on a single sheet to be added to the Standing Orders. The Clerk will type up and hand out at the next meeting.
Clerk to sort
46/22 Correspondence
A letter has been received from Louise Turgoose, Special Projects Manager at The Nugget advising that they are working on a project re loneliness. The idea is to create “Happy Benches” for people to sit on and chat. The Nugget are asking if we would like to sponsor/adopt/purchase such a bench. Following discussion it was agreed that we were not interested in supporting this as we have got The Amigos Group in Cossall. A polite reply will be sent.
Sue and John – the founders of The Amigos Group will be invited to attend a meeting to tell us more about the group.
9.30pm 10 Minute extension of Standing Orders
47/22 Planning applications
Nothing to report regarding our comments re The Gardeners Inn. Councillor Pringle will be asked if there can be an extension on the time response to planning applications – we only get 21 days to respond.
48/22 Finance
We have received a grant of £1000.00 from Councillor John Doddy – Notts County Councillor. It was proposed that we could use this for refurbishment of the porch in the Church Hall, fix the window and clear the air vents under the floor. This proposal was seconded and all were in favour. Councillor Wheatley will obtain some quotes for the work to be carried out.
Cllr Wheatley to obtain quotes
49/22 Accounts for payment
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Clerk’s Salary | £419.00 |
Cossall PCC – Room Hire – 2 x £24 (PC & N/P) | £48.00 |
Mr R Heard – Website Administration | £45.00 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Zoom Monthly Subs (Mar 2022) | £14.39 |
BHIB Insurance | £307.06 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Bunting for The Big Lunch | £9.49 |
Mr C. Gilbert – Cleaning of Church Hall | £20.00 |
Bank Charges and Fees | £25.00 |
EON – Direct Debit – Church Floodlights | £28.00 |
TOTAL | £915.94 |
Income since 15/03/22 | |
Bank Interest | £0.31 |
Precept £11,646.00 | £11,646.00 |
TOTAL | £11,646.31 |
Balances @ Bank – March | |
Deposit A/C | £15,433.30 |
Current A/C | £620.72 |
TOTAL | £16,054.02 |
Balances @ Bank – April | |
Deposit A/C | £26,079.30 |
Current A/C | £704.78 |
TOTAL | £26,784.08 |
50/22 Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council, will be held on Tuesday 17 May 2022, commencing at 7.30pm in the Church Hall. This meeting will be The Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council.
The meeting closed at 9.40pm.