- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor J. Wheatley
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor D. Pringle (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- Councillor J. McGrath (Notts County Council)
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
26/22 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor K. Rigby, Councillor D. Mason, Councillor Mrs L. Ball (Broxtowe Borough Council), and PCSO P. Keeley (Police).
27/22 Declaration of interest
There were no Declarations of Interest made.
28/22 Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 15 February 2022 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
29/22 Public participation
There were no members of the public present.
30/22 Police report
There was no Police Report.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that the police had been to visit the Amigos Club. Inspector Mike Ebbins went with the Mayor and the Mayor’s daughter and everyone was very pleased with how the visit went.
31/22 County Councillor’s Report
Councillor McGrath reported that he will be speaking with Dave Walker about the faded SLOW markings on the road. The drains and potholes have also been done. The working gangs on potholes have been doubled from 4 to 8. The flooding at the bottom of Dead Lane has been reported and someone has been down to have a look. Councillor McGrath will make enquiries as to what the plans are for rectification of this problem. Councillor Keating reported that there are still blocked drains on Church Lane. All the drains on Church Lane need clearing out. Councillor McGrath will chase this up.
Cllr.McGrath will speak with Dave Walker
Cllr McGrath will make enquiries re plans
Cllr McGrath will chase up
Councillor Harrison thanked Councillor McGrath for submitting his report on the bollards that he proposed as a safety measure from 33 Church Lane to the church corner. The response from Dave Walker was quite negative but Councillor Harrison is going to carry out further investigations as he has seen smaller diameter bollards with reflectors. It would be useful if Dave Walker would actually do a site visit.
Cllr Harrison to investigate further
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that a resident on Awsworth Lane has sent an email regarding a tree that he believes has been felled by his neighbour. This tree was not in the neighbour’s garden but on the bridle path (BP7) and the large logs are now in the neighbour’s garden and the smaller branches have been left on the bridle path. Councillor McGrath will report this to County Council, Councillor Mrs Gilbert will send him the details.
Cllr McGrath will report this Cllr Mrs Gilbert to send details & Helen Spencer will be contacted
32/22 Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Pringle reported that the company developing the Ski slope have now purchased their own road sweeper to clear mud deposited on the roads from the site. The issue with starting construction is down to the Borough Council Planning Dept and the large number of planning applications they are dealing with at the moment. The Country Park area is almost finished.
Potholes can be reported directly through the “My Notts” app on mobile phones and can be reported via the map online Pot holes are difficult to see when water is in the potholes and Councillor Pringle reported that some people have been claiming compensation for damage to vehicle wheels.
Street lights can also be reported on the “My Notts” app.
Regarding the Almshouses, English Heritage seems to be a stumbling block but councils do not have to follow what they say.
Councillor Pringle reported that there has been a lot of talk about parking near the Bennerley viaduct since it has opened and he had a meeting this morning with Councillor McGrath and a representative of the estate. On one side of the viaduct a ramp for access has been built, but the Committee are trying to obtain funding to build a ramp on the other side of the viaduct. It was reported that the site owners may be making a car parking area and possibly having a small coffee shop. This will generate some income.
We have requested a couple of 171 notices, which may help to deter illegal off road bikers.
33/22 Items for discussion
a) Church matters
The Dedication event for the new bell tower went very well. About 50 people were in attendance. Councillor Wheatley was thanked for the work he has done to get this restored to its original state.
b) Footpaths and pavements
It was reported that 2 long-handled litter picks have been purchased for the Ilkeston Wombles. One has already broken but a new one was despatched by return. The Wombles are highly delighted with these litter picks – they are about 6ft long.
Councillor Mrs Wheatley reported that the middle stile on Footpath 9 is in need of repair. Someone has taken the top rail off to prop the stile up to stop it from falling over. Helen Spencer at Viaem will be contacted regarding this.
