- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor J. Wheatley
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor Mrs L. Ball (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- Councillor J. McGrath (Notts County Council)
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
01/22 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor K. Rigby, Councillor D. Mason, Councillor D. Pringle (Broxtowe Borough Council) and PCSO P. Keeley (Police).
02/22 Declaration of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest made.
03/22 Minutes of the last meeting
Councillor Wheatley pointed out that in 130/21 a) Church Matters, it should have stated that the minor leak in the church was a plumbing leak. Following this alteration, the Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 16 November 2021 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
04/22 Public participation
There were no members of the public present.
05/22 Police report
There was no Police report.
06/22 County Councillor’s report
Councillor McGrath reported that there is funding available from Notts County Council for the planning of events to commemorate The Queen’s Jubilee celebrations, details of this can be found on the County Council’s website. He also advised that he has been led to believe that there may also be funding available from Broxtowe Borough Council.
Councillor McGrath and Councillor Doddy have a monthly meeting with Dave Walker (Highways Department) to discuss any highways issues. If the Parish Council have any issues, at any time, could we please email Councillor McGrath so he can put them forward at the meetings. The question was raised as to whether the roads in Cossall are still being inspected – there used to be an inspector drive round in a van on a monthly basis. Councillor McGrath did not think this was still the case but will report any issues we have and arrange inspection. It was reported that there are three large potholes in Cossall – one on Church Lane by the Mill Lane junction, one on Dead Lane just before the sharp bend where the road becomes Cossall Road and one on Church Lane in front of the large metal gates at Cedar Farm.
Cllr Mrs Gilbert will email the information to Cllr McGrath
Councillor McGrath reported that Inspector Mike Ebbins has taken over from Inspector Simon Riley. Councillor Mrs Gilbert informed the meeting that she had received a reply from Insp. Ebbins regarding our concerns of the sirens. It will be difficult to stop the sirens as they are used to let people know where approaching vehicles are.
It was reported that there has been a very serious attack at a property in Trowell, this is an isolated property on Stoney Lane and happened at around midnight on the night in question. The question was raised regarding further information. Councillor McGrath told the meeting that the police are still making enquiries and investigating. They have been visiting residents requesting to look at CCTV footage. It would be prudent to ask about rural security in the area and Councillor McGrath advised that this would be better coming from the Parish Council. Apparently the police are going to talk with the Trowell luncheon club following this crime.
Cllr Mrs Gilbert will contact Insp. Ebbins
07/22 Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Mrs Ball reported that she has attended a Planning Meeting since Christmas and there was nothing on for Cossall.
Concern was raised regarding parking in the vicinity, with the Bennerley Viaduct being opened at the weekend. Hopefully this will not be a problem in the future, when the first flush of interest dies down.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert raised a planning concern regarding the ongoing application with the Almshouses. We have been led to believe that a substantially changed application is being submitted for the Almshouses. The first application has not been agreeable to Historic England and a smaller application is to be submitted – using different outer material to the bricks shown on the application already submitted. Councillor Mrs Ball told the meeting that Historic England are being difficult but that their objections can apparently be overwritten. Planning officers will put plans to Historic England and then decide whether to recommend the application or not. Councillors have to be impartial. Concern is if the new plan is refused that the developer may walk away.
Councillor Mrs Ball will find out who the Planning officer is and see how far down the line it is and ask the Planning officer to contact the Clerk.
Cllr Mrs Ball to make enquiries
08/22 Items for discussion
a) Church matters
Councillor Wheatley reported that the Diocesan flag is on the way. The bell rope has not been so simple to organise but is now sorted out. We can have one made to suit ie colours of our choice. After discussion is was decided to use the Diocese colours of Gold, Blue, Black and White. This will cost in the region of £70 but could be slightly more. A budget of £100 was agreed. The flag will cost around £120. Councillor Wheatley will also need to get pulleys for the bell rope and this could also cost around £100. It was agreed that Councillor Wheatley go ahead and order the necessary equipment.
Cllr Wheatley to order items for the bell
The TV in the church hall is now working again.
The dedication of the bell tower was discussed and it was decided that this take place following the church service on 6th March 2022. This could be put on the list of Cossall Community Chest Do’s but be marked as a Parish Council event. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will speak to Gillian Thornhill to check if the church are happy with this plan and the availability of Canon Dr Christina Baxter to say a few words at the dedication. Also ask “The Nugget” magazine to advertise the event. Photos of the original tower, without tower and the new tower could be put on display. It was agreed to get a frame with positions for several suitable photos of the Old School Room with and without the tower. Light refreshments need to be organised – further discussion at next meeting. Invitations need to go out to the Tillson and Pike families. It was suggested that a plaque be made for the dedication, naming the Parish Council and the Tillson and Pike families in memory of family members. Permission will be gained from the church to put the plaque in the church hall.
Cllr Mrs Gilbert to contact Gillian Thornhill & to obtain frame and photos
Cllr Mrs Wheatley will organise this when permission is confirmed.
b) Footpaths and pavements
It was reported that the hedge is overgrown and the path is uneven on Footpath 24 (Millennium Park to Mill Lane). This will be reported to Broxtowe Borough Council.
