- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor K. Rigby
- Councillor J. Keirnan
- Councillor Mrs L. Ball (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- Councillor D. Pringle (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- Councillor J. McGrath (Nottinghamshire County Council)
- PC A. Davies (Police)
- Mr J. Wheatley (Member of the Public)
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
108/24 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor S. Pepper.
109/24 Declaration of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest.
110/24 Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on 17th September 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
111/24 Public participation
John Wheatley spoke regarding the sale of Cossall back in 1925. Cossall was in the ownership of the Willoughby family from the 13th century and in March 1925 there was an auction for the sale of the houses. In March 2025, as it will be the 100 year anniversary, John and Sandra would like to put on a display/exhibition in the church hall to commemorate this event and would like to request the possibility of a grant from the Parish Council of around £300 to do this.
It was decided that this be put on the agenda for next month’s meeting and that Standing Orders be suspended for John to speak when the item comes up.
It was also brought up that it will be the 80th anniversary of the end of WW2 (VE/VJ Day) next year and that maybe we should do something to commemorate this also – this will also be put on the agenda for next month’s meeting.
112/24 Police report
PC Tony Davies reported that in the last month there have been 2 incidents of burglaries/thefts reported in Cossall.
Police contact information is –
PC1284 Masaoy – 07929 792626
PC7424 Davies – 07702 141572
113/24 County Councillor’s report
Councillor McGrath reported on funding streams – the UK SFP Fund starts next March. The LCF (Local Community Fund), is open until 8th November and he will send the link for this to Councillor Mrs Gilbert.
Councillors Pringle and Mrs Ball will know who to speak to at Broxtowe regarding the 80 year anniversary of VE/VJ Day, as this will be coordinated through the Borough Council. Paul Jobs will give a list of all planned works in the area.
114/24 Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that there have been a lot of emails regarding the matter of silt still going into the canal from the building site. A local resident has taken photos of the silt pouring into the canal – he also has photos taken at the same area before the building work started. Councillor Mrs Gilbert phoned someone at the Environment Agency and received an immediate call back from a different person. Councillor Mrs Gilbert advised them that we had photographic evidence of the silt entering the canal.
The Environment Agency has still not made the report available to the Parish Councils involved – Cossall and Awsworth. Councillor Pringle reported that this is now being looked at and he is waiting for a response. It really needs a site meeting with someone from the Environment Agency and/or Broxtowe to have a proper look at the problem. We have good evidence available now and Councillor Ms Hopkin also has a video of the polluted water going from the canal into the river.
Neither Jason or Mark have answered emails regarding a date for the next Liaison meetings.
Councillor Mrs Ball reported that she has got no further with the TPO question but apparently Philip Wood, the Tree Officer at Broxtowe, is going to do a survey of trees in the area sometime in the next 2 years. Councillor Mrs Ball will try to get him to have a look at the trees on Robinettes Lane.
We are unable to do the TPO ourselves but we can register the trees on the Woodland Trust website. Councillors Ms Hopkin and Mrs Wheatley will look into this and measurements/location of each tree will also be sent to Philip Wood.
It was suggested that we appoint our own tree officer for the Parish Council. This will be an agenda item for next month’s meeting.
Councillor Pringle reported that the planning application for 66 Awsworth Lane will be decided at Committee – Councillor Pringle has requested this.
7.55pm Standing Orders commenced
115/24 Items for discussion
a) Church matters
Councillor Mrs Wheatley reported that the meter has now been fitted.
It was proposed and seconded that Standing Orders be suspended so John Wheatley could speak regarding this. All were in favour of this.
8.00pm Standing Orders suspended
John reported that a brand new meter has been installed and this is reading well. He turned on the church floodlights over a weekend (Friday/Saturday/Sunday) for 5 hours each day (6pm-11pm). 13.5 units of electricity were used at 22.7p/unit. .9k/watt/hour at 20.43p.
It is an automatic clock and it adds on 2 minutes per day up until the shortest day and after that deducts 2 minutes per day up until the longest day.
The cost for the weekend was £3.06 so £1/night, this will obviously increase up to 21st December then start to decrease up to 21st June 2025. The lights will come on at dusk and go off at 11pm. The switching on time cannot be altered but the switching off time can. It was also pointed out that we will also have to pay approx. £122/year to the church for the Standing Charge – this will equate to one third of the Standing Charge at 33p/day plus the electric charge. The church will be asked what they are paying per unit so we can get a better idea of the cost to us.
Find out what church are paying per unit
Councillor Mrs Harrison pointed out that there is no point in the floodlights if we are not putting them on for a reasonable amount of time if we are paying 33p/day Standing Charge.
It was proposed and seconded that the lights be on at weekends for 15 hours – Friday to Sunday at 5 hours/day. All were in favour.
It was suggested that we look at installing LED lights – this has been looked into before and the colour was not nice. It was suggested that we look into more modern lighting. Councillor Keirnan and John Wheatley will look into this. John was thanked for his help.
Cllr Keirnan and John Wheatley to look into this
8.15pm Standing Orders re-instated
b) Footpaths and Pavements
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that she has had a reply regarding the hedge on Newtons Lane which is overhanging the pavement and there will be a site visit regarding safety.
No reply yet regarding the seat near the bus stop on Coronation Road.
Japanese knotweed/Himalayan balsam and Giant hogweed have all been reported.
c) Roads/Traffic/Bikers
Following the discussion last month regarding signage to get cyclists to be more respectful of walkers, Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that she had written to the Mayor who advised that we need to contact the Public Rights of Way department at Nottinghamshire County Council. This has been done but unfortunately they do not have any appropriate signs. It was reported that there are home-made signs near to where people fish. Maybe an idea to contact Helen Spencer.
