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- Councillor J. Wheatley (Chair)
- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor K. Rigby
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor D. Mason
- Councillor Mrs L. Ball (BBC)
- Councillor J. Longdon (NCC)
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
37/19: Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Councillor J. Wilton and PCSO P. Keeley (Police).
38/19: Declaration of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest.
39/19: Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 19 March 2019 were duly approved and signed by the Chairman.
40/19: Public participation
There were no members of the public present.
41/19: Police report
No report.
42/19: County Councillor’s report
Councillor Longdon reported that there will be a re-vamp of road issues, details will be revealed in May.
43/19: Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Mrs Ball thanked the Parish Council for their support over the years, the Local Elections will be held on 2 May 2019 and she may not be re-elected as the Borough Councillor for Cossall. Councillor Mrs Ball told the Council that Cossall is the “jewel in the crown” of Broxtowe Borough Council.
Councillor Mrs Ball reported that there is a lot of interest in the Ski Slope regarding the Country Park proposals, which will include some housing. This project is something for the future and the Parish Council will be involved. She also expressed an ongoing interest in what happens to the Almshouses.
Councillor Mrs Ball wished the Parish Council all the best for the future.
Councillor Rigby reported that he will not be standing for re-election as a Borough Councillor and, at this point, will not be standing as a Parish Councillor but hopes to be re-elected onto the Council in a few months time.
The Parish Council thanked both Councillor Mrs Ball and Councillor Rigby for everything they have done over the past few years.
44/19: Items for discussion
a) Church Matters – Bell tower
Nothing to report. The Parish Council have a sum of £1,900 towards this project and the Community Chest also have a sum of £400 in their funds to put towards the project – total £2,400.
b) Footpaths/pavements
It was reported that where the sign is at the canal crossing on Mill Lane there is limited access – completely covered with ivy. Councillor Mason will sort this out.
It was reported that the tarmac edges are broken away on the LHS of the pavement on Church Lane (at the bottom towards Millennium Park). The pavement is not wide enough for wheelchair access as it is less than the 1.2m quoted by law in the “Equalities Act”.
At the junction between FP8/FP9 an arm is broken off the sign – Helen Spencer at Viaem will be contacted regarding this.
The litter bin on Robinettes Lane seems to have disappeared.
It was reported that “Tent Man” has been lying in the shrubbery along the towpath, wearing only his underwear – he has frightened girls on horses. Parishioners need to know what to do.
PCSO Keeley will be asked if he can attend the next meeting to advise.
c) Traffic issues
Waiting to hear from Laura Trusler at Viaem regarding a site meeting to discuss the various signage/traffic issues. There is talk that NCC maybe taking over Viaem.
d) Floral displays
Now getting ready for summer planting.
e) Cossall sign
The Parish Council has £1000 towards the cost of a new Cossall sign.
f) Motorcycles
Still around. Need to keep reporting.
g) Almshouses
Nothing to report.
h) Commemorative tree
The tree was dedicated with the siting of the plaque this evening prior to the Parish Council meeting. Remove from Agenda.
i) Neighbourhood Plan
It was reported that there has been an excellent return of questionnaires – about 35%. Nothing else to report at the moment. Most people, especially on the Industrial Estate complained that the BT broadband speed is not very good. BT will be asked when they intend to roll out the broadband at its highest speed – it is not too bad in the village but for the businesses on the Industrial Estate it is inadequate.
j) Bennerley Viaduct & site
Councillor Ms Hopkin reported that this is going ahead. There was a meeting last night and a feature on the news tonight. Historic England will be coming out at some point.
k) CPR course
Nothing to report.
l) Proposals for expenditure in 2019/20
Various proposals were made at the last meeting towards which monies from previous grants could be used. Discussions were held as to which projects to focus on in this financial year. A grant of £1,050 has been received from NCC.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported on costings for solar lights – 72ft strings £16/17 per string, 12m strings £15 (reduced from £49). Need to decide which trees to use and it was suggested that at least 2 strings per tree would be needed.
A scanner will cost in the region of £400 – could use some of the money remaining from the Transparency Grant – need to check balance.
Bell tower.
J. Kitchen’s Grave has already been sorted by Councillor Wilton at a cost of £40.
45/19: Correspondence
Email received from Paul Adcock regarding the 4.5% increase in Council Tax. This was read out to members present. This is to do with dividing the precept by the tax base, which gives a charge for a Band D property – ie precept for 2019/20 is £11,531.00 which is divided by the tax base for the year of 208.48 – giving a charge (for Band D) of £55.31 for 2019/20. There was an increase from £52.93 in 2018/19 to £55.31 for this year and this is 4.50%, which is shown on the Council Tax Demand Notice.
46/19: Planning applications
There were no Planning Applications for discussion.
47/19: Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved for payment:
- Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw: Clerk’s Salary – £404.64
- Cossall PCC: Room Hire (16/04/19) – £24.00
- BHIB: Insurance – £307.06
- Cossall Community Chest: Open Gardens Grant – £350.00
- J. Wilton: Refurb of J. Kitchen’s Grave – £40.00
- Mrs M. Gilbert: Flowers for Gillian Thornhill – £26.84
Total: £1,152.54
Income since 19/03/19
Bank Interest: £1.95
Precept: £11,531.00
NCC Grant: £1,050.00
Total: £12,582.95
Balances @ Bank
Deposit account: £24,354.73
Current account: £366.32
Total: £24,721.05
48/19: Date & time of next Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 14 May 2019 in the Church Hall, commencing at 7.30pm.