- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor K. Rigby
- Councillor S. Pepper
- Councillor Mrs L. Ball (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- Councillor D. Pringle (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- Mr J. Keirnan – Member of the public
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
Councillor Mrs Gilbert gave the very sad news to everyone that Gillian Thornhill had passed away earlier today. Everyone’s thoughts are with her family.
80/24 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mrs E. Harrison, Councillor D. Pringle (Broxtowe Borough Council) and Councillor J. McGrath (Nottinghamshire County Council).
81/24 Declaration of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest made.
82/24 Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on 18th June 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
83/24 Public participation
James Keirnan was thanked for obtaining the details of the person who owns the broken handrail on the footpath that goes up to the canal from Coronation Road – Philip Wrigley.
Mr Kiernan will let us have Mr Wrigley’s home address so a letter can be sent requesting that he arrange to have the handrail repaired.
The vacancy on the Parish Council has been advertised and Mr Keirnan has put in a formal application for the position of Parish Councillor.
Mr Keirnan properly introduced himself and told the meeting that he was new to the village and had worked in charities for a long time. His wife has become involved with the Open Gardens and he is keen to be a part of the Parish Council.
84/24 Police report
There was no Police report.
85/24 County Councillor’s report
There was no report.
86/24 Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Mrs Gilbert asked Councillor Mrs Ball if she had been able to take a look at the problems we are having with the Weekly Planning List, as we know there is at least one application which did not show up on the validated list, this being the application for retro planning for additional stables at Jolly’s stables. What else have we not seen? If this is down to human error then we need assurances that it won’t happen again. Councillor Mrs Ball told the meeting that she had been unable to access the list but will have another look at finding out what has happened.
Cllr Mrs Ball to find out what is happening
Councillor Mrs Gilbert asked that if we want to put oak trees on Robinettes Lane on to the TPO list, do we have to put in a planning application (Philip Bennett has said that we have to). We need a definitive answer.
Cllr Mrs Ball will find out
Councillor Mrs Ball reported that she had been to look at the problem area behind Pipswood where the bench is – people had pulled fences down, set fires, illegal fishing. She met with the person who has reported it and he showed her the problem area and requested that the bench be removed. The Borough Council do not think this is a good idea. Councillor Mrs Ball has spoken to Chris Riley, who was willing to go and have a look. Awaiting his reply. The person who initially reported this has also reported it to the police and he has an Incident No. Councillor Mrs Ball will keep on top of the situation.
Cllr Mrs Ball to keep on top of the situation
7.45pm Standing Orders commenced
87/24 Items for discussion
a) Church matters
The electricity has now been sorted out. Awaiting the bill for the work which has been carried out. The floodlights will be sorted to come on in September. Thanks to everyone concerned.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert suggested that a Book of Condolence for Gillian be put in the church for people to sign.
b) Footpaths and pavements
A letter will be sent to the owner of the broken footpath steps handrail once we have his address, requesting that he arrange for the handrail to be repaired. Councillor Keating reported that the steps are not very good either and need some attention – this will also be included in the letter as both of these matters are safety issues. The public footpath (FP35) is on private land so it is the landowner’s duty of care.
Letter will be sent to Mr Wrigley regarding the handrail and steps
Councillor Pepper reported that the kissing gate at the rear of Councillor Mrs Wheatley’s property is in need of repair. He has reported this 3 times now but has heard nothing. Councillor Mrs Wheatley will let Councillor Mrs Gilbert have the what3words and it will be reported again.
Kissing gate will be reported again
Councillor Keating reported that, on several occasions, large branches have fallen down on to the pavement on the left hand side of Church Lane going down to Coronation Road – the trees in question are dead. Chris Gilbert had reported this and hopefully something will be done.
Councillor Wilton reported that, due to the brambles and weeds, it is very difficult to walk along Robinettes Lane. The road is getting narrower due to the hedges being overgrown. The pavement needs to be kept clear due to the large lorries travelling up and down the road.
Coronation Road is also bad as well with the hedges and undergrowth.
It was also reported that Footpath 13 is almost impassable.
All footpath problems to be reported
c) Roads/Traffic/Bikers
Councillor McGrath had taken Paula Johnson to have a look at the Anti-skid surface at Dead Man’s Elbow and a reply has been received. Although the two accidents have been acknowledged there are no plans to replace the anti-skid surface as it is very costly to replace/maintain and there are no funds available. A safety scheme is being looked at which will include new signage and additional marker posts will be installed. Hopefully the work will be carried out before March 2025. The area needs monitoring and if further accidents occur we will keep pushing for the anti-skid surface to be replaced.
