- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor K.Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor S. Pepper
- Councillor Mrs L. Ball (Broxtowe Borough Council)
- Councillor D. Pringle (Broxtowe Borough Council)
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
65/23 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor K. Rigby, Councillor J. Wilton,
Councillor D. Keating, Councillor Mrs S. Keating, Councillor D. Mason, Councillor J. McGrath (Nottinghamshire County Council) and PCSO P. Keeley (Police).
66/23 Declaration of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest made.
67/23 Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on 16 May 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
68/23 Public participation
There were no members of the public present.
69/23 Police report
There was no Police Report.
70/23 County Councillor’s report
There was no County Councillor’s Report. Councillor Mrs Gilbert informed members present that Councillor McGrath is sending a donation of £500 towards the Coronation events.
71/23 Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Mrs Ball has managed to obtain an up-to-date copy of the TPOs for Cossall. It was stipulated that these copies are for Parish Council use only. Councillor Mrs Ball confirmed that she will pursue the handrail matter with Chris Riley.
Cllr Mrs Ball to speak to Chris Riley
The question was raised as to laws regarding the use of weed killer, as the verges on the stretch of Robinettes Lane leading up to Mabeys have been sprayed and this has killed the grass. As this road is privately owned by Mr Sims the Borough/County Councils have no jurisdiction, so this would have to be taken up as a Civil matter.
The question was raised as to the emptying of the litterbin attached to the Church wall. It is being regularly filled with dog waste and only emptied occasionally. Can the bin either be emptied on a more regular basis or could a proper dog bin be installed? Councillor Pringle will speak to Emma Georgiou at Broxtowe as she is taking over Environmental Services. Councillor Pringle will confirm after speaking to her tomorrow.
Cllr Pringle to speak to Emma Georgiou
The meeting with Avant Homes went fairly well, with both Borough Councillors in attendance, unfortunately the Director of Avant Homes was not present and the representative who was did not seem very positive regarding the concerns being raised by residents of the area.
There is no Avant Manager on-site at the moment, only sub-contractors.
Councillor Pringle advised that any matters of concern should be reported to the Borough Councillors on the day that they happen and not to wait until the next Parish Council meeting.
Councillor Pringle visited Newtons Lane and saw for himself that the wagons leaving were not covered. He reported this, so hopefully they will be covered before they depart, in the future.
An email regarding the canal has been forwarded to Avant Homes saying that silt is contaminating the canal. The Environment Agency is visiting the site re the canal tomorrow. They have hit some land drains whilst carrying out work on the site, but apparently this has nothing to do with the canal problem.
It was reported that lorries have been coming along Church Lane. Councillor Pringle advised that these lorries should be reported to Truck Watch – giving the registration number and name. He also re-iterated that these should be reported straight away to either him or Councillor Mrs Ball.
The question was raised as to what sanctions can the Borough Council take if there is non-compliance of the Structure Management Plan? Broxtowe can take action but it was thought that they have no authority to fine the offenders.
Cllr Pringle will find out what sanctions can be taken
No Smoking signs have gone up because methane gas is leaking out of the ground.
The hedge has still not been cut back in the area where it is growing over the footpath.
Councillor Pringle reported that the two car parks on Cossall Road heading into Trowell are in a bad state with signs of nitrous oxide being used. On Sunday the police went to the smaller car park and removed 9 large nitrous oxide canisters.
Unfortunately the car parks won’t be locked at night but signs have been put up to advise people that the car parks are being watched for drug usage.
8.15pm Standing Orders commenced
72/23 Items for discussion
a) Church matters
Nothing to discuss.
b) Footpaths and pavements
It was reported that the Amber Valley Annual Horse Ride has taken place and there were a lot of arrows/markings sprayed on the road through the village. These have now gone – either cleaned off or washed away by the heavy rain. Helen Spencer at Viaem or Emma Georgiou at Broxtowe are the people to contact in future, if more arrows appear.
It was reported that the grass is long round the feet of some parish notice boards, it was agreed that we will ask Cllr. Mason if he would strim this grass.
Cllr. Mason to be requested to strim grass
c) Roads/Traffic/Bikers
Sharon Kirk at Viaem has logged an inspection of the anti-skid surface and the reported pot holes have also been logged for repair.
