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- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor k. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor J. Wheatley
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor K. Rigby
- Councillor D. Mason
- Councillor J. Longdon (NCC)
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
99/19: Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley, Councillor Mrs L. Ball (BBC), Councillor D. Pringle (BBC) and PCSO Keeley (Police).
100/19: Declaration of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest made.
101/19: Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 17 September 2019 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
102/19: Public participation
No members of the public were present.
103/19: Police report
No report
104/19: County Councillor’s report
Councillor Longdon reported that he had inspected Robinettes Lane today and has reported the condition of the road surface.
With regard to Lorry Watch it is not so much the weight of the lorries – it is the length. Will chase this up.
It was reported that the hedges on Robinettes Lane are now so overgrown that pedestrians have to walk on the road. There is also a blocked gully outside The Paddocks and water is pooling on the road. There are gates on Robinettes Lane and livestock is going across the road and breaking down the kerbs and tarmac on the pavement – Patchitt’s gateway next to oak tree.
At Millennium Park the main gate handle is broken and there is also a very deep puddle there. Councillor Longdon will look into these matters.
105/19: Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Mrs Ball had reported via email that the planning application for the Ski Slope has been submitted and will probably go to the Planning Meeting at Broxtowe next month.
Councillor Wheatley reported that there is a lot of fly tipping on Robinettes Lane (near Keepers Cottage) and he has been unable to get through to Broxtowe by phone to report this. Councillor Rigby will (on this occasion) sort this out. There was evidence of the culprit.
Rubbish has been put into the dog bin on Robinettes Lane.
106/19: Items for discussion
a) Church matters – bell tower
Nothing to report. Councillor John Wheatley will try to get in touch with Dale again.
b) The floodlights
Have been repaired. The question was raised as to what time the floodlights should be switched on – at the moment they come on at dusk and stay on until 11pm every day. Need to decide whether to keep them on 7 days per week. The bulbs in the lights are 250 watt – not 70 watt as thought. LED bulbs are not suitable for fitting because the light is too white. It might be worth experimenting with LED bulb with a coloured gel in front of it.
Councillor John Wheatley will look into this.
c) Footpaths/pavements
Laura Trusler at Viaem will be contacted again regarding the overgrown hedges on Robinettes Lane and also regarding the problem with road surface and blocked gully. Helen Spencer at Viaem will be contacted again regarding overgrown hedges/trees on FP24, BP25 and BP32.
d) Traffic issues
A letter will be sent to Anna Soubry MP regarding the speeding and aggressive driving through Cossall. An email has been received from Debbie Pepper regarding an incident, which she reported to the police – a lorry mounted the kerb on the corner of Mill Lane/Church Lane. Councillor Mrs Keating reported that she had spoken to a lorry driver who informed her that the Highway Code states that they have to take the shortest route to their destination. It was felt that chicanes through the village would be better than the speed bumps and/or a speed limit of 20mph. An email will be sent to the Clerks of Awsworth and Trowell Parish Councils regarding a date for a further meeting to discuss off–road bikers and also to address the other traffic issues through the 3 villages.
e) Floral displays
Planting is in hand – all plants and compost ready for planting. Need to raise the Cossall sign on Mill Lane as it is obscured by the plants in the planter, or have shorter plants.
f) Cossall sign
Nothing to report.
g) Conservation sign
The poster is ready and Chris Gilbert has got the digital file for future copies when needed. Perspex needs replacing on Notice Board. Councillor Wheatley will sort it out.
h) Off-road bikers
An email will be sent to clerks of Awsworth and Trowell Parish Councils regarding a date for a further meeting.
i) Almshouses
Councillor Wheatley reported that he was supposed to have a meeting with Gurjit Mahal and Joe Mitson but was unable to attend. Gurjit has had problems with his Architect so now has a new one – Julian Owen.
j) Neighbourhood Plan
Nothing to report.
k) Bennerley Viaduct & site
There will be a lot of activity next week to reclaim bricks but have got to evict the newts first. An ecologist will be there to move them – has got 4 days to do this.
l) CPR course
Getting nowhere with St John’s Ambulance. Have found a guy – Paul Moore a Volunteer for Notts Save a Life, who does training for groups. Takes about 2 hours and asks for a donation to the Royal Lifesaving Society – £150 (£50 for expenses and £100 donation). Is unable to hold session on a Thursday but can be any other day before or after Christmas – he also does Defibrillator training. It was decided that late January on a Friday would be best. Need to advertise – could be done as part of a leaflet drop, on notice boards and in Church Magazine.
Councillor John Wheatley will book a date.
m) Proposals for Expenditure in 2019
Re website – Councillor Mrs Gilbert confirmed that Russ is happy to do this. Need to get Russ in touch with Charlie Shaw. £30/month for 10 months. Give him more initially to set it all up.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that she has tested the lights and feels that they are not robust enough to be in trees but would be ideal for round the Lych Gate at the church, Would need a minimum of 2000 bulb sets per tree and will need NCC power towers if putting on NCC trees (£500-£800 each). The Parish Council would pay NCC because the power comes off their lamp posts – something for future reference. Will put on agenda for Finance Meeting next month – possibly 1 tree per year.
n) Tent man
Councillor Wheatley reported that he had received a phone call from a parishioner reporting that his daughter has seen Tent Man, possibly on the other side of canal.
o) Youth club
Cheque will be signed tonight.
p) Combat Loneliness Project
Councillor Rigby suggested doing an article on this, also including CPR Course, Neighbourhood Plan, Book Scanner. Lorries, illegal off road bikers, etc. He will organise the copy for this news letter and will arrange to meet Councillor Mrs Gilbert to isscuss. Councillor Mrs Gilbert saw Sue/John Hill and reported that what they have done with their Amiegos Club is very good. About 30 people attend. We need to assess need in the parish and see if within reasonable means for the Parish Council to provide some assistence to lonely residents of the Parish.
At this point the time is 9.30pm – it was proposed and seconded, show of hands and all were in favour of a 15 minute extension to the meeting.
q) Rememberance Sunday
This will be on Sunday 10 November. Two wreaths have been ordered at a cost of £17 each (£34) – this is usually included in the main annual donation of £254 but has now to be paid when ordering. A further donation of £220 will be made at next meeting. Councillor Wheatley will put out the Soldier and poppies. Councillor Ms Hopkin and
Councillor Harrison will lay the wreaths. Councillor Harrison will also ask if we may have the bugler as last year. It was suggested that a donation be made to the church towards the heating. It was proposed and seconded, show of hands and all were in favour that a donation of £100 will be made. Cheque will be raised at next meeting.
107/19: Correspondence
No correspondence had been received.
108/19: Planning applications
No planning applications for discussion.
109/19: Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved for payment:-
- Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw: Clerk’s salary – £404.64
- Cossall PCC: Room hire (15/10/19) – £24.00
- ABC Youth Club: Donation towards sound system – £200.00
- Treetops Hospice Trust: Donation re Joe Holland – £25.00
- C. Gilbert: Conservation poster for notice board – £289.00
- Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw: Poppy wreaths – £34.00
Total: £976.64
Income since 16/07/19
Bank interest: £3.33
Total: £3.33
Balances @ bank
Deposit account: £19,374.39
Current account: £337.61
Total: £19,711.97
110/19: Date & time of next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 19 November 2019 in the Church Hall, commencing at 7.30pm.
Immediately prior to this meeting there will be a meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee to discuss Precept requirements for 2020/2021. This meeting will commence at 7pm.