- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor J. Wheatley
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor K. Rigby
- Councillor Mrs L. Ball (BBC)
- Councillor D. Pringle (BBC)
- Councillor J. Longdon (NCC)
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
01/20: Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Councillor D. Mason, Councillor Ms L. Hopkin, and PCSO Keeley (Police).
02/20: Declaration of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest made.
03/20: Minutes of the last Meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 19 November 2019 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
04/20: Public participation
No members of the public were present.
05/20: Police report
PCSO Keeley sent a report via email re Crime Figures for Cossall from 1 October 2019 to 19 January 2020 with figures from the corresponding dates last year as follows:
- Burglary: 0 (2020); 2 (2019); total -2.
- Robbery: 0 (2020); 0 (2019); total 0.
- Vehicle crime: 0 (2020); 0 (2019); total 0.
- Criminal damage: 1 (2020); 3 (2019); total -2.
- Arson: 0 (2020); 0 (2019); total 0.
- Drug offences: 2 (2020); 0 (2019); total +2.
- Other theft: 1 (2020); 0 (2019); total +1.
- Violence against a person: 9 (2020); 3 (2019); total +6.
- Other crimes against society: 3 (2020); 1 (2019); total +2.
- All crime: 16 (2020); 9 (2019); total +7.
- Anti-social behaviour: 3 (2020); 3 (2019); total 0.
06/20: County Councillor’s report
Councillor Longdon reported that he had been in contact with the Highways Department at Viaem regarding the damage to the Church wall and requesting that maybe the bends on Church Lane could be highlighted more (extra lighting) for traffic travelling through the village in both directions. Unfortunately,Viaem are unable to provide funding for any accident reduction work to be carried out as there is only one slight injury accident on record. Councillor Longdon will have a meeting with Viaem at a later date to discuss further issues. Screeding on Robinettes Lane will be put down on the list for this meeting. It was reported that the screeding put down 3 months ago has not worked. The hedge has been cut back on Robinettes Lane.
It was felt that it would be appropriate to ask Dave Walker at Viaem to inspect the length of Cossall Road. The quality of the work is terrible and in need of urgent remedy as the chippings have come off and there is a mound in the centre of the road on the corner especially near to the layby – this is very dangerous to motorcyclists as accidents could happen. The signs need putting back to warn motorists of loose chippings.
Regarding the new boundary sign – Councillor Longdon suggested that the Parish Council design a sign and get it sorted out. It was pointed out that we have requested, time and again, the price of a basic sign “Welcome to Cossall” but Viaem have refused to come out for a site visit.
07/20: Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Pringle reported that he had objected to the planning application for the new stables on Cossall Road but this had now been approved. After approval he saw 2 men fixing cars in the stable and decking at the side of the canal with a boat. He reported this to the planners, who investigated. The decking and boat have got to be removed and the path made good – they have 3 months to do this. Not sure who owns the land. If we wish,we can take advantage of the fact that
Borough Councillors can ask for any Planning Application to be brought before the Planning Committee.
Councillor Mrs Ball reported that she had received a very aggressive phone call from Judith Tillson regarding the Almshouses. There is nothing positive to report on the Ski Slope – apparently there are problems re moving the earth and they are wavering as to whether or not it is viable.
Awsworth Parish Council had sent an email to Borough Councillors reporting that 101 bikers had travelled through the village and that there had been numerous reports to the police. This email was forwarded to David Gell at BBC and he has contacted the police. BBC and NCC are now looking at the maps forwarded from the Parish Councils last September. The bikers must have been gathered together using social media. A further meeting between the Parish Councils to discuss off-road bikers/traffic issues needs to be arranged.
Standing Orders were re-instated at 8.15pm
08/20: Items for discussion
a) Church matters – bell tower/church wall
Councillor Wheatley reported that he has done some costings and the work is likely to cost around £5,150 – we have £3,950, including the money originally put aside for the village sign. It was proposed, seconded and all were in favour that the Parish Council donate the excess for this work to be done. Councillors Wheatley and Rigby will look into the Planning Application.
BBC now has the responsibility of maintenance for the Churchyard – does this cover the wall which is now in need of repair following a car crashing into it? The Church architect will get 3 quotes and claim on the insurance – there is a £250 excess and the church does not have this amount. A specialist will be needed to repair the wall. It was proposed, seconded and all were in favour of the Parish Council donating £125 towards the excess cost.
b) Website
This is very close to being finished, will hopefully be done by end of the month. It will be very efficient. The question was raised as to whether we have kept the domain name – need to find out. Councillor Rigby proposed a vote of thanks to Councillor Mrs Gilbert for all the hard work and effort she has put into sorting this out.
c) Footpaths/pavements
Robinettes Lane is on the 2020/21 Budget programme for siding up works on the pavement.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that Mark Guy (NCC) has visited Millennium Park to take measurements of the gate. He will discuss with his manager as to whether to arrange for repair or replacement. There will be a lead time, which could be significant but he will progress things as quickly as possible.
