- Councillor K. Rigby (Chair)
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Ex Officio)
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
1. Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Councillor D. Keating.
2. Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 25 July 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
3. Electricity supply
Councillor Rigby reported that he had met with John Wheatley to discuss the electricity supply to the floodlights at the church. The suggestion is to cancel with our supplier EON, purchase and fit our own meter to connect to the church supply. The cost of a meter is approximately £50 plus installation/connection costs. Once connected to the church supply we can pay our share for the floodlights. Once this plan is approved we will could approach John Wheatley regarding this work, and if all agreed we will acquire a meter and install/connect to church supply.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that she has spoken to Karen (church) and her understanding is that the church will be happy for this to be done but will expect us to pay part of the Standing Charge, as well as for the floodlights. This does not seem unreasonable.
This recommendation will be put to full Council at the next meeting, before going back to the church and contacting EON regarding removal of their meter.
4. Christmas tree
It was agreed at the last full Parish Council meeting that we make enquiries regarding the costs of installing an electrical post and tree pit on the green near the bus stop on Coronation Road.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that she has had a site meeting with people concerning the location and installation of electrical supply. We are now awaiting quotes for the electrical post, 8 metres of cable and a tree pit. We have also been advised that we should be able to have this done before Christmas this year, rather than wait until next year. Councillor Rigby will look into the size of tree required and light kits.
We will pay Notts County Council for the electricity used – if this project is approved, we could approach John Wheatley to discuss calculating how much this will be, in order to be able to let County Council know, so they can send us a bill.
It was proposed and seconded and all were in favour that this recommendation be put to full Council for approval at the next meeting so we can move progression for this year.
5. Defibrillator/Bleed Control Kit
It was agreed at the last full Parish Council meeting that we go ahead and purchase a new Defibrillator and Bleed Control Kit from Seal Calibration who service the defibrillator we already have. Both Seal Calibration and Turtle Engineering have been asked for quotes for the equipment – Turtle Engineering quote works out £104 cheaper than Seal Calibration. As Seal Calibration service the defibrillator we already have it was suggested that we approach them to see if they will offer a discount on the new equipment as Turtle Engineering do not offer servicing. Councillor Rigby told the meeting that although it is our duty to carry out due diligence it does not mean that we have to take the cheaper quote. It was suggested that we might stay with seal anyway as they may have greater confidence in equipment they recommend.
6. Precept 2024/25
The Parish Council has kept the Precept at the same amount for the last 4 years and following discussion it was felt that we should increase the amount this year to show growth.
A 2% increase based on Band F gives a 3p/household/week increase, which adds £288/year to the Precept.
A 3% increase based on Band F gives a 3.5p/household/week increase, which adds £349/year to the Precept.
It was proposed and seconded that a 2.5% increase be made to the Precept.
7. Clerk’s salary
It was proposed and seconded that the Clerk be awarded a 6% increase in salary. This will take her salary from £5,430,24pa to £5756.05pa – an increase of £325.81pa (£479.67/month).
There was a show of hands and all were in favour of this recommendation being put forward to full Council.
8. S137 Payments
Following discussion it was proposed and seconded that the allocation of £1000 be kept at the same level for the forthcoming financial year. There was a show of hands and all were in favour of this recommendation being put forward to full Council.
9. Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)
The following projects have been approved on a 1/2/3 year basis.
a) Real Christmas tree (every year) including lights and electrics – budget of £1350.00 over 3 years at £450/year.
Enquiries have been made regarding costings of the necessary work to be carried out and we are now awaiting quotes. We have been informed that there is a chance that this project may now be implemented before Christmas 2023.
b) Cast Iron Water Fountain/Plumbing – budget of £250.00 out of this year’s budget was agreed at the last meeting, but if the Christmas Tree project does go ahead before Christmas 2023 this project will be put back to next year.
c) Village Gateway signs x 3 – budget of £2500.00 over 3 years at £735/year.
This project will be looked at next year, but there is no harm in putting out feelers sooner. We need to confirm the proper boundary between Cossall and Trowell and find out costs for the signs. Also approach Trowell Parish Council to see if they want to have a sign on the boundary and share the costs. Councillor Pringle will be asked to raise the question with Trowell Parish Council.
The County Councillors will be contacted in the New Year to request that they find out if we can have the signs, are there any parameters for installing – do they need to install/bill us or give us the specifications for us to sort out ourselves.
d) Community Support Fund – nominal figure of £2000.00
There has been no call for this but it was proposed and seconded that it be left as it is. There was a show of hands and all were in favour.
e) Flower seeds – These will be distributed bi-annually with a budget set at £300.
The question was raised as to whether we could add the repair of the church car park into the MTFS as it is in a bad state. Applications for funding have been made in the past, with a figure of £18,000 given via
It was pointed out that the car park is not owned by the Parish Council, it belongs to the church and, although we received no help from the church for the refurbishment of the church hall, we could offer to make a contribution towards the necessary repairs. An amount of money could be put aside over 5 years rather than 3 years. Councillor Harrison will continue to look at acquiring funding for Access Improvement.
Maybe it would be worth writing to the Diocese to ask if they would be prepared to match or at least help out with funding for this project.
As the surface of the car park is in a bad state would it be worth looking into purchasing some rubber matting to put down when the hall is in use?
10. Date and time of next meeting
No date set was set at this time.
The meeting closed at 8.45pm