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- Councillor B. Maloney (Chair)
- Councillor J. Wheatley
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor E. Bradley
- Councillor J. Holland
- Councillor Mrs L. Ball (BBC)
Mrs S.M. Elliott
01/16: Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Councillor H. Pike, Councillor K. Rigby (PC, BBC, NCC), Councillor E.D. Bull, PC D. Spalding (Police) and PCSO P. Keeley (Police).
02/16: Declaration of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest made.
03/16: Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 17 November 2015 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
04/16: Public participation
There were no members of the public present.
05/16: Police report
No report.
06/16: County Councillor’s report
No report. Councillor Rigby has informed the Clerk that due to ill health he will be unable to attend meetings for a few months but he will keep in contact on a regular basis.
07/16: Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Mrs Ball had nothing to report this month.
08/16: Items for discussion
a) Church matters – closure of churchyard
Nothing to report.
b) Footpaths
Along FP24 along the canal (the bridleway not the main canal path – Mill Lane towards Newtons Lane) the hedges need cutting back. Councillor Mrs Ball will contact Tim Crawford at BBC regarding this.
Councillor Mrs Wheatley had reported to the Clerk that there is a blocked gully/grate on Church Lane, which due to water overflowing had caused ice to form across the road at the weekend. Need to find out who to contact ie BBC or NCC regarding this.
c) Village hall
Work is underway and on target/budget. Councillors had a look round before commencement of the meeting.
d) Flower baskets
Awaiting quote.
e) Opencast
Nothing to report.
f) Lorries
Nothing to report.
g) Cossall sign on Dead Lane
Nothing to report.
h) Telephone box
In hand for the Spring.
i) Almshouses
There are still 3 residents in situ. The Almshouses are not actually uninhabitable. Nothing further to report.
j) Standing Orders
Nothing to report.
k) New Councillors
Nothing to report.
l) Motorcycles on ski slope
Nothing to report.
m) The Queen’s 90th birthday
Councillor Mrs Wheatley reported that the initial enquiries have been made regarding the use of the car park and grassed area at The Gardeners Arms. The owners are quite happy for the land to be used. There have been several objections to having a Street Party on Newtons Lane. Awsworth Village Hall can also be used if necessary. If the event is held on the land at The Gardeners Arms it was suggested that it will be “Bring your own Picnic” not a Street Party. Councillors Wheatley will officially ask the owners of The Gardeners Arms.
n) Report on Finance Meeting
The proposals from the Finance Meeting in November were put forward to the meeting. All were in favour. The Precept Request Form was signed and will be sent to BBC.
09/16: Correspondence
The following correspondence was read and agreed.
a) Letter from Councillor Rigby
b) Local Government Boundary Commission – Final Recommendations
10/16: Planning applications
There were no planning applications.
11/16: Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved for payment:
- Mrs S.M. Elliott: Clerk’s Salary: £365.75
- Cossall Community Chest: BBC Building Checks For Church Hall – £497.00
Total: £862.75
Income since 17/11/15
Bank interest: £0.92
Total: £0.92
Balances @ bank
Deposit account: £9,483.56
Current account: £375.37
Total: £9,858.93
12/16: Date & time of next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 16 February 2016 in the Church Hall, commencing at 7.30pm.