Helen Spencer will be contacted
Councillor Wilton reported that cars are being parked on the pavements and one on Robinettes Lane has been there for a couple of weeks. He has reported it to the police but nothing has been done yet. It is not illegal to park on the pavement but it is illegal to drive on the pavement.
c) Roads/Traffic/Bikers
It was reported that illegal bikes have been coming through the village over the last couple of weeks. There are still some coming down Robinettes Lane and Mill Lane. Unfortunately it is the time of the year for this to happen. We need to keep an eye out and report on 101.
d) Almshouses
Still waiting for a decision regarding the new plans.
e) Floral planters
The planters are looking good for the time of the year. The circular bed at the bottom of Church Lane needs planting. As Tim Crawford is retiring at the end of the month it may be better to contact Chris Riley to find out what the Borough Council’s plans are for the flowerbed. Councillor Pringle reported that he has got a meeting with Chris Riley this week so will ask him.
Cllr Pringle to ask Chris Riley
The question of the flowerbed outside The Gardeners Inn was also raised. Councillor Mason will be asked if he would like the Parish Council to take over the maintenance of this flowerbed.
f) Fly-tipping
The Ilkeston Wombles, while litter picking, found black bags on the car park. Councillor Mrs Gilbert has reported this and also a couple of other reports of fly-tipping. Councillor Mrs Wheatley reported that bricks have been dumped in the ditch on Robinettes Lane – this was reported to Broxtowe a while back but nothing has been done. She will take a photo and send to Councillor Mrs Gilbert and the Clerk.
The photos will be used to report the dumped bricks
g) Notice boards
It was reported that Chris Gilbert has made a start on the restoration of the Robinettes Notice board.
Councillor Mrs Wheatley went to pick up the samples of text for the top of the notice boards, and some very good samples had been made up. These look very nice. One is £85 +VAT per notice board and the other is £36 +VAT per notice board. It was proposed and seconded that we purchase the ones at £85 +VAT and all were in favour. Triangular green with gold lettering and, if possible, the addition of a picture of the church at the top, if it can be fitted on – the one taken through the lych gate was suggested and all were in favour. Councillor Wheatley and Chris Gilbert will fix these onto the notice boards – will need double-sided tape and fixings. Councillors Wheatley will sort out.
It was reported that the post has rotted and snapped off the information board outside the church hall. All were in favour for Chris Gilbert to be asked to give a quote for concrete posts.
Clllr Wheatley to ask Chris Gilbert for quote
Councillor Harrison reported that RCAN have offered to publicise the Church Hall. We need to send them details of our Social Media platforms.
i) Neighbourhood Plan
Still waiting for the Design Code for the Neighbourhood Plan. Wei Deng will hopefully have this finished by the end of the month. Also waiting to hear if the grant system will be renewed – we won’t hear anything on this until after 31st March.
j) Spring Newsletter
Thanks were given to the people who have offered to deliver the Newsletter. Sean Leathen has also volunteered to help.
k) Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
An email has been received from Cheryl Heron, who lives on Newtons Lane. She is trying to organise a street party on 4th June. She has contacted the Borough Council regarding closure of the road for the afternoon and has also contacted the police. They had a very successful VE Day party (on drives due to COVID) and she hopes this will be as successful. Councillor Mrs Gilbert has contacted her regarding the Big Lunch etc. The question was raised as to whether we could help out in any way – by purchasing some bunting, or ask if there is anything else they need.
It was proposed and seconded that Councillor Mrs Gilbert contact Cheryl and ask if there is anything we can provide ie bunting, tablecloths. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will write to Cheryl and report back at the next meeting.