Councillor Pepper reported that heading along Dead Lane towards the village the 30mph sign on the left hand side is faded and the speed limit is no longer visible. Also the sign for the humps is obscured by trees.
Signage problems to be reported
Councillor Harrison reported that there is a link for the Fire Safety Webinar.
Information is available regarding the Harry Johnson Awards – Building Conservation Trust. Councillor Harrison will forward the details to Councillor Ms Hopkin. We could maybe enter the Almshouses for an award, in the future.
There is a meeting on Hall Management Best Practice at Trowell Church Hall next week.
There is also information on Better Health through Warmer Homes – this could be added to the Autumn newsletter.
Nothing to report.
f) TPO’s (Tree Preservation Orders)
Councillor Mrs Ball will find out if a planning application has to be submitted to add trees to the TPOs.
It was reported that there are three more trees which could be added to the TPOs – 2 chestnuts outside Pipswood and 1 chestnut at the barn conversions on the corner of Church Lane. These trees are outside the Conservation Area so really need to be included on the TPOs.
g) Floral Displays
There was a brief discussion regarding the re-positioning of some of the planters – move the two on Awsworth Lane across the road to Blackboards and the one on Newtons Lane to The Glebe. This will be further discussed at the next meeting as Councillor Mrs Harrison was not present at tonight’s meeting.
h) Summer newsletter
A draft of the newsletter has been circulated for comments.
88/24 Correspondence
A letter has been received from Mrs Angela Henson of Awsworth Youth and Community Centre, which is funded and managed separately from the Village Hall Charity. They would like to invite a member of the Parish Council to sit on the committee. Councillor Mrs Gilbert has the email address if anyone is interested.
Councillor Mrs Wheatley informed the meeting that John Wheatley had intended to come in to thank the Parish Council for his gift in lieu of work done, but unfortunately he is unable to tonight.
89/24 Planning applications
Councillor Mrs Wheatley reported that the users of the allotments on Coronation Road have been given notice to quit by next March and that they are not at all happy about it. They are requesting that the Parish Council look into this matter. The land is owned by V H Anderson Trust and is in the charge of D C Anderson Property Management. Until a formal planning application is put in at Broxtowe there is nothing the Parish Council can do.
Councillor Mrs Ball was going to chase up the Environment Agency report, regarding the condition of the water in the canal. This has been mentioned at several Liaison meetings and the Awsworth Clerk has also been chasing this up.
Councillor Ms Hopkin reported that there is a very strange scum floating on the surface of the Canal – it has been suggested that this is coming off the bypass.
Some of the hedge planted by Avant on Newtons Lane, is dying.
The show home is now open and they are advertising new homes.
90/24 Finance
A further item – 017 – needs adding to the Budget List, this is for the maintenance of the Defibrillators (annual service and battery replacement)
As of the end of August there will be £8,203.34 left to spend this financial year – it will be a little tight but should be ok.
91/24 Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved for payment | ||
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Clerk’s Salary | 479.67 | |
Cossall PCC – Room Hire – 16/7/24 | £35.00 | |
Mr R Heard – Website Administration | £70.00 | |
Mr C. Gilbert – Church Hall Clean | £20.00 | |
Bank Charges and Fees | £8.00 | |
ICO – Direct Debit (19/6/24) | £35.00 | |
Pictorial – Topper for Notice Board on The Glebe (26/6/24) | £120.00 | |
National ALC – Fee for course in July 2022 (26/6/24) | £38.93 | |
(Refund received from Notts ALC) | ||
TOTAL | £806.60 | |
August Payments – 20/8/24 | ||
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Clerk’s Salary 479.67 | £479.67 | |
Mr R. Heard – Website Administration 70.00 | £70.00 | |
Bank Fees 8.00 | £8.00 | |
TOTAL | £557.67 | |
Income since 18/06/24 | ||
Bank Interest | £28.14 | |
Notts ALC Refund | £38.93 | |
TOTAL | £67.07 | |
Deposit Account | ||
Reserve | £7,000.00 | |
MTFS | £750.00 | |
TOTAL | £7,750.00 | |
Balances @ Bank – June 2024 | ||
Deposit A/C | £16,847.56 | |
Current A/C | £214.19 | |
TOTAL | £17,061.75 | |
Balances @ Bank – July 2024 | ||
Deposit A/C | £7,897.56 | (Reserve/MTFS deducted) |
Current A/C | £840.45 | |
TOTAL | £8,738.01 | (Available to spend) |
Balances @ Bank – August 2024 | ||
Deposit A/C | £7,920.56 | (circa) |
Current A/C | £282.78 | |
TOTAL | £8,203.34 |
92/24 Date and time of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 17th September 2024, commencing at 7.30pm in the Church Hall.