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- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor J. Wheatley
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor Mrs L. Ball (BBC)
- Councillor J. Longdon (NCC)
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
49/19: Election of Officers and Representatives
It was proposed by Councillor Ms Hopkin and seconded by Councillor Wheatley that Councillor Mrs Gilbert be elected Chair. There was a show of hands and all were in favour. Councillor Mrs Gilbert accepted the position of Chair.
It was proposed by Councillor Wheatley and seconded by Councillor Wilton that Councillor Ms Hopkin be elected Vice-Chair. There was a show of hands and all were in favour. Councillor Ms Hopkin accepted the position of Vice-Chairman.
Responsible Financial Officer
The Clerk will carry on as R.F.O..
Finance & General Purposes Committee/Standing Orders Committee
All councillors will be members of this committee, with Chair and Vice-Chair as ex-officio members.
Planning Committee
All councillors will be members of this committee, with Chair and Vice-Chair as ex-officio members.
50/19: Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Councillor D. Pringle (BBC) and PCSO Keeley (Police).
51/19: Declaration of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest.
52/19: Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 16 April 2019, following a slight amendment to item 44/19: (a). Church Matters – Bell Tower – total £2,400 should read £2,300, were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
53/19: Public participation
There were no members of the public present.
55/19: Police report
PCSO Keeley reported Crime Figures for Cossall from 01/01/2019 to 10/05/2019 against the figures for the same period last year via email as follows:
- Burglary: 3 (2019); 9 (2018); total -6.
- Robbery: 1 (2019); 0 (2018); total +1.
- Vehicle crime: 1 (2019); 2 (2018); total -1.
- Criminal damage: 6 (2019); 3 (2018); total +3.
- Arson: 0 (2019); 0 (2018); total 0.
- Drug offences: -1 (2019); 0 (2018); total +1.
- Other theft: 2 (2019); 0 (2018); total +2.
- Violence against a person: 3 (2019); 1 (2018); total +2.
- Other crimes against society: 3 (2019); 1 (2018); total +2.
- All crime: 19 (2019); 16 (2018); total +3.
- Anti-social behaviour: 9 (2019); 1 (2018); total +8.
Further information – The ASB incidents are primarily a mixture of reports about off-road motorbikes and the rough sleeper in the tent.
Burglary figures refer to: A dwelling house burglary on Mill Lane, Cossall on 08/05/2019. Entry via a broken downstairs window.
Burglary non-dwelling at stables on Awsworth Lane, Cossall between 16th and 17th January 2019.
Burglary non-dwelling at sheds and outbuildings at Awsworth Lane, Cossall on 17/01/2019 where a generator and horse tack have been stolen.
It was reportedby councillors at the meeting that, regarding the burglary on Mill Lane, the police were wonderful and everyone was very impressed.
55/19: County Councillor’s report
Councillor Longdon reported – re Lamp post 100 on A610 – that this will be done by second quarter of this financial year.
He reported that he has a meeting arranged in July with the Highways Director regarding the problem with HGV’s – the signage is not adequate but Highways Dept say it is. Lorries do actually turn up onto Church Lane to then find out that they don’t want to be there!
Nothing further to report on re-vamp of Highways issues.
Councillor Longdon asked for a list of problems the Parish Council would like addressing. Everyone needs to send the Clerk issues to add to list by next month’s meeting for
Councillor Longdon to take to the meeting in July.
56/19: Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Mrs Ball was welcomed back following her re-election as Borough Councillor.
Councillor Mrs Ball reported that Don Pringle from Trowell has also been elected as a Borough Councillor and sends his apologies for tonight’s meeting as he is attending Trowell Parish Council meeting.
Regarding the problems with motorcycles/lorries/general traffic problems – it has been suggested that a meeting be held with all three parishes (Awsworth, Cossall and Trowell) to put up a united front. Michael Smith wants to be involved.
Councillor Mrs Ball reported that she has received phone calls from residents on Newtons Lane regarding small diggers. She has spoken to Planning and has met on-site with representatives of Howarth Estates – they are doing initial testing to see if there are mineshafts etc (area was open-casted in the 1970’s). They are getting ready but no Planning Application has been submitted yet. Councillor Mrs Ball will ask that the Parish Council are informed once the Planning Application has been submitted to BBC. Part 2 of the Core Strategy has not been signed off yet and it is not anticipatedthat this will be done until October. Howarths will be selling off the land.
Councillor Mrs Ball informed the meeting that she has asked the people working on the site to inform the residents at the bottom end of Newtons Lane if there is going to be any noise due to their work. They do not need permission to drill as it is their land but cannot start any building work because Planning Application has not yet been submitted.
A meeting will be arranged between the Parish Councils to discuss traffic issues – suggest 4th Tuesday in June It is not necessary for everyone to attend – if a couple of councillors from each council could attend for initial discussions, to pool ideas and decide on a way forward.
Nothing further heard regarding plans for ski-slope – the first Proper Meeting of the Borough Council is tomorrow night. Councillor Mrs Ball will ask planners to involve the Parish Council once things start moving.