Cllr Mrs Gilbert to contact Cheryl
Councillor Mrs Wheatley has booked the food for the Big Lunch. This will have to be delivered at 1pm so we could advertise the start At 1.30pm for 2pm. Do we need to get new bunting? Councillor Wheatley reported that he has got some bunting for inside the hall and some tablecloths but we could do with a few more. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will purchase some new Union Jack bunting for outside. Councillor Mrs Wheatley will sort out new tablecloths. Some purple paper plates and serviettes could be purchased and there are still quite a few disposable cups left. Gazebos could be put up outside in case it is very hot or raining. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will put something on website and advertise the event in The Nugget. A news article could be written for Ilkeston Life regarding the new bell tower and we could add the Jubilee Big Lunch and Open Gardens, because it is not free to advertise. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will sort this out.
Cllr Mrs Gilbert to purchase bunting
Cllr Mrs Wheatley to sort tablecloths
Cllr Mrs Gilbert to sort out articles for website, Ilkeston Life and The Nugget
l) Ukraine
The Parish Council is unable to give a donation outside of the UK, but could maybe purchase a Ukrainian flag. The Archdeacon has pointed out that it is not allowed to put up flags of other nations on churches. The Government can give permission to put up such flags but the Church can’t. Will speak to the Archdeacon on Sunday to see if he will give permission under these extenuating circumstances. As we cannot donate at the moment we will wait to see what happens in this country regarding the refugees. Leave on Agenda.
m) Standing Orders
Councillor Rigby had submitted his proposed amendment to the Standing Orders. This will be discussed at the next meeting.
34/22 Correspondence
An email has been received from Phoenix Kindergarten giving an update. The kindergarten has been open since September 2021 and they are looking to widen the Governance of the organisation and are asking if anyone on the Parish Council would be interested in helping. After discussion, no one was particularly interested.
A letter has been received from Awsworth Parish Council advising of the completion of the recreational facilities.
35/22 Planning applications
It was reported that Pipswood, 2 Coronation Road, Cossall appear to be running a campervan business (Little Goat Campers) from the premises and there are sometimes campervans parked on the road. The questions were raised as to whether they have planning permission/do they need planning permission? An email will be sent to Broxtowe’s planning department regarding this.
The clerk to send email to Broxtowe
The Almshouses plans have not gone to committee yet. If the application fails it is felt that the owner, Gurjit Mahal, will walk away.
36/22 Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved for payment
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Clerk’s Salary | £414.86 |
Cossall PCC – Room Hire – (inc. £24 N/P Locality Grant)* | £82.00 |
Mr R Heard – Website Administration | £45.00 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Zoom Monthly Subs (Feb 2022) | £51.62 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Defibrillator Service Top-up | £13.95 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Litter Picks x 2 for Ilkeston Wombles | £119.98 |
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Printing/Cartridges (Oct 21-Mar 22) | £59.94 |
Mr D. Keating – Food for Bell Tower Dedication | £33.33 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Glue Dots/Envelopes for Seeds | £14.24 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Seeds | £101.97 |
NALC – Annual Subs | £131.50 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Drinks for Bell Tower Dedication | £9.00 |
Planning for People – Fees | £1,000.00 |
Geoxphere Ltd – Parish Online Subs (Locality Grant)* | £64.80 |
Mr C. Gilbert – Newsletter (Bumper Edition) | £145.00 |
Mr C. Gilbert – Cleaning of Church Hall | £20.00 |
Awsworth Parish Council – Donation for recreational work 582.00 | £582.00 |
Bank Charges & Fees (Newly introduced monthly charges) | £12.00 |
EON – Direct Debit – Church Floodlights | £28.00 |
TOTAL | £2,929.19 |
Income since 15/02/22 | |
Bank Interest | £0.15 |
Balances @ Bank – February | |
Deposit A/C | £17,746.87 |
Current A/C | £36.46 |
TOTAL | £17,783.33 |
Balances @ Bank – March | |
Deposit A/C | £14,246.87 |
Current A/C | £606.83 |
TOTAL | £14,853.70 |
37/22 Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council, will be held on Tuesday 19th April 2022, commencing at 7.30pm in the Church Hall.
The meeting closed at 9.15pm.