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- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor J. Wheatley
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor K. Rigby
- Councillor D. Pringle (BBC)
- Councillor J. Longdon (NCC)
Members of the public were also present.
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
13/20: Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Councillor D. Mason, Councillor Mrs E. Harrison, Councillor Mrs L. Ball (BBC) and PCSO Keeley (Police).
14/20: Declaration of Interest
Councillor Mrs Gilbert declared an interest in any discussions regarding the notice board at Blackboards in “Proposals for Expenditure”.
15/20: Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 21 January 2020 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Standing Orders were suspended at 7.33pm.
16/20: Public participation
Jennifer Renshaw of Church Lane reported on an incident at the Ski Slope on 6th February. Vehicles were driving around, music was playing, lights were strung up and there was the smell of burning rubber. She rang 101 at about 6.15 pm. to report it. There were no police resources available to investigate; the police informed the fire brigade. The music went on until about 1 am.
A letter will be sent to the Chief Constable informing him of this incident and that we do not appear to be getting support from the local police to help with this continuing type of problem.
Mrs Renshaw was thanked for attending the meeting.
Stuart Lee was in attendance to listen to the discussions in “Planning Applications” regarding the proposed housing plan on land west of Awsworth inside the bypass.
17/20: Police report
No report.
18/20: County Councillor’s report
Councillor Longdon reported that Viaem will look at addressing the issue with the loose chippings on roads in Cossall in April, but the chippings will be cleared before then. The warning signs have still not been put back to warn motorists of the loose chippings – Councillor Longdon will chase this up. It was reported that there have been loose chippings on Coronation Road due to flooding – the drains and gullies are blocked. Laura Trusler has been informed. Viaem will definitely look at the possibility of skimming the road surface on Robinettes Lane – Councillor Longdon will chase this up again.
19/20: Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Pringle reported that he had received an email regarding the incident on the Ski Slope and had a long discussion with police at the Awsworth Parish Council meeting last night. He reported that he found it difficult to understand that there was no manpower available. The police in attendance at the meeting were from Beeston and the incident was looked at by Eastwood. However, he was informed that police at both locations work together as required. The advice was that people need to keep ringing 101 and when ringing 101 it is necessary to ask for an incident number not a crime number. Sometimes there is no answer when phoning 101 – if that happens we have been told to make a note of the date and time of trying to ring and pass the information on to Broxtowe Borough Councillors. Although we are reporting these incidents it appears that the policemen have not been briefed at all about the incidents.
Councillor Pringle had sent an email to the Clerk earlier today with the minutes of the ACT Joint Meeting regarding illegal off road vehicles and other nuisance traffic problems – the Clerk circulated it to councillors via email at the meeting. Councillors Harrison will write something about this meeting, for the website.
Planning for building on the Ski Slope appears to have come to a halt due to the cost that would be incurred by moving of earth. It seems that the number of houses planned at the moment would not make it viable. This development could solve a lot of the anti-social issues; however, it appears that the builder cannot make any money out of the development as it stands.
Standing Orders were re-instated at 8.03pm.
20/20: Items for discussion
a) Church matters – bell tower/church wall
Nothing further to report re planning application – Councillors Wheatley and Rigby will get together regarding this. Steffan Saunders will be contacted regarding how to fill in the application on the porthole or we will find if a hard copy form, on which more details can be written in, is available. The on line form does not appear to have suitable fields to populate for our project – we want to re-instate an item to an existing building in a conservation area.
There is nothing further to report regarding the repairing of the church wall.
b) Website
Now up and running. It was agreed to add the information about the My Notts app which can provide updates on school closures etc. and also information about the Roosevelt Scholarship to our website.
c) Footpaths/pavements
Mill Lane from here to the railway is in a terrible state at the moment. Not sure who the landowners are for this bridle path. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will sort out a photo to send to Laura Trusler at Viaem. A natural spring runs down Mill Lane so anything put down is likely to be washed away.
d) Traffic Issues
The van is still parking outside Chatterley’s but nothing can be done about it because it is legally parked. Councillor Rigby reported that he has got the figures to prove that a few years back 400 cars per hour (between 7.30/9am and also at teatime) went through Cossall village. A question was raised as to whether there could be a one-way system through Awsworth – one way in the morning and the other way in the evening.
e) Village Matters
Floral Displays: Councillor Harrison reported that he is still waiting to speak to David Henshaw.
Cossall Sign: Nothing positive to report – remove from Agenda.
Off-road bikers: Nothing additional to report.
Almshouses: Councillor Pringle reported that Councillor Mrs Ball had spoken to Steffan Saunders regarding Council Tax. He will look into it and get back to her – not heard anything yet.
Canal: We have received an offer from Chris Riley to walk along the canal at which time he will explain what Broxtowe Borough Council is doing to look after it – he is on holiday at the moment. Councillors Gilbert, Hopkin, Wheatley and Mason will walk with him and a date is pencilled in for 14th March.