Councillor Harrison reported there were 3 items of interest to report.
1. There are possible funding opportunities for the church hall car park but they mainly appear to require match funding.
2. There is a cluster group for Village Halls meeting at Awsworth next week. Marilyn Reed may go along representing the church.
3. Citizens Advice on pensions – meeting held yesterday and there will be another one next week in Eastwood.
Nothing to report.
f) TPO’s (Tree Preservation Orders)
A survey of all trees in the area will be carried out sometime during the next 2 years. The trees can be registered on the Woodland Trust website. Councillors Ms Hopkin and Mrs Wheatley will send the measurements/locations of each tree to Philip Wood, the Tree Officer at Broxtowe, and look into registering the trees with the Woodland Trust how they might help.
Councillors Ms Hopkin and Mrs Wheatley will send tree information to Philip Wood and look into the Woodland Trust
g) Floral Displays/Christmas tree
Thanks was given to everyone who helped with moving the planters, they look very good in their new positions. Councillor Mrs Harrison reported that she has planted them up today for the winter displays. Hoping to go back to Trowell to get some more pansies for the rest of the planters.
Councillor Ms Hopkin reported that she might have found someone who would be willing to water the planters at Blackboards. We need to find someone who would be willing to water the one at The Gardeners.
With regards to the Christmas tree – Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that she has received a quote for a tree and installation. We really need to get a local tree, so transporting it is cost effective and if we have a speciality tree (purpose grown) they are not so heavy – 15ft tree will cost £270 and Steven Walters will collect and erect it for £100 – £370 all done. It was proposed and seconded that we accept these costs and all were in favour. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will organise this.
Cllr Mrs Gilbert to organise
h) Checking of defibrillators
Thanks were given to Councillor Keirnan for his report on the defibrillator at Trinity Farm. Councillor Wilton has not yet done the checks on the defibrillator on Church Lane, due to holidays.
Cllr. Wilton to carry out checks on the defibrillator in the phone box
i) Painting of the phone box
Now the weather has turned this has not yet been done.
j) Winter Newsletter
Need some ideas for topics.
Celebration of 100 years of the sale of Cossall – memorabilia and photos.
80 years since the end of WW2 – VE/VJ Day.
Put some photos of the recent owl event, organised by Cossall Community Chest, in the newsletter.
Advise on the location of the defibrillators/bleed control kits.
Plant waterer for the planter at The Gardeners required – mention why the other planters have been moved – advise that this is all done by volunteers and these are planted out as a gesture so if anyone has input re flowers etc to get in contact. Also ask that the planters are not trashed as they are there for the community.
Soup Kitchen – Councillor Mrs Gilbert is going to ask Alyson to put these events on the Facebook page.
Safety regarding bikes – ie bells to let walkers know that you’re approaching from behind.
Winter recipe – put in a recipe from Trinity Farm.
Do a Kid’s Corner – dot-to-dot/word search
k) Remembrance
Wreaths have been ordered and will be delivered to Councillor Mrs Gilbert on 21st October. Councillors Ms Hopkin and Mrs Wheatley will lay the wreaths at the Remembrance Service on Sunday 10th November.
l) Change of meeting date for January 2025
It was requested that the date of the meeting in January 2025 be changed from Tuesday 21st to Tuesday 14th. It was proposed and seconded that this change be made and all were in favour.
116/24 Correspondence
Letter from Eastwood Town Council regarding the Christmas Civic Service to be held on 8th December 2024. Councillor Ms Hopkin will attend.
Remembrance Services – 10th November/11th November at Mansfield Road Memorial Cottages.
117/24 Planning applications
The Avant building site was discussed – Jason and Mark have totally ignored emails from Councillor Mrs Gilbert regarding quarterly meetings.
The question was raised as to whether the original application was seen for the Cedar House application. It was confirmed that yes the original application had been seen.
118/24 Finance
The next meeting of the Finance Committee will be held on Tuesday 29th October, commencing at 7.30pm.
119/24 Accounts for payment
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Clerk’s Salary/Poppy Wreaths | £519.67 | (£479.67/£40.00) |
Cossall PCC – Room Hire – 15/10/24 | £35.00 | |
Mr R Heard – Website Administration/storage/security | £144.49 | (£70.00/£20.49/£54.00) |
Mr C. Gilbert – Bench Repair (extra)/Hall Clean | £95.00 | (£75.00/£20.00) |
Slater Electrical – Supply/fit meter for floodlights | £100.36 | |
RCAN – Pro-rata membership payment to 31/3/25 | £47.50 | |
Mr K. Harrison – Plants | £26.43 | |
Bank Charges and Fees | £8.00 | |
TOTAL | £976.45 | |
Income since 16/07/24 | ||
Bank Interest | £25.89 | |
TOTAL | £25.89 | |
Deposit Account | ||
Reserve | £7,000.00 | |
MTFS | £750.00 | |
TOTAL | £7,750.00 | |
Balances @ Bank – September 2024 | ||
Deposit A/C | £7,199.46 | (-Res/MTFS) |
Current A/C | £181.51 | |
TOTAL | £7,380.97 | (Available) |
Balances @ Bank – October 2024 | ||
Deposit A/C | £6,225.65 | (Reserve/MTFS deducted) |
Current A/C | £205.06 | |
TOTAL | £6,430.71 | (Available to spend) |
120/24 Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 19th November 2024, commencing at 7.30pm in the Church Hall.
The meeting closed at 8.55pm.