57/19: Items for discussion
a) Church matters – bell tower
Nothing to report. £2,300 is the allocation of monies available from grants/donations. Still trying to get a quote for the necessary work. The question was raised regarding Health and Safety – there are sufficient tradesmen in the village – can be insured separately.
b) Footpaths/pavements
It was reported that, due to overgrown hedges, the pavement on Robinettes Lane cannot be walked along – nothing can be done at this time, will be brought up again in September. Fingerpost on Robinettes Lane is overgrown – again, nothing can be done yet. An email regarding “Tent Man” was received from PCSO Keeley. He reported the following –“ There has been partnership work going on for some months now between NCC, BBC and the police, regarding an unauthorised encampment at Millennium Park, Cossall. There have been several attempts made to help the 52 year old male occupier but these have been refused so far. NCC have been to court recently and gained lawful authority to evict the occupier. NCC are considering instructing court bailiffs to the male, however it was agreed that we should try to engage with the male one more time before he is evicted. Partners are also meeting to discuss offering the male with accommodation options. On 7th May 2019, police emailed NCC offering police support with the bailiffs, if and when the eviction goes ahead. I will let you know of any updates as soon as I hear anything further.”
c) Traffic issues
Email received from Laura Trusler at Viaem regarding the request for a site meeting to discuss the various issues. Viaem have reported that the HGV Weight Restriction signs are in appropriate locations and in-line with the traffic regulation order that makes the restrictions enforceable. HGVs are exempt from restrictions if they are using the route for delivery to/from premises situated on/adjacent to that length of road. For the purpose of agriculture on any land adjacent to that length of road or for or in connection with the conveyance or haulage of timber felled. Plus many other operations.
d) Floral displays
Councillor Harrison reported that David Henshaw has said to go and choose plants etc for the planters. Councillor Wilton will put the plants in his greenhouse until time to plant them. It states on the signs on the planters who has donated the plants but no mention that the Parish Council have donated (paid) for the planters.
e) Cossall sign
Councillor Wheatley will speak to Laura Trusler at Viaem regarding the Cossall sign and also the boundary signs. Work is in progress by Chris Gilbert regarding the Conservation Sign for the Notice Board outside the Church Hall. A draft of this was passed around with a printout of Article 4. Could be ready for approval at next meeting.
f) Motorcycles
A meeting will be set up involving Awsworth, Cossall and Trowell Parish Councils to discuss this problem and other traffic issues. The 4th Tuesday in June will be suggested. This meeting has now been arranged (and confirmed) for 2nd July, commencing at 7.30pm in Cossall Church Hall.
g) Almshouses
Nothing to report. An email will be sent to Gurjit Mahal, requesting an update regarding the latest developments and timescale for the property to be renovated. Jason Morden, Joe Mitson and Tom Genway will be copied into the email. There is great concern regarding the lack of activity and deterioration of the building.
h) Neighbourhood Plan
It was reported that Thank You letters have gone out.
i) Bennerley Viaduct & site
Nothing much to report. Representatives from World Monuments have been out to the site. Planning Application has been submitted.
j) CPR course
Nothing to report. Suggest organise for September/October.
k) Proposals for Expenditure in 2019
There is £768.92 remaining in the Transparency Fund Grant. It will cos approximately £400 to buy a scanner to enable old Minutes to be put on the website. It was proposed and seconded that a scanner be purchased. All were in favour. Councillor Mrs Wheatley will organise this. Solar lights – Councillor Mrs Gilbert will get one 72ft string in order to work out how many strings will be required. Bell Tower – it was proposed and seconded that £3,950 be allocated for this project (we already have £2,300 put aside and the Community Chest have £400/500 available – a grant of £1,050 has been received from NCC, which will also be put towards this project). All were in favour. Councillor Wheatley will obtain quotes for the sum of £4,000.
k) Approval of Annual Governance Statement 2019/2019
Members had received a copy of the prepared Annual Governance Statement. It was proposed and seconded that this be accepted. All were in favour. The Annual Governance Statement was signed by the Chair and the Clerk (RFO).
l) Approval of Accounting Statements 2018/2019
Members had received a copy of the prepared Accounting Statements. It was proposed and seconded that these statements be accepted. All were in favour. The Accounting Statement were signed by the Chair and the Clerk (RFO).
58/19: Correspondence
- Letter of Thanks received from Gillian Thornhill for the flowers
- Letter of Thanks received from Sonia Pike regarding Harry’s Memorial
59/19: Planning applications
Two applications have gone through but there were no problems/objections to these.
60/19: Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved for payment:
- Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw: Clerk’s salary – £394.78
- Cossall PCC: Room hire (16/05/19) – £24.00
- M.S. Bailey: Plaque for remembrance tree – £325.00
- NALC: Annual subs – £162.00
- Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw: Phone rental (May 19) – £33.60
- Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw: Petty cash – £30.00
- Mr C. Gilbert: N/P letter (N/P grant) – £21.84
Total: £1,001.08
Income since 16/04/19
Bank interest: £2.79
Total: £2.79
Balances @ bank
Deposit account: £23,357.52
Current account: £325.24
Total: £23,682.76
61/19: Date & time of next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 18 June 2019 in the Church Hall, commencing at 7.30pm.