It was reported by a parishioner that a huge bonfire has been built at the back of Pipswood; it has not been lit yet. Councillor Mrs Wheatley contacted Broxtowe and reported it. Residents could report this situation and would be advised to keep a diary. Councillor Mason will be asked to keep an eye on this potential problem.
f) Neighbourhood Plan/Awsworth Neighbourhood Plan proposals
Our Neighbourhood Plan is progressing well.
CPC is not happy with the proposals in Appendix 1 of Awsworth’s Neighbourhood Plan. They are still proposing/wanting to look at moving the boundaries – even though we had been assured that this was not the case. An objection will be put forward through the official channels at Broxtowe. The historical boundaries date back to at least 1792 and Cossall Parish Council was formed in 1894. It was suggested that we should seek the views of the residents of the 116 houses which will be affected.
g) Bennerley Viaduct & site
Friends of Bennerley is now a charity and they have their own office.
h) CPR course
The course was a great success. There is a report on the website. Thanks to Councillor Wheatley for organising it. Remove from Agenda.
i) Formation of Small Finance Committee
For fiducially purposes it might be prudent to form a small committee of 3 or 4 councillors – Chair and Vice-Chair can be ex-officio members. It was proposed, seconded and all were in favour of forming a small committee. Members will be Councillors Rigby, Wheatley and Mrs Harrison – they will sort out a date.
j) Proposals for Expenditure
Councillor Rigby is still waiting for a quote for the tree lights – one set on Awsworth Lane and one set on Church Lane by Cedar Farm. Also a tree by The Old School Room could be considered as getting the power to this would be less expensive. Also, Councillor Wheatley’s tree could also be considered. Trowell Parish Council informed Councillor Rigby that their annual budget to put up lights/take down and store is £4,000 (7 highway sets and 3 in the car park). Maybe we could sponsor trees in people’s gardens or project lights onto the trees.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert declared an interest in the notice board at Blackboards. This is in need of replacing and Chris Gilbert has quoted £165 to make a new one. It was proposed, seconded and all were in favour that Chris be asked to make the new notice board.
k) Off-road bikers
A joint meeting was held on 29 January 2020 at Trowell Parish Hall to discuss the traffic issues in the 3 villages. Minutes of this meeting have been distributed to all councillors. It is important that any issues are reported to the police via 101 and an incident number requested.
l) Combat loneliness project
Cossall Community Chest have gone with AGE UK for the chosen national charity this year. Maria Cooke is the AGE UK representative for AGE UK Notts. She suggested that a good thing to do might be to write to GP surgeries about local opportunities. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will contact the appropriate people re the Lunch Club to see how they feel about trying to boost numbers attending with the offer of help towards transport. AGE UK Notts will be happy to come to advise and give a presentation to the Parish Council. It was agreed that a Monday would be the best day for this to be arranged. Councillor Mrs Gilbert to check what date might be suitable.
m) VE Day 75 years
8-10 May 2020. Parish celebrations will be held on Sunday 10 May 2020. It was suggested that this needs to be a scaled down event in comparison to the previous memorial event in Cossall due to people being away over this weekend. Maybe a 40’s style Cake Sale, with all proceeds going to the Armed Forces Charity? Or an old style coffee and cake morning to follow the church service. The hall could be decorated beforehand and information could be posted on the website asking if anyone would like to help. Chris Gilbert is happy to sort out leaflets, proposal for this leaflet to be available at the next meeting. Notices can be displayed on the notice boards. The event can be expanded if we can get more volunteers. We can request memorabilia and Councillor Mrs Wheatley is looking at collecting information about the Cossall soldiers lost in the war.
21/20: Correspondence
NCC – Waste Local Plan (Gravel/Sand Extraction) Local Council Review
22/20: Planning applications
Planning Application 20/00056/OUT – with traffic implications.
Comments from various surveys were pointed out and it was proposed that it might be good if residents of the Parish where to log their own complaints. Leaflets have been printed for distribution – this will show that the Parish Council care and want to see the best solution for residents especially those that could be most affected on Newtons Lane. Newtons Lane was a through road before Shilo Way was built. Replies need to be back to Broxtowe by 24 February. We will also put this leaflet up on the website. An official response will be sent to Broxtowe outlining our reservations and this response will also ask for a 2 week extension until 9th March to allow time for further comments. It is felt that there are other options that can be explored/considered. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will send wording to the Clerk for this to be sent to Broxtowe tomorrow.
Motion passed to extend Standing Orders to 9.45pm.
23/20: Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved for payment:
- Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw: Clerk’s salary – £404.64
- Cossall PCC: Room hire – (31/01/20 & 18/02/20) – £54.00
- NALC: Annual subs – £124.54
- J. Wheatley: CPR course/refreshments – £163.84
- Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw: Phone rental (Feb 20) – £33.60
Total: £780.62
Income since 21/01/20
Bank interest: £3.03
VAT refund (18/19): £323.52
Total: £326.55
Balances @ bank
Deposit account: £16,210.15
Current account: £209.89
Total: £16,420.04
24/20: Date & time of next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 17th March 2020 in the Church Hall, commencing at 7.30pm.
The Annual Parish Meeting will be held immediately prior to this meeting, commencing at 7.00pm.