- Councillor J. Wheatley (Chair)
- Councillor K. Rigby
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Ex Officio)
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
1. Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Councillor Mrs Harrison.
2. Revenue and capital budgets
A discussion was held regarding Revenue and Capital budgets for the next financial year.
It was suggested that the Room Hire payments for Parish Council meetings be increased from £24/meeting to £35/meeting. This increase would be implemented from 1 April 2023.
The Revenue budget is £7987.58 and the Capital budget is £3250.00, giving a total of £11237.58. (Breakdown of these figures on a separate sheet).
3. Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)
The following projects have been approved on a 1/2/3 year basis.
- a) Real Christmas Tree (every year) including lights and electrics – budget of £1350.00 over 3 years at £450/year.
- b) Cast Iron Water Fountain/Plumbing – budget of £250.00 in next year’s budget.
- c) Defibrillator/Bleed Control Kit for Newtons Lane end of Cossall – budget of £2500.00 over 2 years at £1250/year. A grant of £1000.00 towards this project to be requested from Councillor Doddy, so this could be brought forward into next year’s budget. The Post Office will be contacted regarding the possibility of using the post storage box on the corner of Newtons Lane for the Defibrillator and Bleed Control Kit to be installed in.
- d) Village Gateway signs x 3 – budget of £2250.00 over 3 years at £750/year.
A nominal figure of £2000.00 will be set aside, this year, for the Community Support Fund.
It was also suggested that a minimum of 50% of the surplus be kept in reserve each year.
Councillor Rigby proposed that the budget be accepted and Councillor Keating seconded the proposal. All were in favour.
4. Date and time of next meeting
This will be set at a later date.
The meeting closed at 8.05pm