- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor K. Rigby
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor Mrs L. Ball (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- Councillor D. Pringle (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- Councillor J. McGrath (Nottinghamshire County Council)
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
14/22 Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor J. Wheatley, Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley, Councillor D. Mason and PCSO P. Keeley (Police).
15/22 Declaration of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest made.
16/22 Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 18th January 2022 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
17/22 Public participation
There were no members of the public present.
18/22 Police report
There was no Police Report.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that she had received an immediate response from both Inspector Ebbins and PCSO P. Keeley, following her email regarding the attack in Trowell and our concerns regarding safety in the community. Inspector Ebbins reported that there have been more patrols laid on and he offered to speak with any groups of elderly residents. The Amigos Group have requested a talk by the police and also the police have offered to have a presence at the Open Gardens in June.
It is reported on the Police Facebook page that they are carrying out some anti-bike action at the Bennerley site. We are waiting to hear reports on this.
19/22 County Councillor’s Report
Councillor McGrath reported that there is a budget meeting at County Council next Thursday, with regards to bus routes etc. and we will see what is planned and presented, this will be subject to budget allocation.
Councillor McGrath reported that he had spoken to Dave Walker of Highways Department regarding the problems with drainage and engineers should be working in the area now. The question was raised as to why the drain at the bottom of Dead Lane floods all the time and apparently this is due to the drain not being connected to anything – this was put on the emergency list many years ago and should be checked after heavy rainfall, but this is not the case anymore. Councillor McGrath will speak to Dave Walker tomorrow about this.
Cllr McGrath will speak to Dave Walker
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that she had looked into the available funding for the Queen’s Jubilee at both County Council and Broxtowe Borough Council but it seems that we cannot apply as we do not want enough money. Councillor McGrath will pencil us in for some funding from his allowance.
20/22 Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Pringle reported that with regards to the attack in Trowell in January, it was a particularly vicious attack which was carried out by an English person. Money was taken and the residents were badly beaten. Inspector Ebbins has visited Trowell Luncheon Club a couple of times to speak to the members and is intending to establish a different kind of policing in Broxtowe. He is asking people to report any incidents, as the police work on the information given, in order to solve crime. Everyone is to be encouraged to contact Crime Stoppers on 101 and ask for a reference number, if they see anything suspicious.
In the recent police action bikers were stopped, but the people riding motorcycles on the Bennerley site are reportedly saying that they are allowed to ride there because no one owns the land. The landowners are Harworth Estates and they have since given the police a map of the area, in order for the police to be able to prove the land is owned by Harworth Estates.
Councillor Pringle reported that an amended application for the Almshouses has been received at Broxtowe Borough Council. The main concern is Historic England and any objections they will make to the amended application.
8.04pm Standing Orders implemented
21/22 Items for Discussion
a) Church Matters
The diocesan flag has arrived and was passed around for everyone to see.
The Dedication arrangements for the Bell Tower have been sorted out with the church and Christina Baxter.
We need to sort out refreshments – tea/coffee/soft drinks/wine, pre-packed nibbles (individually wrapped). A budget of £100 was proposed and seconded and all were in favour. Councillor and Councillor Mrs Keating will organise this.
Cllrs Keating to organise refreshments
The picture frame has been purchased and photos of Bell Tower have been inserted.
The plaque for unveiling has been sorted and the rope for the bell pull will be arriving next week. Cllr Wheatley will install the rope.
Cllr Wheatley will install the rope
b) Footpaths and Pavements
The hedge cutting has been carried out on footpath 24.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that there is a man who regularly litter picks on our stretch of the canal. He is a member of the Ilkeston Wombles litter picking group. This group do receive some equipment but this does not include the very long-handled litter picks required for retrieving litter from the canal bank. The cost of one of these litter picks is £42.49 +VAT and they are 72” long. It was proposed and seconded and all were in favour that we purchase 2 long-handled litter picks for this group of litter pickers to use along the canal. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will sort this out.
Cllr Mrs Gilbert will sort
c) Roads/Traffic/Bikers
It was reported that the mud coming off the vehicles at the ski slope site is being carried all along the bypass and over the bridge. Councillor Pringle will contact Dave Walker at Highways regarding this problem tomorrow.
Cllr Pringle to contact Dave Walker
There are a large number of potholes – we have already reported 3 and these have been acknowledged. Details of the others will be emailed to Councillor McGrath – lamp post numbers are needed, to be able to locate them.
Email details to Cllr McGrath
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that a few more 171 notices are needed following the meeting of the 3 parishes regarding illegal bikers. Councillor Pringle will ask at Broxtowe tomorrow. Helen Spencer is the person at County Council to contact.
Cllr Pringle to enquire at Broxtowe
Councillor Harrison asked if there had been any news regarding his report on bollards. Councillor Harrison will forward the report to Councillor McGrath.
Cllr Harrison to forward report to Cllr McGrath
d) Almshouses
Amended plans and application have been received at Broxtowe Borough Council. Everyone is happy with the new plans and the relevant form will be submitted to Broxtowe.