Dave Walker at Viaem has confirmed that an inspector has been out regarding the damaged verge on Awsworth Lane. The homeowner has apologised and confirmed they will make good when the construction work at their property has been completed.
It was reported that customers of Cedar Farm Livery Stables are parking across the pavement opposite the gates, completely blocking the pavement, which is causing pedestrians to have to walk on the road, which is dangerous. A letter will be sent to the Manager requesting that they ask their customers not to park across the pavement.
Letter to be sent re parking across pavement
It was reported that construction vehicles are parking opposite the T-junction on Coronation Road/Church Lane, causing a safety issue. This is due to renovations being carried out at Pipswood. A letter will be sent to the owners of the property requesting that they ask the contractors to park further away from the junction.
Letter to be sent re parking opposite the junction
d) Summer newsletter
This is now ready for distribution, with a notice for the Community Chest barbecue and also the talk on Bennerley Viaduct. Distributors were organised and the newsletters/notices were handed out.
e) Almshouses
Nothing to report.
f) Floral planters
These are looking absolutely wonderful. Thanks were given to Councillor and Councillor Mrs Harrison. Hopefully, following the distribution of the newsletter there will be a volunteer to water the planter situated on Newtons Lane.
g) Neighbourhood Plan update
Regulation 16 is in progress. The Consultation period will be over in mid July. Broxtowe Borough Council has provided posters for the notice boards and website. It is now just running its course.
Everyone has a copy of the Red Cross free Webinar on 22 June.
i) TPO’s (Tree Preservation Orders)
The up-dated maps have been received from Broxtowe and the Clerk will scan across copies to all councillors. These will be for Parish Council use only. Parish Council members will report to next meeting if they consider any trees are missing from the list of protected trees.
Clerk to send copies of maps to councillors
Councillor Ms Hopkin reported on the Tree Survey course she attended. This was very good but it did not really cover TPOs. Tree Officers do not have any formal training to do their job, which is quite worrying and there are no National Standards for this. A course has been requested to cover more tree issues/TPOs. Councillor Mrs Ball told the meeting that the Borough Council does not give a lot of permissions for trees to be cut down.
j) Broxtowe Borough Council Code of Conduct
Following a short discussion it was proposed and seconded and all were in favour that the Code of Conduct be adopted. Broxtowe will be informed.
Clerk to inform Broxtowe
73/23 Correspondence
An email regarding beacons to commemorate 80 years since D-Day (June 2024) has been received. It was agreed that the Parish Council will not have a beacon.
74/23 Planning applications
The damaged fence on the old ski-slope site has now been repaired.
75/23 Finance
The Church’s electricity supply is with a different supplier than the one the Parish Council is with for the floodlights, hence the two separate daily Standing Charges. This will be discussed at the next Finance meeting, which will be held on Tuesday 25 July at 7.30pm.
76/23 Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved for payment
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Clerk’s Salary/Phone Rental (May) | £486.12 | (£452.52/£33.60) |
Cossall PCC – Room Hire (20/06/23) | £35.00 | |
Mr R Heard – Website Administration | £45.00 | |
Mr C. Gilbert – Summer Newsletter/Hall Clean x 2 | £165.00 | (£125.00/£40.00) |
Mrs S. Keating – Nibbles for Coronation Event | £7.96 | |
Mrs E. Harrison – Plants | £7.00 | |
Derbyshire ALC – Tree Survey Course | £140.00 | |
ICO – Data Protection Annual Fee – Direct Debit | £35.00 | |
Bank Charges and Fees | £8.00 | |
EON – Direct Debit – Church Floodlights | £104.91 | |
TOTAL | £1,033.99 | |
Income since 16/05/23 | ||
Bank Interest | £28.08 | |
TOTAL | £28.08 | |
Balances @ Bank – May 2023 | ||
Deposit A/C | £23,684.12 | |
Current A/C | £216.31 | |
TOTAL | £23,900.43 | |
Balances @ Bank – June 2023 | ||
Deposit A/C | £22,684.12 | |
Current A/C | £182.32 | |
TOTAL | £22,866.44 |
77/23 Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council, will be held on Tuesday 18 July 2023, commencing at 7.30pm in the Church Hall.
The meeting closed at 9.15pm.