Cossall Parish Council and Awsworth Parish Council met with Avant Homes 10th May for our second Liaison Group meeting. Issues and concerns had been raised by residents and these have been addressed as follows:
- Hedges blocking footpath towards the bottom of Newtons Lane have been cut back following an assessment by an Ecologist consultant.
- Avant Homes have confirmed that the drill and grout phase of the development will take up to 26 weeks; this is due to finish at the earliest mid-August, the latest end of September. Note that this does not involve piling but ground stabilisation to provide a foundation for strip footings.
- Avant Homes continue to and will continue to reiterate the operational hours to all contractors and HGV drivers.
- Avant Homes confirmed that there will be sweeper cleaning daily during removal of excavated spoil, otherwise twice weekly and certainly every Friday.
- Following reports of silt running from the site in to the canal, Avant Homes have confirmed that a silt fence and bund has been installed on the boundary which will reduce the volume and remove silt from the runoff from the site.
Avant Homes future timeline of works:
- Until Mid -June drilling and grouting works only.
- Mid-June – first phase of road installation will commence, from Newtons Lane end of the site to The View (12 weeks approx.) – It is hoped that within 12 months, all site traffic will have vehicular access from Shilo Way
- End of August – first set of foundations to be laid (Newtons Lane end of the site)
Agreed Actions:
- Avant Homes to distribute a flyer to all residents of Barlow Drive North, with an extract of the plan to show the ‘buffer zone’ behind their properties.
- Avant Homes to continue to reiterate operation hours to contractors and drivers.
Both Parish Councils will continue to meet with Avant Homes on a monthly basis and ask that if you have any concerns, ongoing issues or feedback please contact the relevant Parish Council.
If you are a resident of COSSALL please contact The Clerk, via email: info@cossallparishcouncil.co.uk or post: Parish Council Clerk, 227 St Norbert Drive, Kirk Hallam, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, DE7 4ES.
If you are a resident of AWSWORTH please contact The Clerk, Hayley Holt via email: clerkawsworthpc@hotmail.co.uk or post: Parish Council Office, The Lane, Awsworth, Nottingham, NG16 2RF