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- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor J. Wheatley
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor K. Rigby
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
49/20 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mrs L. Ball (BBC), Councillor D. Pringle (BBC), Councillor J. Longdon (NCC) and PCSO Keeley (Police).
50/20 Declaration of interest
There were no Declarations of Interest made.
51/20 Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 19 May 2020 were approved as a correct record.
52/20 Public participation
There were no members of the public in virtual attendance.
53/20 Police report
No report
54/20 County Councillor’s report
No report.
55/20 Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Pringle reported via email that the stable complex on Cossall Road is being visited on 17 June by a member of the Planning team and a member of the Legal team to inspect the site, to see if they have complied with the Planning Notice served on them earlier this year. The Summer House has gone and Councillor Pringle has asked them to look at the terraces and steps down to the canal. Anything found that was not covered by their application will have to be removed.
The builder/developer who owned the Cossall Ski Slope land has withdrawn and sold it to Midland Reinforced Concrete, who have a unit on Cossall Industrial Estate, no Planning Application has been submitted to Broxtowe. New signs have been put up, stating “No Entry”, this is because there are a lot of trees that are in danger of falling down at several locations on the site.
The sign on the grass on Coronation Road, for the Mobility business has been refused by Broxtowe and they will be given a time limit for the sign to be removed. Broxtowe will be monitoring this very closely once a time limit has been set.
The Clerk has received an email from Miles Midgley, Environmental Health Officer at Broxtowe regarding the loud siren alarm at 1 Awsworth Lane. This matter will be looked into by Broxtowe, who will write to the offending property to advise that their alarm is causing an issue, but details of the affected residents will need to be forwarded to him for any additional action to be considered. The email will be forwarded to all councillors. Councillor Mason informed the meeting that this alarm is separate to the house alarm system, it is an intruder alarm which picks up any outside movement, including animals.
56/20 Items for discussion
a) Footpaths and pavements
An email has been received from Laura Trusler at Viaem regarding the repair to the road sign on the corner of Mill Lane/Church Lane. Broxtowe deal with these problems so she has passed it on to them.
Councillor Ms Hopkin reported that the pavement outside Pipswood on Coronation Road is blocked by overhanging branches from trees at the property and it is necessary to step into the road to walk past.
Councillor Mrs Wheatley reported that FP24 from Mill Lane to Millennium Park – on the other side of the canal where the footpath is narrow – is very overgrown. Nothing will be done about it until September but it would be a good idea to report the issue sooner rather than later. The Clerk will send an email to Broxtowe about both of the above.
Councillor Mrs Harrison reported that there have been several cars parking on the pavement outside Cedar Farm. Cannot get past them without having to walk on the road.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert will have a word with the Manager.
b) Off-road bikers
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that on 24 May she saw two volunteer Police officers who were riding on small off-road bikes from the direction of Strelley. She had a word with them and they were patrolling looking for illegal bikers.
Councillor Mason reported that a track has been cut into the field at the rear of 1 Awsworth Lane and it looks like bikes may be allowed in. If this is the case there will be a noise issue for the residents in the area. Councillor Rigby told the meeting that if this becomes a specific nuisance then Broxtowe Environmental Health Dept could do an assessment, if they were contacted by residents. Councillor Wilton told the meeting that when the noise issue started in the field at the bottom of Dead Lane, he was advised to keep a diary of dates/times etc, which he did. The Police were contacted but because the bikes were on private land there was nothing that they could do.
c) Floral planters
Councillor Mrs Gilbert thanked Councillor Harrison, Councillor Mrs Harrison and Councillor Wilton for the wonderful job they have done with the planters. She also thanked Councillors Mr and Mrs Harrison for organising the plaque for Den Bull. There will be a notice on the website regarding the installation of the plaque and Councillor Harrison reported that photos had been sent to Ethel Bull.