Cllr Mrs Gilbert to Submit form
e) Floral planters
The planters are looking good for the time of the year.
f) Defibrillator service
A reminder has been received for the servicing of the defibrillator. This will be the same price as last year. It was proposed and seconded and all were in favour that the service be booked.
Cllr Mrs Gilbert to arrange
Councillor Mrs Gilbert confirmed that the Bleed Kit does not need servicing.
g) Notice board
The decisions on the style of text for the notice board headers will be carried over to the next meeting.
The refurbishment of the notice board on Robinettes Lane is in hand but now waiting for better weather.
Councillor Harrison reported on a number of funds are available including:-
Coalfields Recovery & Resilience Fund, Community Matters in Yorkshire, The Women & Girls Match Fund, The Green Match Fund and Let’s Create Jubilee Fund, Nottinghamshire Community Fund, Tesco Community Grants and Easy Fund Raising.
Councillor Harrison also confirmed that he has kept the church informed of information from RCAN for church halls.
i) Neighbourhood Plan
The layout from the Design Code people has now come in. The next meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, is booked for 3rd March.
j) Spring Newsletter
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that there had been a good response to the Good Neighbour nominations. There were 7 nominations, (three of which are for couples) – Carol Pilcher, Gillian Thornhill, Graham Pritchard & Nicola Hornet, Marilyn Reed, Gareth Roberts, Jean and Roger Bostock and Sue and John Hill.
These were passed to Darren Henry MP and he picked out Sue and John Hill for their work to combat loneliness with the Amigos Club. A £25 Gift Token has been purchased and Councillor Mrs Gilbert will take it round to them. This article can be included in the newsletter.
Cllr Mrs Gilbert to deliver Gift Card
Other articles for inclusion were discussed –
Bell Tower, Litter Picks, Wild Flower Seeds – a cheaper supplier has been found details of which will be forwarded to Councillors Ms Hopkin and Mrs Harrison for them to see if suitable.
Dementia – Councillor Ms Hopkin will look through the information – it was suggested that the 5 points which were at the beginning of the seminar attended by Councillors Mrs Gilbert and Ms Hopkin be included. Councillor Ms Hopkin will look at information for the Newsletter and website.
Cllr Ms Hopkin to look through information
Neighbourhood Plan Update – Councillor Rigby suggested that 5 punchy points be included. Councillor Harrison and Councillor Mrs Harrison will sort this. Also for the Newsletter, Almshouses Update, Advance Notice of Open Gardens, Update on Potholes.
Cllrs Harrison to sort text
Please let Councillor Mrs Gilbert know of any other items to be included.
k) Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Councillor Mrs Wheatley has booked Eats n Treats for the food, who require a £50 deposit. It was proposed and seconded and all were in favour that this be paid. A buffet plan has not been chosen as yet and plan choices were passed around. Councillor Mrs Gilbert suggested Buffet B with cake. This choice was proposed and seconded and all were in favour.
With regards to publicity, Alyson Owen helps with the Facebook page, also articles in The Nugget and Ilkeston Life would be good to advertise the event. Maybe do a small leaflet drop nearer the time asking for interest – ie numbers.
The caterer has been provisionally told that there will be 50 people so we could say first come/first served.
22/22 Correspondence
An email has been received from Tina Stuart regarding her father, who has sadly passed away – William Barry Rowson. She is asking for consideration for a bench being placed in his memory at his favourite spot – Millennium Park on the corner of Church Lane/Coronation Road. She has been trying to find out who owns the land and has not been successful. Nottinghamshire County Council owns the land and, as such, we are unable to give permission for a bench to be placed there. Need to find out if Tina wishes to purchase a bench or just have a plaque put onto an existing bench. We support their venture but would like to know more and will pass on the information that the land is owned by Notts County Council, so that this family can make enquiries.
23/22 Planning applications
There was nothing more to discuss.
24/22 Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved for payment
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Clerk’s Salary | £414.86 |
Cossall PCC – Room Hire (15/2/22) | £24.00 |
Mr R Heard – Website Administration | £45.00 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Zoom Monthly Subs (Jan 2022) | £14.39 |
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Phone Rental (Feb 2022) | £33.60 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Photo Frame for Bell Tower Photos | £13.95 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Good Neighbour Gift Card | £25.90 |
Mr C. Gilbert – Cleaning of Church Hall | £20.00 |
Eats n Treats – Deposit for Caterers – Big Lunch | £50.00 |
Seal Medical Supplies – Service of Defibrillator | £91.18 |
Bank Charges & Fees (Newly introduced monthly charges) | £19.00 |
EON – Direct Debit – Church Floodlights | £28.00 |
TOTAL | £779.88 |
Income since 18/01/22 | |
Bank Interest | £0.16 |
Balances @ Bank – January | |
Deposit A/C | £18,246.72 |
Current A/C | £316.34 |
TOTAL | £18,563.06 |
Balances @ Bank – February | |
Deposit A/C | £17,746.72 |
Current A/C | £36.46 |
TOTAL | £17,783.18 |
25/22 Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council, will be held on Tuesday 15th March 2022, commencing at 7.30pm in the Church Hall.
Immediately prior to this meeting will be the Annual Parish Meeting, which will commence at 7.00pm.
The meeting closed at 9.05pm.