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- Councillor J. Wheatley (Chair)
- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor Mrs L. Ball (BBC)
- Councillor J. Longdon (NCC)
- Mrs Jennifer Renshaw (Member of the Public)
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
01/19: Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Councillor K. Harrison, Councillor D. Mason and PCSO P. Keeley (Police).
02/19: Declaration of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest.
03/19: Minutes of the last meeting
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 20 November 2018 were duly approved and signed by the Chairman.
04/19: Public participation
Mrs Jennifer Renshaw of Church Lane, Cossall reported that there has been a homeless person camping on the field adjacent to her property for some time. There is an unsecured barn on their property. The Police have been informed and have been to see the homeless person but they cannot do anything about it. The man is camping approximately 200m from the back of the property.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that there are 4 tents on the old ski slope and it seems that the people in them are foreign. The police have been informed and have been out. Apparently the church opposite Tesco have told these people that they can use the toilets etc and have provided 2 tents and bedding. Councillor Mrs Ball said these are 2 different issues. Think it could be the “tent man” who is camping at the back of Mrs Renshaw’s property and has been advised that no one should approach him as he is aggressive. She has spoke to Gary Smithurst (Homeless Officer at BBC) and thinks that Outreach workers are trying to sort him out. The people on the ski slope are known to Erewash BC, they have been offered food and accommodation but don’t seem to want to be helped. Framework/Outreach workers go out at 5am in the morning and action will be taken.
05/19: Police report
No report. An email was sent to PCSO Keeley requesting a monthly report via email but this is not possible.
06/19: County Councillor’s report
Councillor Longdon reported that he had posted the letter regarding funding through Councillor Wheatley’s letterbox. Tarmaccing has been done – but not where needed! There is a drop-down grate on Coronation Road, near Chatterleys, at Ilkeston end on RHS. It was reported that the broken barrier on A610 (Lamp post 100) has still not been sorted. This was reported at least 4 months ago. Councillor Longdon will look into these matters.
07/19: Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Mrs Ball had confirmed via email that she has sent a photo of the map in the Notice Board to Tim Crawford, this has apparently got to be submitted to the Planning department. The question was raised as to whether the Parish Council could sort this out – just need the original artwork to have a new copy printed.
Councillor Mrs Ball will look into this.
Councillor Mrs Harrison asked about the traffic calming in the area, Anna Soubry (MP for Broxtowe) has becocome involved over one incident in Awsworth but there is nothing further to report regarding that.
The question was raised regarding the Medilink bus which used to go to the City Hospital and Queen’s Medical Centre – this bus used to be free for people with referrals to the hospitals but now County residents have to pay for the service when City residents can still travel free – why is this?
Councillor Londgon will look into this.
08/19: Items for discussion
a) Church matters – bell tower
Nothing to report.
b) Footpaths/pavements
It was reported that the pot hole on Robinettes Lane has been filled in – but that there is still a 3” drop.
It was reported that nothing has been done on the canal towpath regarding the overgrowth between Mill Lane and Millennium Park – this is very dangerous as cant see the edge of the path against the water. Apparently this is not actually a footpath (not shown on map). It is on the opposite side of the canal to the proposed Bridleway – heading NW from the bridge on Mill Lane towards Awsworth, village not Ilkeston side. Helen Spencer (RoW Officer at Viaem) will be contacted regarding this.
c) Traffic issues
Speeding is not really the issue through the village.
d) Floral displays
The planters look wonderful. The question was raised, again, about making the signs on the planters smaller. Ian Hardiker made the original signs, maybe he could be approached to make some smaller signs Also, maybe the colour of the signs could be changed and the signs re-positioned on the side of the planters. Ian Hardiker will be contacted and Councillor Wheatley will liaise with Chris Gilbert regarding the repositioning of the signs.
e) Cossall sign
Councillor Wheatley will take a photo of the sign at the Awsworth end (outside the Gardeners). The position will be marked up on a map and a quote obtained for the actual sign.
f) Motorcycles
Motorcycles were heard at the weekend – travelling up Mill Lane and onto Robinettes Lane. ?coming to and from Strelley.
g) Almshouses
It was reported that No. 5 has been broken into and some copper pipes have been stolen The owners are aware and water to all the properties has been turned off. There is also a substantial amount of lead on the roof. Jason Morden (NCC), Joe Mitson and Tom Genway (BBC) will be contacted regarding these issues.
h) Commemorative tree
Councillor Wilton reported that he is waiting for Councillor Wheatley to send wording for plaque. He has received a quote from Baileys for an oblong granite slab – this is around £80 for a flat one but it maybe better to get a “pillow” type one.
Councillor Wheatley will speak to Mrs Pike to confirm wording for the plaque.
i) Standing Orders
The Clerk will type up the Standing Orders, so there is an electronic copy, and will send out these and all the attachments to councillors before the next meeting. The Standing Orders will be approved at the next meeting.
j) Neighbourhood Plan
This is making steady progess. Questionnaires have been gone through for businesses and parishioners. Chris Gilbert will get them printed and they will then be sent out. 2-3 weeks will be given for responses. Following this, the Neighbourhood Plan can be put together. A grant of £1492 has been received and this has been deposited in the Parish Council’s Current account. Need display boards – 6ft by 4ft in blue. A budget has been set for £450 but cost will be slightly over as the boards to be ordered will cost £476.20 + VAT
k) Bennerley Viaduct & site
Councillor Ms Hopkin reported that there will be another meeting sometime in February.
l) Nottingham Canal Nature Reserve
It was reported that the canal is filling up but it is in an appalling condition. Residents need to complain individually to BBC as the canal needs maintaining properly in order to protect the water voles. Red weed is returning to the Erewash Canal, from Trowell it is in a very bad condition. Wendy Adcock will be contacted regarding this.
m) Local Re-organisation in Nottinghamshire
This project has been scrapped, not going ahead with it. Remove from Agenda.
n) CPR course
Nothing to report.
09/19: Correspondence
Local Council Review
10/19: Planning applications
There were no Planning Applications for discussion.
11/19: Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved for payment:
- Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw: Clerk’s salary – £394.78
- Cossall PCC: Room hire (15/01/19) – £24.00
- NALC: Annual subs – £121.46
- C. Gilbert: Advert for Neighbourhood Plan – £64.00
Total: £604.24
Income since 16/10/18
Bank interest: £4.24
Total: £4.24
Balances @ bank
Deposit account: £13,263.61
Current account: £1,957.86
Total: £15,221.47
Following purchase of the display boards for the Neighbourhood Plan, the balance remaining from grant of £1,492 will be transferred into the Parish Council’s Deposit account.
12/19: Date & time of next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 19 February 2019 in the Church Hall, commencing at 7.30pm.