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- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor J. Wheatley
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor K. Rigby
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
111/19: Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Councillor D. Mason, Councillor Mrs L. Ball (BBC), Councillor D. Pringle (BBC), Councillor J. Longdon (NCC) and PCSO Keeley (Police).
112/19: Declaration of interest
There were no Declarations of Interest made.
113/19: Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 15 October 2019 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
114/19: Public participation
No members of the public were present.
115/19: Police report
No report
116/19: County Councillor’s report
No report.
117/19: Borough Councillor’s report
No report.
118/19: Items for discussion
a) Church matters – bell tower/floodlights
Nothing to report. We need to look at how much money we have for this project at the next meeting. Councillor Wheatley will obtain a large print of the plan and get in touch with Dale.
There could be an issue with using LED+Gel and colour on the floodlights. It was decided to leave as is but try one LED and experiment with a coloured transparency sheet ie orange. Councillor Harrison to help Councillor Wheatley with this test.
b) Footpaths/pavements
Outside of The Paddocks has been patched and the hedge has been cut back as far as possible. There is still a problem with a large pothole and a slippery green covering on the pavement. Councillor Wheatley will take some photos and pass to Councillor Mrs Gilbert to be included in an email to Laura Trusler, which
Councillor Mrs Gilbert will send. Councillor Mrs Gilbert has spoken to Helen Spencer at Viaem regarding the footpath and gate issues on Millennium Park. Helen has advised that if she can find a new handle in the stores she will replace the broken one. The footpath issue has been passed over to Mark Guy who looks after the site on behalf of the landowner (NCC).
Councillor Wilton reported that the pavement surface at the lower section of Church Lane is very bumpy and has deep leaf litter, making it very slippery, there is also an overhanging branch. The Clerk will email Laura Trusler regarding this.
Councillor Ms Hopkin reported that land owners have purchased land and are making footpaths into bridlepaths – footpaths are being used by horses and are being made very boggy.
Councillor Rigby told the meeting that if it is a designated footpath horses are forbidden. Horses are allowed on bridlepaths. Footpaths are for people, bridlepaths are for people and horses – neither are for motor vehicles.
Councillor Mrs Wheatley reported that down Mill Lane the footpath side of the canal is totally impassable (FP24). We had reported this previously and Helen Spencer had replied that hedges were going to be cut as late as possible to allow birds to eat the berries. A conifer came down on BP23 (Ilkeston side of canal). It was thrown into the canal. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will write to Tim Crawford regarding concerns about the acidity of this tree. A complaint needs to be made to Broxtowe regarding the state of the canal. Also, opposite the new horse stable on Cossall Road, steps have been erected leading down to the canal and a small rowing boat is moored there. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will include this in the letter to Tim Crawford.
It was reported that there is a pick-up truck parked on the pavement outside Chatterley’s and it is very difficult to walk along the pavement. There is sometimes also a trailer. The registration number has been recorded and the name on side of truck is Gallaghers. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will email Chatterley House about this issue.
There is graffiti on the seat at Blackboards – this can be sorted in-house.
c) Traffic issues
Councillor Mrs Gilbert has received a copy of a letter from Anna Soubry to the Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP (Secretary of State for Transport) regarding the new noise detecting cameras. She has requested that Cossall be included in the next stages of the testing of this new equipment. Also received is a copy of a letter to John Cottee regarding the HGV problem (HGV lorries and increasing traffic in the area causing Cossall to become a “rat run”) and the new Cossall sign. A site meeting has been suggested to look at these issues. Councillor Harrison is arranging a joint traffic meeting with Awsworth and Trowell – speaking with
Councillor Mrs Ball. This meeting hopefully to also include the illegal off-road bikers project.
d) Floral displays
It was felt that some sort of payment towards all the plants/compost should be offered to David at Trowell Garden Centre. Councillor Harrison will talk to David regarding this. If he won’t accept payment then maybe a donation to a Charity of his choice could be made.
e) Cossall sign
Nothing to report. Anna Soubry has written to John Cottee regarding this.
f) Conservation sign
Councillor Wheatley will pick up the new perspex next week. Cost will be £40.