Councillor Mrs Harrison reported that a resident who lives across the road from the planter on Newtons Lane – Mick Fletcher – has offered to water and keep an eye on the planter.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert will send a Thank You card to Mr Fletcher.
d) Proposals for expenditure (including Christmas lights)
Councillor Rigby had sent an email with costings for Christmas lights, which had been circulated to all councillors. Following discussion it was felt that this was a large expense, not only to set up but for the annual upkeep also. Councillor Rigby will look into this further. Councillor Rigby informed the meeting that 3 years ago he purchased a 1000 bulb set from B&M Bargains at a cost of £30 and that this is still in good working order. Maybe a similar set could be purchased and trialled if permission can be gained from the church to install an outside electrical point in order to put lights in the tree in the School Room car park. Councillor Rigby will check to see if the pole he uses at home to hang tree lights is long enough to use on the tree in the School Room car park. If not, a cherry picker could be hired for around £200. We also need to look for a suitable tree/trees at the other end of Cossall for future years, if the experiment on the first tree is a success. The question was raised as to whether it would be prudent to ask residents, who have an outside electrical supply, if they would like lights in their trees – the Parish Council would supply the lights. This could be included in the next Newsletter. There will be further discussion at the meeting in September, including safety implications.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that we have had an email from NALC/Government regarding local council websites. From 23 September websites need to be compliant with International Guidelines for people with all types of disability being able to gain access to website information. Councillor Mrs Gilbert has contacted Darren Mudd, who set up our website, and sent him all the paperwork regarding this. He has given a quote for around £100. It is important that our website be as accessible as possible, even if it costs around £200. All were in favour of Councillor Mrs Gilbert asking Darren to sort this out.
Councillor Mrs Wheatley reported that the old Minutes Books are now being scanned on the book scanner and the first 2 have been done so far. Councillor Wheatley reported that book 1 is a very large file (170Mb) and maybe too large to upload onto the website. Need to know the largest file size as there will be larger files in the future. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will ask Darren Mudd about file sizes for the website.
e) VJ Day – 15 August 2020
Councillor Mrs Gilbert suggested that it may be nice to have a box/frame made to put on the green at the bottom of Church Lane. This could be planted depicting the letters “VJ” and could be displayed for a month. The box could be raised slightly at the back so that it can be seen from the road. The box would probably need to be 6’x 6’.
Councillor Wheatley proposed a £400 budget, this was seconded by Councillor Wilton and all were in favour. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will organise a suitable box/frame to be constructed as we then need to decide on the logo/text and look at what sort of plants to use. We can finalise the plan at next month’s meeting.
f) Consideration of approval of accounts
The Year End Accounts have got to be approved by 31 August, so will need to be done at next month’s meeting. It was decided to hold a meeting on 7 July to discuss the accounts before approval on 21 July. The virtual meeting will commence at 7.30pm.
57/20 Correspondence
An email had been received from Laura Trusler at Viaem regarding the way sign at the junction of Mill Lane. This falls under Broxtowe’s jurisdiction so she has passed it on to their Customer Service Team so that the appropriate repairs can be made.
58/20 Planning applications
It was reported that the application by the Ellabys of 70 Awsworth Lane has been refused and will go to appeal.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that the resident at 37 Awsworth Lane is concerned about the proposal for a large garage at 35 Awsworth Lane (the details have been sent to everyone). Councillor Rigby informed the meeting that if the resident is really concerned they should involve the Borough Councillors, who can take it further.
Councillor Harrison reported that the Neighbourhood Plan Business Survey has shown that there is no signage listing the businesses operating on the Industrial Estate. Councillor Rigby informed the meeting that it is up to the owners of the site to pay for and install a sign, they would have to apply for planning permission to do this. It was thought that maybe the Plumbing Merchant owns the site.
It was reported that there seem to be major works going on at The Gardeners Inn – it looks like a canopy is being erected around the side and they are changing the car park on the left. This definitely needs planning permission. The Clerk will contact the Borough Councillors and Planning Dept at Broxtowe regarding this.
59/20 Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved for payment:-
- Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw: Clerk’s salary – £410.75
- Mr R Heard: Website administration – £30.00
- Mr K. Harrison: Plants etc for planters – £140.74
- Mrs M. Gilbert: Zoom monthly subs (May) – £14.39
- Mr K. Harrison: Plaque for Den Bull – £34.00
Total: £ 629.88
Income since 21/04/20
Bank Interest £3.94
Balances @ Bank
Deposit account £24867.87
Current account £ 238.74
Total £25106.58
60/20 Date & time of next meeting
The next Virtual meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 21 July 2020.
In addition there will be a One Agenda Item virtual meeting regarding the accounts at 7.30pm on Tuesday 7 July.