The pavement at the bottom of Church Lane has been cleared. Footpath signs have been replaced (not fingerboards).
d) Traffic issues
Meeting with representatives from the 3 Parish Councils pending.
This meeting hopefully to also include the illegal off-road bikers project.
e) Floral displays
Nothing to report.
f) Cossall sign
Nothing positive to report.
g) Off-road bikers
Nothing additional to report.
h) Almshouses
Councillor Wheatley informed the meeting that Gurjit Mahal has employed a new architect. It was requested that Councillor Mrs Ball enquire of the Building Enforcement Officer if tax is being paid by the owner of the Almshouses, because it is believed that tax should have been paid during the last 3 years.
i) Canal
The decking/boat issue is being sorted out by BBC. The gutter buildup has been cleared. Nothing seems to have been done regarding canal maintenance and the condition is deteriorating. Tim Crawford at BBC will be contacted regarding this.
j) Neighbourhood Plan
Next meeting will be held on 13 February 2020.
k) Bennerley Viaduct & site
Nothing to report.
l) CPR course
This will take place on Friday 31 January 2020. Councillor Mrs Harrison will sort out posters to advertise the event. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will also send out an email. Refreshments will be sorted out by Councillor Mrs Wheatley.
m) Proposals for Expenditure
A donation of around £1000 will be made for the excess amount required to carry out the renovation of the Bell Tower.
Need to identify 1 or 2 trees, within reasonable distance of a lamp post, for Christmas lights this year. This needs to be done as soon as possible. There is a nice tree by the bustop outside Trinity Farm on Awsworth Lane which could be considered. The towers are £800 each. Depending on cost maybe only do one tree this year. Councillor Rigby told the meeting that he has a contact for the lights – Leisure Lights at Moor Green. Need to get a quote and permission from NCC. Councillors Rigby and Mrs Gilbert will obtain a quote for the tree on Awsworth Lane plus one in the churchyard. Councillor Wheatley told the meeting he would be happy for the tree outside his house to be used if necessary.
n) Off-road bikers
A meeting to be arranged between the 3 Parish Councils to discuss this issue.
o) Combat Loneliness Project
Thanks were given to everyone who delivered the newsletter. Next newsletter will be early May. Need to keep the pressure up to try to help people who are lonely. Could look into the possiblity of a weekly/monthly Coffee Morning to be held in the Church Hall. This could be advertised in the newsletter.
p) VE Day 75 Years
8-10 May 2020. A communication from the Armed Forces Charity has been received, urging Mayors and Town/Parish Councils to make their countrywide commemorations similar. A new piece of music is being written and there are 2or 3 suggested readings for the event. It was felt that we should keep it simple – support the church service and after the service could maybe hold a meal in the style of the one organised by the Parish Council to commemorate the 100 years since the end of WW1, with memorabilia being requested, or a cake sale with all proceeds going to the Armed Forces Charity. Need to think of ideas for discussion at the next meeting.
09/20: Correspondence
NALC – Strengthening Police Powers to tackle Unauthorised Encampments
Councillor Mrs Gilbert will fill in and submit on behalf of Parish Council
10/20: Planning Applications
Planning Application 20/00010/OUT – 70 Awsworth Lane, Cossall.
Following discussion it was proposed, seconded and all were in favour that the Parish Council accept that the right decision will be made by the Planning Department and will, therefore, abide by their decision. This comment will be made on the appropriate form online.
11/20: Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved for payment:
- Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw: Clerk’s Salary – £404.64
- Cossall PCC: Room Hire 21/01/20) – £24.00
- J. Wheatley: Perspex for Notice Board – £40.00
- LexisNexis: CAB Local Council Administration Book – £110.99
- Russ Heard: Website – £184.56
- C. Gilbert: Newsletter – Typesetting/Printing – £103.50
- Cossall PCC: Donation towards Heating – Carol Concert – £100.00
- Broxtowe BC: Admin Charges for Uncontested Election – £32.49
Total: £1000.18
Cheques paid 3/12/19
- D. Mudd: Website – £200.00
- D. Mudd: Website – £300.00
Total: £1500.18
Income since 15/10/19
Bank Interest: £5.93
Total: £5.93
Balances @ bank
Deposit account: £16,383.60
Current account: £530.51
Total: £16,914.11
12/20: Date & Time of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 18 February 2020 in the Church Hall, commencing at 7.30pm.