g) Off-road bikers
Nothing to report.
h) Almshouses
An email has been received from Judith Jones (daughter of Tom and Mary Tillson) regarding the state of the Almshouses. Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that she has spoken to her on the phone. Councillor Mrs Gilbert also reported that Judith has spoken to Christine Dandy – Planning Enforcement Officer at Broxtowe – who will come out and take a look at the property.
i) VE Day 2020
Will be discussed at next meeting.
j) Neighbourhood Plan
Mission Statement is being worked on, once complete an Open Forum meeting can be ascertained.
k) Bennerley Viaduct & site
Councillor Ms Hopkin reported that work started yesterday.
l) CPR course
Councillor Wheatley reported that suggested dates for the course are 24/31 January 2020. It was decided to go ahead and book for 31 January. It will be a refresher course on CPR and Defibrillator and be in the form of a demonstration, rather than getting people too involved. Needs keeping simple. This course will be advertised in the CPC Newsletter.
m) Proposals for Expenditure
Re website – It transpires that the website is not fit for purpose because administration is difficult. A core website needs setting up so that there can be more than one administrator and adding information is efficient. We need to spend a bit of money – around £500 – to get something set up for Russ to run. It was proposed, seconded and all were in favour to pay what it costs to get the website running properly. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will sort this out.
Re Lights in trees for Christmas 2020 – this will be discussed at the next meeting.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert proposed a contribution of £100 be made towards the costs of heating the church for the Carol Concert. The proposal was seconded and all were in favour. It was also suggested that the Community Chest be approached re making the same or similar contribution.
It was suggested that the latest copy of Charles Arnold Baker’s Local Council Administration be purchased. The Clerk will look into this and place an order.
n) Tent man
Nothing to report.
o) Combat Loneliness Project
The text is pretty much sorted for the Newsletter – it was suggested that this be issued 3 times per year. Hopefully the first edition will be ready to get distributed by January. It was suggested that something be added regarding the Almshouses – very brief saying they are now in private ownership.
p) Finance Meeting proposals
The proposals put forward at the Finance Meeting, which took place at 7pm were as follows:
There will be an increase to the Precept of 1% – taking it from £11,531.00 to £11,646.00.
The Clerk will receive a salary increase of 1.5% – £73 per year increase. Salary will be £4,929.00 per year (£410.75 per month). These proposals were seconded and all were in favour.
119/19: Correspondence
NALC – Local Council Review Magazines
At this point the time is 9.30pm – it was proposed and seconded, show of hands and all were in favour of a 20 minute extension to the meeting.
120/19: Planning Applications
An email had been received from Stuart Lee regarding:
Planning Application 19/00665/FUL – 33 Newtons Lane, Cossall.
Broxtowe Borough Council Planning Department have requested retrospective planning permission for this application.
Following discussion it was proposed, seconded and all were in favour that the Parish Council accept that the right decision will be made by the Planning Department and will, therefore, abide by their decision. This comment will be made on the appropriate form online.
Stefan Saunders will be contacted regarding the concerns about the registered Bat Roost at The Gate House, Awsworth Lane, Cossall – Planning Application 19/00504/FUL.
Councillor Ms Hopkin had written to Broxtowe Planning Department regarding this in June of this year and received a reply from Matthew Key on 3 July confirming that she would be kept informed – nothing has been forthcoming.
121/19: Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved for payment:
- Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw: Clerk’s salary – £404.64
- Cossall PCC: Room hire (19/11/19) – £24.00
- British Legion Poppy appeal: £220.00
- Cossall PCC: Donation towards heating – Rem Sunday – £100.00
- Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw: Phone rental (Nov 2019) – £33.60
Total: £782.24
- Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw: Clerk’s Salary – (Dec 2019), Post-dated 17 December 2019 – £404.64
Total: £1,186.88
Income since 15/10/19
Bank interest: £3.28
Total: £3.28
Balances @ bank
Deposit account: £1,7877.67
Current account: £570.69 (@17 Dec)
Total: £1,8458.36
122/19: Date & time of next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 21 January 2020 in the Church Hall, commencing at 7.30pm.