Cossall Parish Council and Awsworth Parish Council have created a Liaison Group with Avant Homes, which will meet monthly to discuss the housing development on the land west of Awsworth (inside the Bypass). Avant Homes are the building company for this project, which will comprise of 250 new homes.
If you have any concerns, ongoing issues or feedback please contact the relevant Parish Council.
If you are a resident of COSSALL please contact The Clerk, via email: info@cossallparishcouncil.co.uk
or by post to The Parish Council Clerk, 227 St Norbert Drive, Kirk Hallam, Ilkeston, DE7 4ES.
If you are a resident of AWSWORTH please contact The Clerk, via email: clerkawsworthpc@hotmail.co.uk
or by post to The Parish Council Office, The Lane, Awsworth, NG16 2RF
Updates from the meeting will be published on both Parish Councils’ websites and social media pages.