Problems on footpath 24 to be reported
With regards to the Cess Pit problem at junction of footpaths 3 and 5 – there is confirmation that the permit application has been received but is in a queue to be dealt with.
c) Roads/Traffic/Bikers
There are three potholes which need repairing and the information will be passed on to Councillor McGrath – as noted in 06/22 above.
No recent problems with bikers but they are sometimes heard after lunch on a Sunday and occasionally seen on Mill Lane at various times.
d) Almshouses
We have been informed that there are to be new plans for 3 x 2 bedroom and 1 x 3 bedroom properties. The extensions are now to be single storey and will not be seen from the road. Historic England have made objections to the plans already submitted for larger two story extensions, but it appears that no one will advise the developer on what will be acceptable. We are told that Historic England ideally want to retain eight small properties. The new plans are not yet available for commenting on.
e) Floral planters
Councillor Wilton has planted up the new planter today. The ivy will be taken out of the planter on the corner by the Church.
f) Notice board
An estimate of £545 has been received from Chris Gilbert to produce a new notice board on Robinettes Lane. The estimate includes a contractor to set new concrete posts, painting etc. It was proposed and seconded and all were in favour that this estimate be accepted.
Councillor Mrs Wheatley had produced different designs for the wording “Cossall Parish Council” to be put across the top of the notice boards and there are several different prices –
- Self adhesive vinyl lettering £20 +VAT/NB
- Self adhesive hi-tek digital print over laminate £28 +VAT/NB
- Foamex digital print with over laminate £36 +VAT/NB
- Fill top with Perspex shape – no extra cost for lettering £85 +VAT/NB
After discussion it was decided we may prefer to go with the Perspex infill as it will be more cost effective in the long term. The colours for the lettering were discussed – gold on green, green on white and white on green. Councillor/Mrs Wheatley will obtain some samples for the next meeting and a decision will be made then.
Cllr Mrs Wheatley to obtain samples for next meeting
g) RCAN/Neighbourhood Plan
It was reported that the plans are not known for the Gardeners Inn. The business needs to be viable. RCAN have recommended The Plunkett Foundation for advice. It is in a good location with a decent car park but looks very strange with the new houses next to it. Only one of the three houses has been sold. The pub has now been listed on the County’s Historic Environment Record (HER). Councillor Mrs Gilbert will forward the information regarding The Plunkett Foundation to The Gardeners Inn email address.
There was a visit from Wei Deng regarding the Neighbourhood Plan and he has now gone off to write the design code. Councillor Mrs Gilbert told the meeting that she has sent an email today, in conjunction with Marilyn Reed, to Wei Deng asking if he needs anything else from us.
Councillor Harrison reported that there is a survey by RCAN which we have now completed, re the effect COVID has had on the community and that he has also received information on funding schemes for the Queen’s Jubilee.
Councillor Harrison also reported that he had sent information from RCAN about village halls to the church.
h) Nottinghamshire Key Individual Network
Councillor Mrs Gilbert confirmed that she has filled this form in and Councillor Ms Hopkin said that she may fill one in too.
i) Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
It was agreed that available funding from the County and Borough Council’s would be looked into, with regards to applying for a grant For The Big Lunch on Sunday 5th June.
2130 Motion passed for a 15 minute extension of Standing Orders
This event has been registered. Need to keep it to a moderate event We need to obtain some prices for outside caterers before we consider applying for a grant. It was agreed to obtain quotes for 50 people. Need to put in newsletter to ask for interest in attending. Councillors Mrs Gilbert, Wheatley and Mrs Wheatley will obtain quotes.
Quotes will be obtained
09/22 Correspondence
There was no correspondence.
10/22 Planning applications
The application for the Almshouses has been discussed above.
11/22 Finance & General Purposes Committee – 5th Member
It has been decided that a 5th member of the Finance & General Purposes Committee be appointed to make the voting on matters easier. It was proposed that Councillor Keating be elected as 5th member, this proposal was seconded, there was a show of hands and all were in favour.
12/22 Accounts for payment/Finance
The following accounts were approved for payment
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Clerk’s Salary | £414.86 |
Mr R Heard – Website Administration | £45.00 |
Cossall PCC – Room Hire (18/1/22) | £24.00 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Zoom Monthly Subs (Dec 2021) | £14.39 |
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Phone Rental (Nov 2021) | £33.60 |
Mr C. Gilbert – Newsletter | £95.00 |
Mr C. Gilbert – N/P Objectives/Vision Leaflet | £52.00 |
Cossall PCC – Room Hire for N/P Meeting | £24.00 |
Mr C. Gilbert – New Planter | £100.00 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Boundary Update Leaflet | £26.40 |
Mr C. Gilbert – Cleaning of Church Hall | £20.00 |
Bank Charges & Fees (Newly introduced monthly charges) | £19.00 |
EON – Direct Debit – Church Floodlights | £28.00 |
Total | £896.25 |
Income since 16/11/21 | |
Bank Interest | £0.38 |
Total | £0.38 |
Balances @ Bank – December | |
Deposit A/C | £19,246.56 |
Current A/C | £212.59 |
Total | £19,459.15 |
Balances @ Bank – January | |
Deposit A/C | £18,246.72 |
Current A/C | £316.34 |
Total | £18,563.06 |
13/22 Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council, will be held on Tuesday 15th February 2022, commencing at 7.30pm in the Church Hall
The meeting closed at 9.45pm.